
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
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This user has a Darkrai.
This user has a Mew.
This user has a Celebi.
This user has a Jirachi.
This user has a Deoxys.
This user has a Shaymin.

I'm very proud of those 100% legit events.

This user is a Dragon-type trainer.
This user is a Fighting-type trainer.
This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
This user doesn't like cheating in Pokémon games.
This user was an early supporter of remakes of Pokémon Gold and Silver.
This user is a player of Pokémon Yellow Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Blue Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Red Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Pinball.
This user is a player of Pokémon Crystal Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Sapphire Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire.
This user is a player of Pokémon Emerald Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon FireRed Version.
This user is a player of Pokémon Colosseum.
This user is a player of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.
This user is a player of Pokémon Dash.
This user is a player of Pokémon Ranger.
This user is a player of Pokémon Trozei!.
This user is a player of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
This user is a player of Pokémon Battle Revolution.
This user is a player of Pokémon Pearl Version.

I can't belive you read all of this!