Hi everyone


Summer KamalEldeen

I was teaching but I retired from almost a year I joined the Wiki Competition Team in November 2019  
Summer Kamal Eldeen Mohamed Farag is an amateur photographer . I started photographing in 2016 . I made many photography trips inside and outside Egypt, such as Kenya, India, Vietnam and Morocco.

I won many local and international awards, the most important of which were: wiki loves monuments and wiki loves Africa, the European Union,Hipa, El Sawy Culturewheel, Alexandria Governorate, revitalization of tourism, the Library of Alexandria, and the Academy of Scientific Research, Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award 2023 Hipa for the month of February, A gold medal in the Photo Society competition in Sweden 2023

I also organized the wiki loves africa 2019, 2020 local contest,and organized the wiki loves Earth 2022 local contest and participated in judge of the wiki loves earth 2021 contest.

Job title is Contest Organizer

 This user participated to the Wiki Loves Africa photo contest
 This user is a winner of a Wiki Loves Africa photo contest

Hide and Seek was the Winner of 2nd Prize of Wiki Loves Africa 2019 photo competition


A bird's eye view of all manner of transport and activity on a road in Egypt was the 3rd prize winner of Wiki Loves Africa 2020 photo competition.

Congratulations !