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Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile

Aftermarket Parts are an attachment type featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.

Aftermarket Parts can range from simple attachments to full-on Conversion Kits for weapons. They can be unlocked via Weekly Challenges or Armory Unlocks Challenges in Multiplayer, Zombies and Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0. In Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile, they can instead be bought at the Arsenal Store.

List of Aftermarket Parts[]

Conversion Kits[]

Kit Weapon Description
JAKRavenKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Raven Kit
MCW Versatile and modular, this .300 conversion of the MCW can be adapted to hit hard in nearly every combat scenario.
JAKHereticCarbineKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Heretic Carbine Kit
MTZ-762 This powerful, 7.62 AR was crafted to deliver exceptional damage with moderate recoil.
JAKAnnihilatorBullpupKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Annihilator Bullpup Kit
Pulemyot 762 A modified, bullpup LMG that provides superior maneuverability while still delivering heavy and consistent fire.
JAKFerocityCarbineKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit
Renetti This heavy carbine kit converts the Renetti pistol into a compact and maneuverable SMG. Allows for optics, stocks, and underbarrel attachments.
MCW68FullAutoConversion Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
MCW 6.8 Full-Auto Conversion
MCW 6.8 Converts the MCW 6.8 into a full-auto marksmen rifle.
Broodmother45Kit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
Broodmother .45 Kit
WSP-9 A high-damage conversion kit that rides the line between Submachine Gun and Assault Rifle with hard-hitting .45 Auto rounds.
XRKIPV2ConversionKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
XRK IP-V2 Conversion Kit
COR-45 This carbine conversion kit for the COR-45 allows for optics and underbarrel attachments. The binary trigger increases fire rate by firing a round on trigger pull and another on release.
WSPAkimboBraceStock Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
WSP Akimbo Brace Stock
WSP Swarm A brace stock used to keep the weapon stable firing akimbo.
JAKNightshadeRifleKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Nightshade Rifle Kit
DG-58 LSW A 5.8x42mm assault rifle that hits hard and doesn't ask questions. In the right hands, this rifle can win almost any engagement.
JAKHeadhunterCarbineConversion Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Headhunter Carbine Conversion
Rival-9 Rival Assault Rifles with this three-round burst conversion kit that excels at mid range combat.
JAKBeholderRifleKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Beholder Rifle Kit
TYR A long and heavy barrel that offers the best increase to range. Improves recoil control and damage range.
JAKSignalBurst Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Signal Burst
Holger 556
A conversion kit designed for accuracy and controllability with 4-round bursts. Adaptable for close quarters scenarios with an integrated Laser that improves hip fire and tac stance accuracy.
JAKEttinDoubleBarrelKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Ettin Double Barrel Kit
AMR9 Two stacked barrels that fire simultaneously. This offers twice as much down-range damage, but it impacts accuracy.
JAKThunderLMGKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Thunder LMG Kit
Sidewinder Dominate lanes and hold objectives with this LMG conversion kit that brings a large capacity magazine and ramps in fire rate the longer you hold down the trigger.
JAKTyrant762Kit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Tyrant 762 Kit
Longbow This caliber Conversion Kit swaps out the receiver and magazine to accommodate 7.62 BLK ammunition for a harder-hitting, subsonic weapon.
JAKMagliftKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Maglift Kit
Haymaker With a new binary trigger and reinforced magwell to accommodate the extra large .410 drum mag, this kit is a room-clearing machine.
JAKBurnoutKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Burnout Kit
Holger 26 Introduces an adverse fire functionality that pushes the weapon to extreme fire rates but hurts accuracy as the barrel overheats.
JAKBacksawKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Backsaw Kit
Holger 556 Gives the Holger 556 a high capacity drum magazine and a side-by-side double barrel, allowing for the weapon to fire two bullets at once.
JAKOutlaw277Kit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Outlaw-277 Kit
BAS-B This Conversion Kit transforms the BAS-B into a lever-action rifle, slowing fire rate but vastly improving accuracy for deadlier precision. Has a faster fire rate from the hip for dealing with close range threats that require less accuracy.
JAKShadowTitanKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Shadow Titan Kit
Bruen Mk9 Converts the Bruen Mk9 into a compact and integrally suppressed light support weapon chambered in 300 blackout.
JAKJawbreaker Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Jawbreaker
KV Broadside Converts this shotgun into a hard-hitting, automatic battle rifle.
JAKRevengerKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Revenger Kit
BP50 This conversion kit turns the BP50 into a CQC legend. 9mm caliber conversion, shortened receiver, and high-capacity magazine.
JAKWardens Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Wardens
Lockdwood Mk2 Relive the glory days, stir up the hornet's nest, and takedown your enemies, leaving no loose ends with these museum-worthy akimbo lever-action shotguns.
JAKAtlasKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Atlas Kit
AMR9 Converts the AMR9 into an extremely lethal and accurate 5-round burst carbine chambered in 5.56.
JAKPatriot Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Patriot
M16 Converts the M16 into a fully automatic rifle with a heavy ported barrel built to provide superior recoil control and firing aim stability.
JAKDecimator Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Decimator
Lachmann Shroud This modification allows the Lachmann Shroud to fire in full auto.
JAKIntimidator Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Intimidator
Renetti Take more deliberate shots with this modification that changes the Renetti to a semi-auto weapon.
JAKHarbingerKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Harbinger Kit
M4 This .50 Cal conversion kit for the M4 is an extremely deadly, quick-kill weapon. The slow fire rate, drop in bullet velocity, and a significant increase in recoil will require a careful hand.
JAKRequiem Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Requiem
Kastov 762
Kastov 545
A counter-balanced rifle system designed to completely eliminate vertical recoil.
JAKScimitarKit Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Scimitar Kit
FJX Horus Improved range and recoil are standard with this aftermarket kit which also unlocks the use of a high-capacity drum mag for the FJX Horus.
JAKThumper656 Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Thumper-656
RGL-80 An improved long barrel for an infantry-carried grenade launcher. Fires projectiles at higher velocities and distances. Compatible with a wider variety of launcher projectiles.
JAKVolkh Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Volkh
KV Inhibitor
KVD Enforcer
A meticulously crafted stock and receiver modification that updates the weapon to fire a two-round burst at minimal MOA dispersion, making every trigger pull count.
JAKGunslinger Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Gunslinger
Basilisk A frame and cylinder conversion that allows the revolver to hold eight rounds of .357 ammunition with an exceptional increase to rate of fire and a near instantaneous trigger action.
JAKWidemouthBarrel Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Widemouth Barrel
MORS A widemouth barrel crafted to accommodate magnetic ball bearings that shatter upon firing, creating a barrage of small and lethal projectiles.
JAKCataclysm Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Cataclysm
RPK Command the battlefield with this .50 Cal conversion kit for the RPK. Slow yet powerful with a high-capacity drum mag, this kit is your enemy's nightmare.
JAKProtean Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Protean
RAAL MG This conversion kit turns the RAAL into a highly adaptable prototype weapon with a telescoping barrel that can be toggled between full-auto and semi-auto fire, offering suppressive fire and precision in the same weapon.
JAKDeathmarch Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Deathmarch
BAL-27 This aftermarket part replaces standard ammo with high-voltage power cells and the barrel with a photonic scatter barrel. Fire a spread of lethal laser blasts that take down enemies at short range.
JAKDevastators Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Devastators
Reclaimer 18 Dual-wield Reclaimer 18 shotguns and become a mobile artillery barrage with this aftermarket part. Accuracy and recoil control are minimal, but destruction is maximized.
JAKSalvo Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Salvo
KATT-AMR A sniper modification that fires anti-materiel explosive rockets that deal significant explosive damage.
JAKLance Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Lance
MX Guardian A pressurized magazine that fires three ballistic rivets, one per magazine rotation. Pressure builds while the weapon is idle until the maximum output is reached. At critical pressure, velocity, and precision are vastly improved.
JAKVoltstorm Icon ConversionKit AftermarketParts MWIII
JAK Voltstorm
Stormender High-voltage electricity is cycled through copper coils and discharged in a lethal bolt capable of hitting multiple targets.


Name Icon Compatible Description
Cronen Intlas MSP-12 CronenIntlasMSP12 Optic Icon AftermarketParts MWIII All
(except Launchers, Renetti & WSP Swarm)
A quick and snappy dot optic with an integrated laser for added accuracy.
Intlas CAS-14 IntlasCAS14 Optic Icon AftermarketParts MWIII All
(except Launchers & Handguns)
This 2.5x optic is ideal for medium ranges and comes with an integrated laser.
KR Intlas LSJ-3 KRIntlasLSJ3 Optic Icon AftermarketParts MWIII All
(except Launchers & Handguns)
A 4x optic with an integrated laser for faster targeting and accurate results.
JAK Bullseye JAKBullseye Optic Icon AftermarketParts MWIII All
(except Launchers & Handguns)
Very low-profile dot Optic. Limited interference from framework offers an exceptionally clear sight picture.
TPS Incendio Reflex TPSIncendioReflex Optic Icon AftermarketParts MWIII All
(except Launchers & Handguns)
Utilizing special imaging tech, this compact optic highlights the thermal signatures of targets while maintaining the clear sight picture of a standard optic.
JAK Glassless Optic JAKGlasslessOptic Optic Icon AftermarketParts MWIII All
(except Launchers & Handguns)
This glassless reflex optic offers a projected dot and state of the art stabilization technology that reduces visual recoil while firing.
XTEN Intlas AS-7 XTENIntlasAS7 Optic Icon AftermarketParts MWIII Light Machine Guns,Marksman Rifles,Sniper Rifles A 6x optic with a built-in laser for a significant boost to accuracy.
JAK NRG-IV Optic JAKNRGIVOptic Optic Icon AftermarketParts MWIII All
(except Launchers & Handguns)
A dot optic designed for mid-range combat and precise shots.


Name Icon Compatible Description
JAK BFB JAKBFB Muzzle Icon AftermarketParts MWIII Assault Rifles, Battle Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Marksman Rifles, Longbow Go Loud. This compensator borders on excessive but offers a phenomenal reduction to recoil but significantly increased muzzle report, giving up your position and facing on enemy radar.
JAKBFB Muzzle Alt Icon AftermarketParts MWIII Sniper Rifles
(except MORS & Longbow)


Name Icon Compatible Description
JAK Purifier JAKPurifier Underbarrel Icon AftermarketParts MWIII MWIII Battle Rifles, MWIII Assault Rifles (except BAL-27 & FR 5.56), Riveter An underbarrel flamethrower. What more needs to be said? Burn it all down.
JAK Limb Ripper JAKLimbRipper Underbarrel Icon AftermarketParts MWIII MWIII Battle Rifles, MWIII Assault Rifles (except BAL-27 & FR 5.56), Riveter Unrivaled at creating close-quarters carnage, this underbarrel chainsaw makes quick and messy work of anyone foolish enough to stand in your way.
JAK Slash JAKSlash Underbarrel Icon AftermarketParts MWIII All
(except Minibak, KATT-AMR, SP-R 208, Launchers, Handguns)
This underbarrel vertical grip doubles as a combat knife, replacing your melee attack with a lethal slash.


Name Icon Compatible Description
JAK Cutthroat JAKCutthroat Stock Icon AftermarketParts MWIII MCW, MTZ-556, MTZ-762, MTZ Interceptor, M4, M16, 556 Icarus, FTac Recon, FSS Hurricane, Riveter, AMR9, Superi 46 This 3D-printed stock provides an unrivaled combination of speed and stability while aiming down sights. Compatible with weapons from the following platforms: MCW, MTZ, M4, & AMR9.


Name Icon Compatible Description
Photonic Charge Barrel PhotonicChargeBarrel Barrel Icon AftermarketParts MWIII MORS This hyper-advanced barrel is more than simply a barrel. Holding the trigger charges the rifle and releasing fires a single, high-power energy projectile.


  • Though the XTEN Intlas AS-7 was added to Modern Warfare III in Season Three, it can be unlocked in Warzone Mobile during Season Two, though it was not accessible in either games at the time.
  • The .338 Magnum Round Nose (or .338 Mag Round Nose) Ammunition of the KV Inhibitor is classified as an Aftermarket Part in Warzone Mobile, which is not the case in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III and Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0.