Category:Books about botany
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This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 212 total.
(previous page) (next page)- Botany books djvu files (20 F)
- Botany books single pages (107 F)
- Covers of books about botany (26 F)
- Books about Banksia (2 F)
- A family herbal (1 F)
- Anne Pratt - Wild Flowers (1857) (100 F)
- Banks' Florilegium (10 F)
- Plantae utiliore (1842-1850) (94 F)
- Conversations on Botany (18 F)
- Critica Botanica (2 F)
- De Florum Cultura (22 F)
- De Entdeckung Ursache Wachstum Pflanzen (1 P, 652 F)
- Flora Azorica (1844) (16 F)
- Flora conspicua (1826) (61 F)
- Flora Homoeopathica (1 P, 86 F)
- Flora regni Borussici (30 F)
- Flora Rossica (8 F)
- Flora Sinensis (27 F)
- Flora's dictionary (4 F)
- Florae Fluminensis (16 F)
- Flore forestière (19 F)
- Flowers of Loveliness (13 F)
- Fragmenta Botanica (244 F)
- Fundamenta Botanica (2 F)
- Herbier Colorie de l'Amerique (100 F)
- Hortulus Monheimensis (1615) (106 F)
- Hortus Upsalensis (5 F)
- How plants behave (Gray) (2 F)
- How plants grow (Gray) (4 F)
- Institutiones rei herbariae (497 F)
- Kurs botaniki (1865) (225 F)
- Leçons de botanique (24 F)
- Medicinal plants (1880) (32 F)
- Monographia cycadearum (8 F)
- Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs (1 P, 99 F)
- New Kreüterbuch, 1563 (1614 F)
- New vollkommenlich Kräuter-Buch (302 F)
- Nova genera plantarum (4 F)
- Owoce południowe (1901) (68 F)
- Philosophia Botanica (25 F)
- Phytographia (empty)
- Plantae selectae (4 F)
- Rariorum plantarum historia (13 F)
- Skånska Resa (40 F)
- Specimen historiae plantarum (11 F)
- Spicilegium Neilgherrense (196 F)
- Symbolae Antillanae (38 F)
- Systema Vegetabilium (3 F)
- The botanist’s repository (808 F)
- The bulb book (1911) (5 F)
- The flora of the Alps (5 F)
- The gardener's dictionary (25 F)
- The Pinetum Britannicum (1 F)
- Thesaurus Botanicus (2 F)
- Tulip Book by Jacob Marrel (87 F)
Pages in category "Books about botany"
The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.
Media in category "Books about botany"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 282 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
Manual of the botany of the northern United States (IA 754 × 1,266, 924 pages; 49.12 MB
An introduction to botany, in a series of familiar letters, with illustrative engravings (IA 637 × 1,052, 258 pages; 8.16 MB
A Manual of Indian Botany.djvu 1,288 × 2,079, 408 pages; 12.42 MB
A Short Account of the Botany of Poole.djvu 1,487 × 2,685, 28 pages; 4.76 MB
About orchids, a chat.. (IA aboutorchidschat00boyliala).pdf 643 × 970, 292 pages; 8.76 MB
Agricultural botany- (IA agriculturalbota00darl).pdf 675 × 1,262, 342 pages; 21.87 MB
Alphabet of botany, for the use of beginners (IA alphabetofbotany00rennrich).pdf 583 × 887, 216 pages; 19.3 MB
The alpine flora (IA alpineflora00corrrich).pdf 814 × 1,235, 452 pages; 55.61 MB
Alpine flowers and gardens (IA alpineflowersgar00flemrich).pdf 818 × 1,293, 272 pages; 31.27 MB
Alpine flowers for gardens - rock, wall, marsh plants, and mountain shrubs (IA alpineflowersgar00robirich).pdf 814 × 1,287, 380 pages; 49.23 MB
American sumac- a valuable tanning material and dyestuff (IA americansumacval00veitrich).pdf 858 × 1,397, 26 pages; 2.03 MB
Analysis of the Mexican plant Tecoma mollis H.B.K (IA analysisofmexica00keblrich).pdf 841 × 1,335, 18 pages; 890 KB
The anatomy of woody plants (IA anatomyofwoodypl00jeffiala).pdf 539 × 762, 498 pages; 30.7 MB
Aotearoa New Zealand fern gloss. pdf docx.pdf 1,239 × 1,752, 353 pages; 60.67 MB
Ardene, Jean Paul de Rome d' – Traité des Renoncules, 1746 – BEIC 6923831.jpg 968 × 1,522; 194 KB
Arduino, Pietro – Animadversionum botanicarum specimen, 1759 – BEIC 6933345.jpg 1,191 × 1,532; 167 KB
Aureliana canadensis Joseph-François Lafitau 1718.jpg 2,910 × 2,475; 1.34 MB
Botanicon Sinicum- notes on Chinese botany from native and Western sources (IA b24877104).pdf 1,139 × 1,864, 638 pages; 30.8 MB
Useful plants - plants adapted for the food of man described and illustrated (IA b24921464).pdf 870 × 1,350, 166 pages; 8.83 MB
Medical Heritage Library (IA b30334809).pdf 1,177 × 1,679, 266 pages; 20.25 MB
The abridgement of the gardeners dictionary (IA b30412730).pdf 1,616 × 2,118, 958 pages; 126.33 MB
Banksia books.jpg 2,375 × 2,457; 2.22 MB
Bauhin, Johann – Historia plantarum universalis, 1650 – BEIC 6657321.jpg 1,688 × 2,769; 295 KB
Beiträge zur Flora von Süddalmatien BHL10542175.jpg 2,394 × 3,925; 571 KB
Berkenhout, John – Clavis anglica linguae botanicae, 1764 – BEIC 10963821.jpg 1,220 × 2,114; 167 KB
Bonelli, Giorgio – Hortus romanus, 1772 – BEIC 6949051.jpg 2,878 × 4,180; 787 KB
The book of annuals; (IA bookofannuals00sayl).pdf 670 × 1,035, 136 pages; 5.29 MB
The book of flowers (IA bookofflowers00kirk).pdf 929 × 1,487, 400 pages; 10.98 MB
Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA botanicummedici00shel).pdf 1,672 × 2,595, 251 pages; 19.98 MB
Botanik (Page 10) BHL10479939.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 576 KB
Botanik (Page 102) BHL10480018.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 566 KB
Botanik (Page 104) BHL10480020.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 519 KB
Botanik (Page 105) BHL10480021.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 540 KB
Botanik (Page 106) BHL10480022.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 689 KB
Botanik (Page 107) BHL10480023.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 670 KB
Botanik (Page 108) BHL10480024.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 572 KB
Botanik (Page 11) BHL10479938.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 515 KB
Botanik (Page 115) BHL10480031.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 458 KB
Botanik (Page 117) BHL10480033.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 600 KB
Botanik (Page 119) BHL10480035.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 613 KB
Botanik (Page 120) BHL10480036.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 525 KB
Botanik (Page 122) BHL10480038.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 579 KB
Botanik (Page 125) BHL10480041.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 625 KB
Botanik (Page 132) BHL10480048.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 637 KB
Botanik (Page 133) BHL10480049.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 655 KB
Botanik (Page 14) BHL10479907.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 676 KB
Botanik (Page 15) BHL10479908.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 554 KB
Botanik (Page 18) BHL10479911.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 612 KB
Botanik (Page 19) BHL10479912.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 544 KB
Botanik (Page 22) BHL10479915.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 579 KB
Botanik (Page 24) BHL10479917.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 594 KB
Botanik (Page 26) BHL10479919.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 645 KB
Botanik (Page 27) BHL10479920.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 585 KB
Botanik (Page 28) BHL10479921.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 678 KB
Botanik (Page 30) BHL10479923.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 596 KB
Botanik (Page 32) BHL10479925.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 662 KB
Botanik (Page 33) BHL10479926.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 620 KB
Botanik (Page 37) BHL10479930.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 721 KB
Botanik (Page 38) BHL10479931.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 568 KB
Botanik (Page 40) BHL10479933.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 550 KB
Botanik (Page 41) BHL10479934.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 517 KB
Botanik (Page 48) BHL10479964.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 570 KB
Botanik (Page 49) BHL10479965.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 626 KB
Botanik (Page 53) BHL10479969.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 570 KB
Botanik (Page 57) BHL10479973.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 675 KB
Botanik (Page 8) BHL10479941.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 535 KB
Botanik (Page 95) BHL10480011.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 514 KB
Botanik (Page 96) BHL10480012.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 572 KB
Botanik (Page 97) BHL10480013.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 604 KB
Botanik (Page 99) BHL10480015.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 543 KB
Botanik BHL10479950.jpg 1,830 × 3,131; 451 KB
Botanique (Page 39) BHL41743379.jpg 2,458 × 3,375; 623 KB
Botanique BHL41743440.jpg 2,717 × 3,668; 594 KB
Botanique BHL41743477.jpg 2,458 × 3,375; 579 KB
Botanologicon.jpg 848 × 1,333; 173 KB
Botany (of Central Park) BHL40833128.jpg 4,281 × 1,712; 616 KB
Botany (Page 13) BHL16936952.jpg 2,184 × 3,574; 1.1 MB
Botany (Page 15) BHL16936950.jpg 2,184 × 3,574; 1.19 MB
Botany (Page 26) BHL16936927.jpg 2,184 × 3,574; 1.14 MB
Botany (Page 34) BHL16936935.jpg 2,184 × 3,574; 1.31 MB
Botany (Page 36) BHL16936937.jpg 2,184 × 3,574; 1.18 MB
Botany (Page v) BHL16936960.jpg 2,184 × 3,574; 1,017 KB
Botany BHL12885893.jpg 1,929 × 2,651; 318 KB
Botany BHL16936962.jpg 2,184 × 3,574; 978 KB
Botany for agricultural students (IA botanyforagricul00martrich).pdf 775 × 1,235, 612 pages; 44.04 MB
Botany for high schools (IA botanyforhighsch00atkirich).pdf 685 × 1,066, 520 pages; 54.81 MB
Botany for secondary schools; a guide to the knowledge of the vegetation of the neighborhood (IA botanyforseconda00bailrich).pdf 712 × 1,122, 490 pages; 51.26 MB
Botany (IA botanygreenjreyn00greerich).pdf 631 × 954, 136 pages; 11.01 MB
Botany for high schhools (IA botanyhighschools00atkirich).pdf 718 × 1,104, 572 pages; 36.11 MB
Duke University Libraries (IA botanyofnorthern00beck).pdf 675 × 1,102, 540 pages; 35.01 MB
Botany - or, The modern study of plants (IA botanyormodernst00stoprich).pdf 577 × 916, 104 pages; 13.09 MB
Bradley, Richard – History of succulent plants, 1739 – BEIC 6925295.jpg 1,113 × 1,573; 325 KB
Catalogue of the Bryophyta (IA catalogueofbryop00port).pdf 883 × 1,377, 80 pages; 4.93 MB
Christian Traugott Bucher Floris Dresdensis Nomenclator Titelblatt.jpg 1,176 × 1,984; 239 KB
Chromosome of Cultivated Plants.png 1,108 × 1,264; 956 KB
Coloured vade-mecum to the alpine flora.. (IA colouredvademecu00schrrich).pdf 718 × 1,150, 124 pages; 23.59 MB
Contributions from the Hull Botanical Laboratory (1895-) (20501975979).jpg 2,084 × 2,958; 1.35 MB
Couverture ebook Plantes et savoirs.jpg 1,024 × 1,594; 817 KB
The wild flower book for young people (IA cu31924000528053).pdf 716 × 1,106, 500 pages; 8 MB
Leaflets of botanical observation and criticism (IA cu31924000565121).pdf 760 × 1,202, 532 pages; 12.08 MB
A few familiar flowers- how to love them at home or in school (IA cu31924000596332).pdf 747 × 1,012, 296 pages; 5.44 MB
Agricultural botany, theoretical and practical (IA cu31924000603971).pdf 675 × 1,037, 852 pages; 16.92 MB
Elementary plant physiology (IA cu31924000661375).pdf 650 × 1,041, 160 pages; 3.57 MB
Experimental plant physiology for beginners (IA cu31924000661532).pdf 635 × 1,027, 128 pages; 2.9 MB
Studies on the plant cell. pt.1-8 (IA cu31924000664361).pdf 891 × 1,272, 370 pages; 8.24 MB
Plant analysis- qualitative and quantitative (IA cu31924000667620).pdf 725 × 1,189, 306 pages; 9.9 MB
Springtime flowers; easy lessons in botany (IA cu31924001264708).pdf 837 × 1,104, 104 pages; 2.61 MB
A flora of the English Lake District (IA cu31924001671829).pdf 762 × 1,283, 280 pages; 6.19 MB
Beautiful and rare trees & plants (IA cu31924002821068).pdf 1,343 × 1,766, 186 pages; 12.21 MB
Lilies, being one of a series of flower monographs (IA cu31924002822280).pdf 610 × 912, 166 pages; 2.47 MB
Our northern shrubs and how to identify them - a handbook for the nature-lover (IA cu31924050318843).pdf 752 × 1,164, 566 pages; 17 MB
Flower stories (IA cu31924067841712).pdf 760 × 1,170, 278 pages; 3.29 MB
Flower fables and fancies (IA cu31924067844112).pdf 727 × 1,085, 302 pages; 4.75 MB
Cupid's basket - or, The language and poetry of flowers (IA cupidsbasket00a).pdf 491 × 706, 362 pages; 11.66 MB
De la fécondation dans les phanérogames BHL12991265.jpg 1,809 × 3,240; 271 KB
Deans Cowan Plate 41.jpg 4,110 × 6,177; 1.24 MB
Elementary Botany for the Use of Beginners - cover.jpg 539 × 898; 202 KB
En Nyttigh Örte-Bok-1644.djvu 6,525 × 9,281, 338 pages; 134.02 MB
Ess Agrostogr - page de couverture.jpg 380 × 707; 34 KB
Experimental plant physiology (IA experimentalpla00macd).pdf 497 × 825, 108 pages; 5.95 MB
F. Balsamo - Quadri sinottici di Botanica (1889).jpg 2,630 × 3,852; 3.94 MB
F. Balsamo - Sunto delle lezioni di Botanica (1893).jpg 2,664 × 3,838; 3.25 MB
Feuillée Cardamindum.png 1,039 × 1,436; 1.15 MB
Feuillée Filix monor.png 1,013 × 1,420; 1.14 MB
Feuillée Lilio.png 969 × 1,401; 1,008 KB
Feuillée Pacay.png 1,029 × 1,455; 1.27 MB
Feuillée Solanum.png 1,021 × 1,414; 1.36 MB
Feuillée Urceolaria.png 873 × 1,222; 977 KB
A few familiar flowers- how to love them at home or in school (IA fewfamiliarflowe00morlrich).pdf 758 × 1,091, 296 pages; 32.04 MB
First lessons in botany and vegetable physiology (IA firstlessonsinbo00gray).pdf 777 × 1,256, 262 pages; 19.24 MB
Flickr - brewbooks - John Heckner.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 3.67 MB
Flora Boreali-Americana.jpg 385 × 618; 36 KB
Flora Capensis Volume I title page.jpg 482 × 795; 42 KB
Flora Japanica.png 999 × 1,302; 537 KB
Flora Of Java-CA Backer-1968.jpg 422 × 600; 29 KB
Flora of the Pacific Northwest 1973.jpg 3,426 × 2,944; 1.75 MB
Flora Pedemontana.jpg 906 × 1,459; 285 KB
A flora of the English Lake District (IA floraofenglishla00bake).pdf 729 × 1,214, 280 pages; 12.22 MB
Flore complète de la France et de la Suisse - Gaston Bonnier 1931.JPEG 839 × 1,566; 243 KB
Floresta Americana (1850) - Aimé Bonpland.jpg 935 × 532; 171 KB
Floresta Americana (1850), Aimé Bonpland.jpg 2,688 × 1,660; 842 KB
Flower stories (IA flowerstories00mule).pdf 812 × 1,210, 276 pages; 11 MB
Francesco Balsamo - Sommario di Botanica generale e sistematica (1900).jpg 2,953 × 4,458; 5.47 MB
Franz Joseph Märter Fundamenta et termini botanici 1789.jpg 596 × 1,056; 137 KB
Frost (1827) Some account of the science of botany.pdf 1,204 × 1,527, 22 pages; 13.6 MB
Fréchette - Les Fleurs boréales.djvu 2,529 × 3,296, 249 pages; 1.83 MB
Gallo, Agostino, La primera jornada de la agricultura.JPG 1,796 × 1,138; 607 KB
Generaplantarum04hookgoog 0005.jpg 840 × 1,393; 68 KB
Getty Research Institute (IA gri 33125012916850).pdf 1,268 × 1,525, 28 pages; 2.21 MB
Gunckel helechos de Chile r 20190427.jpg 1,259 × 1,844; 544 KB
H J N Crantz Classis cruciformium.jpg 500 × 819; 121 KB
Hans Foerster - Bäume in Berg und Mark.jpg 1,648 × 2,381; 535 KB
Flora Silesiaca (IA heinrichgottfrie01matt).pdf 816 × 1,425, 568 pages; 43.31 MB
Herbarium Amboinense page titre.jpg 443 × 707; 74 KB
Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 1.djvu 3,140 × 3,810, 468 pages; 28.66 MB
Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu 2,966 × 3,781, 462 pages; 25.79 MB
In The Guiana Forest by James Rodway.jpg 589 × 700; 58 KB
An inaugural dissertation on the Eupatorium perfoliatum of Linnaeus (IA inauguraldissert00ande).pdf 556 × 922, 88 pages; 2.79 MB
Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA introductiontosc00part).pdf 1,014 × 1,766, 166 pages; 7.42 MB
Kannbe jido syokubutsu.jpg 3,070 × 2,351; 768 KB
Kreüter Buch BHL9499085.jpg 2,878 × 4,753; 1.67 MB
Kreüter Buch BHL9499122.jpg 2,788 × 4,663; 1.54 MB
L'aureliana de Canada, en chinois gin-seng, en iroquois garent-oguen.tif 3,241 × 2,913; 27.24 MB
Lafitau Gin-seng by Walker (1).tif 2,128 × 3,009; 18.5 MB
Lafitau Gin-seng by Walker (2).tif 1,025 × 1,891; 5.69 MB
The language of flowers - including floral poetry (IA languageflowers00l).pdf 927 × 1,308, 336 pages; 10.45 MB
The language of flowers - The associations of flowers, popular tales of flowers (IA languageofflower00prat).pdf 700 × 1,093, 358 pages; 27.88 MB
Language and poetry of flowers (IA languagepoetryf00).pdf 760 × 1,120, 266 pages; 5.53 MB
The Language and poetry of flowers (IA languagepoetryf00a).pdf 785 × 1,206, 188 pages; 5.4 MB