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Welcome to my Second Background page

This page is mostly to keep a hold of the coding for A42 until i complete the other pages, a huge thanks goes out to Masatoshi who created this coding. If you wish to use it, ask them and credit them somewhere in your page. Happy templating


CV42 Usertags Talk Welcome My Links Feeling Sandy? A42
Hello, I'm Azure42, and welcome to my page. This, as you were told on the page before, is the page where i give out little explanations and quite a few usertags. If ever you feel this is not what you're looking for, click either of the Rayquaza pictures to guide you to the other page.

Now that we are well prepared, please proceed to the rest of my page, i hope you enjoy it :)

About Me
This is where information about me will go when i copy it onto the other pages, here you will learn a little personal details and usertags that suit me.
As a Gamer
This is where i'll explain the gaming side of me; so what games, what starter, what teams and achievements etc. I will also talk about my shinies and battle style
In the Anime
This is where i talk about the Anime, CV42 will have the same things with more explanations about certain shippings, and some that i dislike - though i do respect their opinions. A42 here will only have usertags and leave it like that.
In the Manga
This is quite the same as the anime section, it will mostly focus on Pokémon Adventures as it is the only Manga i've read.
Memes, Memes, Memes
I bet you can't tell what's on this part?


クロムのヴォイド Chrome Void

Name Danny
Gender Male
Age 18
Trainer Class Pokémon Trainer, Professor, Breeder, Champion, Pokémon Master
Joined 22nd November 2010
Hometown St Neots
Debut Episode EP001
Debut Round PS005
Counterpart(s) ChromeVoid42, Red
Me, In Brief


Credits Go To

If you want to use this userpage, you NEED to ask for permission, by those credited above, or you won't be allowed to use it.