User:Pikastorm/Pokemon Attacks (Kanji)

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Damage-dealing moves

Normal NormalIC RSE.png

Name Japanese Name (Hiragana) Japanese Name (Kanji) Japanese Name (Translation)
Barrage たまなげ 玉投げ Ball Throw
Bide がまん 我慢 Perseverance
Bind しめつける 締め付ける Bind
Body Slam のしかかり ???? ????
Comet Punch れんぞくパンチ 連続パンチ Consecutive Punch
Constrict からみつく 絡み付く Coil Around
Covet ほしがる 欲しがる Covet
Crush Claw ブレイククロー NO KANJI Break Claw
Crush Grip にぎりつぶす 握り潰す Crush Grip
Cut いあいぎり 居合切り Iai Cut
Dizzy Punch ピヨピヨパンチ NO KANJI Chirp Chirp Punch
Double-Edge すてみタックル 捨て身タックル Life-Risking Tackle
Double Hit ダブルアタック NO KANJI Double Attack

Grass GrassIC RSE.png

Name Japanese Name (Hiragana) Japanese Name (Kanji) Japanese Name (Translation)
Absorb すいとる 吸い取る Absorb
Bullet Seed タネマシンガン NO KANJI Seed Machine Gun

Fire FireIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Water WaterIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Electric ElectricIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Ground GroundIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Rock RockIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Ice IceIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Bug BugIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Poison PoisonIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Psychic PsychicIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Dark DarkIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Ghost GhostIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Poison PoisonIC RSE.png

When I get to it

Non-Damage-dealing moves