Shallow Beach

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Shallow Beach 浅瀬海岸
Shallow Beach
Description: A white, sandy beach with a beautiful sea. The weather is temperate and perfect for beachgoers, especially near water's edge.
Predominant type: Water
Capacity: 5RB
Method to obtain: Buy for 5000RB / 9000RTDX Poké
Friend Area

Shallow Beach (Japanese: 浅瀬海岸 Shallow Beach) is a Friend Area in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and a rescue team camp in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX in the Beach area. In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, it has a capacity of 5 Pokémon.

It can be purchased from the Wigglytuff Club for 5000RB / 9000RTDX Poké after completing the main storyline.


Shallow Beach is a beach area with white sands and rocky hills surrounding it. A few small huts can be seen on the sides.


Generation III

Pokémon Location
Krabby Krabby Silver Trench (B15F-B24F)
Grand Sea (B15F-B20F)
Far-off Sea (B1F-B10F)
Fantasy Strait (B14F-B24F)
Kingler Kingler Evolve Krabby
Corsola Corsola Silver Trench (B5F-B13F)
Grand Sea (B5F-B13F)
Fantasy Strait (B5F-B13F)
Wingull Wingull Stormy Sea (B1F-B5F)
Silver Trench (B1F-B5F)
Grand Sea (B1F-B5F)
Remains Island (B7F-B14F)
Marvelous Sea (B1F-B5F)
Fantasy Strait (B1F-B5F)
Pelipper Pelipper Evolve Wingull

Generation VIII

Pokémon Location
Krabby Krabby Uproar Forest (Mystery House)
Silver Trench (15F-24F)
Desert Region (Mystery House)
Southern Cavern (Mystery House)
Wyvern Hill (Mystery House)
Grand Sea (15F-20F, Mystery House)
Far-Off Sea (1F-10F, Mystery House)
Remains Island (Mystery House)
Fantasy Strait (Mystery House)
Kingler Kingler Stormy Sea (Fainted Pokémon)
Silver Trench (26F-35F)
Murky Cave (Fainted Pokémon)
Grand Sea (24F-29F)
Far-Off Sea (26F-35F)
Marvelous Sea (Fainted Pokémon)
Corsola Corsola Lapis Cave (Fainted Pokémon)
Silver Trench (5F-13F)
Grand Sea (5F-13F, Mystery House)
Far-Off Sea (6F-14F, 20F-74FShiny, Mystery House)
Oddity Cave (Fainted Pokémon)
Fantasy Strait (Mystery House)
Wingull Wingull Stormy Sea (1F-5F)
Silver Trench (1F-5F)
Grand Sea (1F-5F, Mystery House)
Far-Off Sea (Mystery House)
Fantasy Strait (Mystery House)
Pelipper Pelipper Sky Tower (Mystery House)
Stormy Sea (Fainted Pokémon)


In other languages

Language Title
French Plage Sablefin
German Sandstrand
Italian Spiaggia Arenile
Korean 얕은 여울 해안
Spanish Cala Chica
Rescue team camps
Badlands Eastern Ponds Relics Beach Volcano River Northern Sea
Thunder Crag
Ravaged Field
Magnetic Quarry
Tadpole Pond Aged Chamber A–N
Aged Chamber O–?
Ancient Relic
Shallow Beach
Ice Floe Beach
Scorched Plains
Volcanic Pit
Rub-a-Dub River Bountiful Sea
Serene Sea
Deepsea Current
Pond Western Isles Desert Mountain Range Jungle Northern Lakes Eastern Lakes
Turtleshell Pond Final Island Withering Desert Mt. Green
Mt. Cleft
Mt. Moonview
Rainbow Peak
Mt. Discipline
Darkness Ridge
Jungle Mystic Lake Waterfall Lake
Sky Northern Isles Cave Southwest Isles Western Forest Marsh Ruins
Stratos Lookout Legendary Island Echo Cave
Cryptic Cave
Dragon Cave
Boulder Cave
Enclosed Island Mushroom Forest
Healing Forest
Evolution Forest
Secretive Forest
Gourd Swamp
Poison Swamp
Decrepit Lab
Power Plant
Eastern Forest Southern Sea Southern Isles South Plains Plains Glacier
Stump Forest
Flyaway Forest
Overgrown Forest
Vibrant Forest
Treasure Sea
Deepsea Floor
Seafloor Cave
Southern Island Wild Plains
Beau Plains
Sky-Blue Plains
Sacred Field
Frigid Cavern
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.