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This article is about the location in Pokémon Snap. For other tunnels and caves in the Pokémon world, see Cave.

The Tunnel

The Tunnel (Japanese: トンネル Tunnel) is one of the six major areas of Pokémon Island. As its name suggests, it is a long, dark tunnel that sits at the foot of an active Volcano. Much like the Beach, many man-made structures exist outside and within the Tunnel, including a decommissioned power plant that has begun to fall into disrepair.

The power plant is no longer in use; however, some auxiliary power still remains, keeping the automatic vault doors operational. Similar to many industrial complexes around the Pokémon world, the tunnel has become home to many Electric-type Pokémon attracted to the power plant. Twelve different species of Pokémon can be photographed at the Tunnel.

The power plant has one generator, which is a five-part conical shaped device that is partially submerged in a pool of water. Two pipes run from the generator into the water below, and another between the generator and turbine housing. At the top of the conical portion is a dome, with an electrode protruding from it. If Zapdos is hatched from its egg, it will begin attacking the generator, thus bringing it and the power plant back online.

Just before the end of the Tunnel is a passageway blocked by fallen rocks. If the nearby Electrode is disturbed, it will explode, destroying the rocks and clearing the way to the Volcano.

In the Tunnel's last chamber is a spotlight, with some rocks and discarded debris in front of it. If Zapdos reactivates the power plant, the spotlight will turn on and project a shadow resembling a Pinsir. Professor Oak names this Pokémon sign Pinsir Shadow.

Pinsir Shadow

Todd's description

There used to be a Power Plant in this long, dark tunnel. I can't wait to check it out!

Native Pokémon

Pokémon Description Pokémon Description
Found outside and inside the tunnel. Electrode do not respond to anything, unless they are standing still and are hit by an item, in which case they use Self-Destruct. Causing the Electrode near the end of the tunnel to explode will open a new area of the island for the player to explore. Electabuzz
Found multiple times before and within the tunnel. A Pester Ball will cause it to fall and temporarily block the ZERO-ONE's path.
Before entering the tunnel, a Pikachu appears; photographing it a few times will cause it to run to an Electrode and hop on top of it. This Pokémon also is found near an enormous Egg within the tunnel. Leading it to the egg with Pokémon food followed by a Thunder Wave-inducing Poké Flute melody causes the Pikachu to attack the egg, hatching it. A third Pikachu appears near the second Haunter, playing with a Diglett. Kakuna
A group of Kakuna dangle from the opening of the tunnel. They drop down whenever Electrode explode.
The giant egg, when hatched by Pikachu's Thunderbolt attack, releases Zapdos. It will fly to a generator and begin attacking it, bringing the rest of the power plant to life. Magikarp
After passing by Zapdos's egg, a small pond within the tunnel is home to Magikarp. Tossing an item into the deep pond can entice a Magikarp to leap from the water.
Midway through the tunnel, there are two metal doors that divide the tunnel into thirds. Each time one of these doors opens to let the ZERO-ONE pass, a Zubat flies through. Haunter
Just past where Zapdos hatches, an odd purple sphere is moving around. Another one can be found near where Pikachu and Diglett play. If photographed, the developed photos will reveal the orbs to be Haunter.
Near the end of the tunnel, a Pikachu is found playing with Diglett. Dugtrio
Taking a photo of Diglett will send Pikachu off to play with another. Photographing the next Diglett the Pikachu finds repeats the process, until the Pikachu comes across a Dugtrio. Take another picture to make another Dugtrio appear, and again for three Dugtrio to raise out of the ground.
At the tunnel's end are a trio of Magnemite. Each Magnemite emits a Supersonic which distorts the photo, but distracting them with Pokémon food causes these Pokémon to lower their guard. Magneton
Luring all three Magnemite near one another with Pokémon food causes them to fuse into a Magneton. It no longer uses Supersonic after evolving.

Special Shots

Pikachu on a ball

If the player takes a picture of Pikachu, it will move to another spot. Then a couple of more times, it will get on top of a rolling Electrode and run on it until it explodes.

Related articles

Pokémon Island
BeachTunnelVolcanoRiverCaveValleyRainbow Cloud
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.