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Move Machine 079
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation IV
Generation IV TMs and HMs
Generation V TMs and HMs
Generation VI TMs and HMs
Generation VII TMs (SMUSUM)
Generation VIII TMs
Generation IX TMs

TM079 (Japanese: わざマシン079 Move Machine 079), known as TM79 prior to Generation IX, is a TM introduced in Generation IV. It teaches a compatible Pokémon a move. The move it teaches depends on the game. For compatibility, refer to the move's page.

In the core series games

Generation IV

In Generation IV, TMs can only be used once. TMs cannot be used in Pokémon Battle Revolution, but they can be transferred to a Generation IV DS game via Mystery Gift.

Dark Pulse
Location Purchase price Sell price
DPPt Victory Road N/A $1500
HGSS Victory Road, Celadon Department Store $3000 $1500
PBR After beating Little Battle 9,600PC N/A

Generation V

In Generation V, TMs can be used any number of times.

Frost Breath
Location Purchase price Sell price
BW Prize for defeating Brycen N/A N/A
B2W2 Battle Subway, Pokémon World Tournament 12BP N/A

Generation VI

In Generation VI, TMs can be used any number of times.

Frost Breath
Location Purchase price Sell price
XY Frost Cavern N/A N/A
ORAS Shoal Cave N/A N/A

Generation VII

In Generation VII, TMs can be used any number of times.

Frost Breath
Location Purchase price Sell price
SM Ancient Poni Path N/A N/A
USUM Seaward Cave N/A N/A

Generation VIII

In Pokémon Sword and Shield, TMs can be used any number of times.

Location Purchase price Sell price
SwSh Hulbury N/A N/A

In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, TMs can only be used once.

Dark Pulse
Location Purchase price Sell price
BDSP Victory Road, Grand Underground merchant ×8 or 10
×8 or 10
×8 or 10
×5 or 8BD/3 or 5SP
×3 or 5BD/5 or 8SP

Generation IX

In Generation IX, TMs can only be used once.

Dazzling Gleam
Location Purchase price Sell price
SV Prize for defeating Ortega, Area Zero, TM Machine 8,000 LP
Hatenna Dust ×3
Swablu Fluff ×3
Fidough Fur ×3

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

TMs in the Mystery Dungeon series are named only by the move they teach. For example, Attract is the item that teaches the move Attract. Most TMs, however, correspond to a TM in the core series' contemporaneous games.

TMs in Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky can only be used once before becoming Used TMs. In Gates to Infinity, TMs can be used any number of times. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, some TMs can only be used once while rainbow-colored TMs can be used any number of times.

In Rescue Team DX, TMs can only be used once. Whilst the available TMs are the same as those in Pokémon Sun and Moon, the TM list order is the same as for Super Mystery Dungeon (that is, in the TM order for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire), with newly added TMs added to the end of the list.

Dark Pulse
Location Purchase price Sell price
MDTS Mystifying ForestT, Blizzard IslandT, Surrounded SeaT, Miracle SeaT, Spacial RiftT, Dark CraterT, Concealed RuinsT, Bottomless SeaT, Mystery JungleT, Lake AfarT, Happy OutlookT, Mt. MistralT, Shimmer HillT, Lost WildernessT, Midnight ForestT, Zero Isle East, Zero Isle West, Zero Isle South, Final Maze
Kecleon Shops (Mystifying ForestT*, Mt. TravailT, Concealed Ruins, Mystery Jungle, Lake Afar*, Happy OutlookT*, Mt. MistralT*, Shimmer HillT*, Midnight ForestT*, Zero Isle East, Zero Isle West, Zero Isle South B1-B89F, Destiny TowerS, Oblivion ForestS, Treacherous WatersS, Southeastern IslandsS, Inferno CaveS)
Treasure Town Kecleon Wares (after Chapter 13T)
Job rewards (S-★9)
Hidden Stairs (Lake Afar, Zero Isle East, Oblivion Forest, Treacherous Waters, Southeastern Islands, Inferno Cave)S
Spinda's Café (Silver Ticket win and big win; Gold Ticket win)S
Sometimes received as a reward from Numel found on Sky Peak Mountain PathS
6500 250
MDD Trade, A-OK Mail, Wonder Mail, Friend Rescue 6500 250

Frost Breath
Location Purchase price Sell price
MDGtI ? 1920 N/A
SMD Kecleon Shops 1237 124
MDRTDX Various dungeons (including: Mt. Thunder, Mt. Blaze, Buried Relic, Purity Forest)
Kecleon Shop (Howling Forest)
Kecleon Wares (Pokémon Square)
Treasure Boxes
1750 350

Technical Machines
This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.