The Day a Rainbow Was Born

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If you were looking for the CD single, see The Day a Rainbow Was Born (single).
It has been suggested that this article be moved to Just Like a Rainbow.
Please discuss whether or not to move it on its talk page.

The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.

toi et moi
Japanese movie ending themes
Please Let There Be Good Weather Tomorrow
Niji ga Umareta hi
The Day a Rainbow Was Born
Movie 3 ED
Artist 森公美子
Kumiko Mori
Lyrics 戸田昭吾
Akihito Toda
Composer たなかひろかず
Hirokazu Tanaka
Arrangement 鳥山雄司
Yūji Toriyama
Pikachu Records single
Title 虹がうまれた日
The Day a Rainbow Was Born
Catalog no. ZMDP-1136

The Day a Rainbow Was Born (Japanese: 虹がうまれた日 Niji ga Umareta hi) is the Japanese ending theme for Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei. The song received its own single in 2000, along with a translated version dubbed Just Like a Rainbow. Both versions were performed by Kumiko Mori.


Japanese version

Japanese English
雨はやがてあがるもの 雲はいつか切れるもの
顔をあげてごらん 君を呼ぶ声きこえるはず

光る涙は 微笑みの前触れだから
いつか その悲しみに 誰かが翼をくれるでしょう

風がほほを撫でてゆく 日差しが君に降り注ぐ
笑顔を思いだしたね 誰かの声に応えたんだね

小さな微笑み 幸せの前触れだから
いつか その喜びに 君は包まれることでしょう

翼もらった悲しみ 去った心に 虹はうまれる
さみしさ色から ぬくもり色へ
それは 気持ちのグラデーション
あたたかな 輝きを いつまでも

本当に本当の ひとりぼっちなんて

誰かの涙に いつの日か出会ったならば
こんどは その悲しみに 君が翼をあたえましょう

翼もらった悲しみ 去った心に 虹はうまれる
さみしさ色から ぬくもり色へ
それは 気持ちのグラデーション
あたたかな 輝きを いつまでも
The rain will end soon, the clouds will part sometime
Look up, don’t you hear the voice calling you?

Shining tears are a sign of smiles to come
Someday, someone will give that sadness wings

The wind strokes your cheeks, sunshine pours down on you
You remembered how to smile, you responded to someone’s voice

A small smile is a sign of happiness to come
Someday that joy will surround you

Sadness, given wings, flies from the heart; a rainbow is born
From the color of loneliness to the color of warmth
These are the gradations of emotion
Warmly, shining, always

Real, true isolation
Does not exist anywhere
Surely you already know that

If someday you meet someone’s tears,
This time you should give their sadness wings

Sadness, given wings, flies from the heart; a rainbow is born
From the color of loneliness to the color of warmth
These are the gradations of emotion
Warmly, shining, always

English version

In the morning time
The sun will rise
And the rain will be just a memory
You can smile
In the warm sunlight
Cause you know that your fears
Have gone with the light

Even now
The whole world seems like a brighter place
Now that your tears have all gone
Your eyes will sparkle like a star
To guide you through the times when life is just too hard

When you're feeling down
Just look around
To see if the smile of a friend can be found
It is there
All of your hopes and prayers
Can come true if there is someone special with you

And I know
You will see that you are not alone
All your friends are here with you
The time for sorrow was yesterday
And a new day has begun to show you the way

Even if the rain should come
You will never be alone
If you believe
That you have a friend in me
Together we can reach up high
And shine like diamonds in the sky
All your dreams will start to glow

Just like a rainbow
Your heart and your soul
Everything you know
Just like a rainbow

The sun may come
And the sun may go
There are times when you may feel alone
Look inside
It is there you will find
All of the happiness that your life has left behind

Then you'll see
Just how special that your life can be
From now on and evermore
The time for sorrow has past your by
And everything you are will start to shine

Even if the rain should come
You will never be alone
If you believe
That you have a friend in me
Together we can reach up high
And shine like diamonds in the sky
All your dreams will start to glow

Just like a rainbow
Your heart and your soul
Everything you know
Just like a rainbow

OS: Together With the Windtoi et moi
GS: The Day a Rainbow Was BornPlease Let There Be Good Weather TomorrowYou're Not Alone
AG: A Small ThingL·O·V·E·L·Y ~Dreaming LOVELY BOY~Song of OriginA Thing to be Protected
DP: I Will Be With You (Where The Lost Ones Go)ONEAntenna of the HeartIce Cream Syndrome
BW: The Sky / The VoiceMemoriesSmiling Face
XY: Daybreak Meteor ShowerTweediaMailing out My Voice
SM: Oración's Theme ~Let's Walk Together~BreathTogether With the Wind
JN: I'm Home and Welcome Back
toi et moi
Japanese movie ending themes
Please Let There Be Good Weather Tomorrow

This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.