Category:Military maps of the world
English: See also : Category:Conflicts by country
中文:參見 : Category:Conflicts by country
Ongoing armed conflicts ( Countries Maps )
National or regional Maps of ongoing insurgencies, armed conflicts, disputes of territories, military conflicts, and also current civil or international wars : Overview Maps:
National-wide Maps:
National-wide Maps of areas of activity:
Note: Comments "areas of activity" means that this is not territorial control is shown. Sub-national-wide Maps:
See also:
Category:Conflicts in 2025 (with list of countries in ongoing armed conflicts) Template:City maps of ongoing civil wars (Local maps) |
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Media in category "Military maps of the world"
The following 134 files are in this category, out of 134 total.
501stMap.png 1,427 × 633; 60 KB
Active troops per thousand citizens.png 3,132 × 1,589; 457 KB
Active troops per thousand citizens.svg 940 × 477; 2.26 MB
American bases worldwide.svg 512 × 263; 1.11 MB
American empire4.png 1,427 × 742; 53 KB
Approach of U.S. Naval Forces to Lingayen Gulf, January 1945 - Map.jpg 1,426 × 2,016; 1.53 MB
Armed Forces of the Philippines foreign suppliers map.png 4,500 × 2,234; 295 KB
Aurora 17.svg 2,560 × 1,314; 1.06 MB
Bases-estadounidenses 2008.svg 2,754 × 1,397; 2.04 MB
Battlefields in The Global War on Terror - edit04.png 1,425 × 625; 33 KB
Battlefields in The Global War on Terror.svg 863 × 443; 1.41 MB
British Army Adaptable Force - Overseas Brigade Focuses.svg 863 × 443; 951 KB
Caractéristiques des armées dans le monde.jpg 3,833 × 3,664; 10.6 MB
Cascos Blancos. Dónde trabajamos.png 669 × 498; 411 KB
Categorie di Potenze 2014-06-01 10-06.jpg 1,425 × 625; 155 KB
Conscription map of the world(1968).svg 1,339 × 680; 1.1 MB
Conscription map of the world(1985).svg 1,253 × 636; 1.8 MB
Conscription map of the world.svg 2,560 × 1,134; 1.15 MB
Conscription Map.png 2,000 × 886; 263 KB
Countries by destroyer number.png 7,752 × 3,498; 2.4 MB
Countries by military per capita br.svg 1,122 × 422; 278 KB
Countries by military per capita.svg 1,052 × 396; 249 KB
Countries by soldier count.svg 863 × 443; 1.2 MB
Countries supplying military equipment to Russia during the 2022 Russian invasion.png 4,500 × 2,592; 285 KB
Countries with a missile defense system.png 6,460 × 4,114; 2.03 MB
Countries with missile defense system.png 6,460 × 3,630; 1.61 MB
Countries with USA military bases 2015.png 2,753 × 1,400; 128 KB
Countrys with a Missile defense system.png 6,460 × 3,403; 2.34 MB
Current US military deployments.png 800 × 353; 42 KB
Current-Major-Military-Alliances.png 1,069 × 469; 69 KB
Deployment of USAF combat forces worldwide as of July 1, 1960.png 849 × 584; 547 KB
Exercise North Thunder Map.png 7,192 × 3,318; 2.12 MB
Exercise Vigilant Eagle.svg 2,560 × 1,314; 1.06 MB
GCCMAP.png 10,667 × 5,475; 4.86 MB
Georgian Army - Operations abroad since 1991.png 1,425 × 625; 32 KB
Green-Water Navies.png 330 × 153; 9 KB
Hizballah areas of operation and finance map.tiff 1,262 × 866; 3.13 MB
ICAN Humanitarian Pledge or nuclear arsenal world map.png 1,425 × 625; 38 KB
International Maritime Security Construct Map.png 7,192 × 3,318; 2 MB
Intl bases.png 3,053 × 1,936; 363 KB
JEF map.png 2,753 × 1,400; 68 KB
Jurisdictions with Russian Armed Forces bases.svg 2,048 × 1,097; 201 KB
Jurisdictions with United States Armed Forces bases.svg 2,048 × 1,097; 202 KB
Lista delle portaere in servizio.png 1,357 × 617; 36 KB
Lista di portaerei in servizio.png 1,357 × 617; 334 KB
Lista di portaerei operative.png 1,357 × 617; 36 KB
Lista di portaerei.png 1,357 × 617; 36 KB
Main countries of activity of Al-Qaeda.png 770 × 400; 50 KB
Major NON NATO Ally.png 6,400 × 3,224; 2.22 MB
Malabar exercise countries.svg 2,560 × 1,314; 1.06 MB
Map military specialists of Belarus.png 3,739 × 2,132; 1.88 MB
Map of countries by number of active troops.PNG 1,498 × 634; 53 KB
Map of countries without armed forces.svg 863 × 443; 1.58 MB
Map of Operators of Bushmaster.PNG 1,425 × 625; 48 KB
Map of the British Empire, 1940.jpg 12,384 × 7,904; 13.18 MB
Map of United Kingdom overseas military bases.png 1,419 × 720; 196 KB
Map of United States military operations after World War II.svg 940 × 415; 1.5 MB
Map with R-77 operators in blue.png 1,920 × 976; 263 KB
Mapa na Messe Militar de Lagos - 22.11.2022.jpg 4,080 × 3,060; 4.58 MB
Mapa návrat legií -transporty.jpg 780 × 546; 125 KB
MCCE.png 2,753 × 1,400; 92 KB
Military Intervention against ISIL.svg 2,560 × 1,314; 1.66 MB
Military-Spend-as-a-Share-of-GDP.png 820 × 432; 142 KB
Missile Technology Control Regime.png 1,357 × 628; 47 KB
MTCR.png 1,357 × 628; 53 KB
Multinational force in iraq countries.PNG 1,485 × 643; 54 KB
Navy capabilities.png 1,357 × 628; 35 KB
Nora B-52 blue operators.png 2,753 × 1,400; 109 KB
NSM map.svg 2,754 × 1,398; 1.1 MB
Nuclear umbrella by country as 2024.svg 512 × 260; 1.18 MB
Nuclear umbrella by country.png 7,192 × 3,318; 2.24 MB
Nuclear Umbrella by Country.svg 2,048 × 997; 375 KB
Nuclear weapons states 2019.svg 512 × 265; 857 KB
Number of active troops world map, 2009.png 1,498 × 634; 35 KB
OPEX au 30-09-2010.jpg 1,229 × 664; 622 KB
Opérations extérieures depuis 2001.png 1,425 × 625; 36 KB
Pantsir-S1 operators updated.png 2,753 × 1,400; 127 KB
Pauk class corvette users.png 1,427 × 628; 50 KB
Países Operadores do C-390.png 6,460 × 3,480; 897 KB
Petya class frigate.png 1,427 × 628; 50 KB
Post Cold-War UN “Peace Operations” (1990–99).png 1,378 × 997; 286 KB
PzH-2000 operators 2022-06-23.png 2,753 × 1,400; 69 KB
Quds Force Operations.png 1,365 × 628; 47 KB
Range of the Ghauri-III.svg 853 × 432; 1.44 MB
Regional powers of the World.svg 880 × 374; 1.21 MB
Russia bases world.svg 2,754 × 1,398; 1.1 MB
Russian military base.png 1,623 × 765; 40 KB
Russian military bases.png 1,425 × 625; 28 KB
Sexual orientation and military by country.png 1,512 × 738; 64 KB
Shaheen-III-missile-range.svg 853 × 432; 1.54 MB
Sosus map.jpg 1,125 × 626; 280 KB
SOUTCHCOM AOR.jpg 955 × 460; 46 KB
Swedish armed forces in the world.svg 940 × 415; 1.5 MB
The Middle East Military Balance, 1997.jpg 540 × 303; 31 KB
The Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction (1998).GIF 970 × 833; 378 KB
Transgender military service.svg 2,560 × 1,314; 1.14 MB
Typhoon Operators (2020).png 2,560 × 1,314; 348 KB
U.S. Unified Command Plan Map 2008-12-23.pdf 1,650 × 1,275; 335 KB
U.S. Unified Command Plan Map 2008-12-23.png 1,600 × 1,236; 1.4 MB
U.S. Unified Command Plan Map 2011-04-06.png 1,157 × 875; 1.28 MB
Ukrainian Military Support.pdf 5,737 × 2,912; 1.21 MB
Unified Combatant Commands map.png 2,560 × 1,299; 584 KB
Unified Command map s.jpg 4,046 × 2,696; 5 MB
United Kingdom military bases worldwide.png 1,425 × 625; 56 KB
United Kingdom overseas military installations and operations.png 1,425 × 625; 56 KB
United States Air Forces Central Command Map.jpg 648 × 632; 126 KB
US military bases in the world 2007.svg 940 × 415; 1.5 MB
US military in the world 2007 (alternative).svg 940 × 477; 1.26 MB
US military in the world 2007.png 1,425 × 625; 19 KB
US military in the world 2007.svg 940 × 477; 1.67 MB
US-Bases-World-2002.png 1,425 × 625; 29 KB
USA military relations 2007.png 1,480 × 625; 33 KB
USA military relations 2007b.png 1,357 × 628; 20 KB
VFWEligibilityMap Ribbons.tif 7,160 × 4,415; 10.19 MB
Wagner Group Map.svg 2,754 × 1,398; 1.11 MB
War Plan Red colour designation map.PNG 1,425 × 625; 33 KB
Weapons of Mass Destruction by Country as of 2016.png 6,460 × 3,455; 1.84 MB
Weapons of mass destruction by country.PNG 1,357 × 628; 46 KB
Webysther 20150107 - Países da África que atualmente estão em conflito.svg 863 × 443; 1.55 MB
White Helmets. Where we work.png 676 × 500; 419 KB
World Major Military Alliances.png 1,425 × 625; 70 KB
World nuclear weapons.png 1,357 × 628; 37 KB
World operators of Falco.png 1,425 × 625; 30 KB
World operators of HAL Dhruv by 2009.PNG 1,425 × 625; 54 KB
World2s.png 333 × 256; 151 KB
Worldmap-MIM104-S300.png 1,427 × 628; 31 KB
Yugo class submarine users.png 1,427 × 628; 50 KB
Полётный радиус Ту-95РЦ ВМФ СССР с аэродромов в ДРСТП.gif 797 × 795; 68 KB