Sand Force (Ability)

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Sand Force すなのちから
Sand Force
Flavor text
Generation V
Boosts certain moves' power in a sandstorm.
Generation VI
Boosts certain moves' power in a sandstorm.
Generation VII
Boosts the power of Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves in a sandstorm.
Generation VIII
Boosts the power of Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves in a sandstorm.
Generation IX
Boosts the power of Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves in a sandstorm.

Sand Force (Japanese: すなのちから Sand Force) is an Ability introduced in Generation V.


In battle

During a sandstorm, Sand Force increases the power of Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves used by the Pokémon with this Ability by 30%. A Pokémon with this Ability will take no damage from the sandstorm if it otherwise would.

Outside of battle

Sand Force has no effect outside of battle.

Pokémon with Sand Force

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0050 Diglett Diglett
Ground Ground Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
0050 Diglett Diglett
Alolan Form
Ground Steel Sand Veil Tangling Hair Sand Force
0051 Dugtrio Dugtrio
Ground Ground Sand Veil Arena Trap Sand Force
0051 Dugtrio Dugtrio
Alolan Form
Ground Steel Sand Veil Tangling Hair Sand Force
0208 Steelix Steelix
Mega Steelix
Steel Ground Sand Force None None
0299 Nosepass Nosepass
Rock Rock Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
0422 Shellos Shellos
Water Water Sticky Hold Storm Drain Sand Force
0423 Gastrodon Gastrodon
Water Ground Sticky Hold Storm Drain Sand Force
0445 Garchomp Garchomp
Mega Garchomp
Dragon Ground Sand Force None None
0449 Hippopotas Hippopotas
Ground Ground Sand Stream None Sand Force
0450 Hippowdon Hippowdon
Ground Ground Sand Stream None Sand Force
0476 Probopass Probopass
Rock Steel Sturdy Magnet Pull Sand Force
0524 Roggenrola Roggenrola
Rock Rock Sturdy Weak ArmorGen VII+ Sand Force
0525 Boldore Boldore
Rock Rock Sturdy Weak ArmorGen VII+ Sand Force
0526 Gigalith Gigalith
Rock Rock Sturdy Sand StreamGen VII+ Sand Force
0529 Drilbur Drilbur
Ground Ground Sand Rush Sand Force Mold Breaker
0530 Excadrill Excadrill
Ground Steel Sand Rush Sand Force Mold Breaker
0645 Landorus Landorus
Incarnate Forme
Ground Flying Sand Force None Sheer Force
Please note that Abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

During a sandstorm, Sand Force increases the power of Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves used by the Pokémon with this Ability by 2-timesSMD. A Pokémon with this Ability will take no damage from the sandstorm if it otherwise would.


Games Description
MDGtI Sandstorm weather makes the Pokémon's Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves stronger.*
The Pokémon isn't damaged by the Sandstorm weather condition, and the power of its Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves goes up!*
SMD The Pokémon isn't damaged by a sandstorm, and the power of its Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves goes up while the sandstorm is in effect!
MDRTDX The Pokémon isn't damaged by the Sandstorm weather condition, and the power of its Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves goes up while a sandstorm is in effect.

In the manga

Be the Best! Pokémon B+W

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 沙之力 Sā-jī Lihk
砂之力 Sā-jī Lihk *
Mandarin 沙之力 Shā-zhī Lì *
砂之力 Shā-zhī Lì *
French Force Sable
German Sandgewalt
Italian Silicoforza
Korean 모래의힘 Morae-yi Him
Spanish Poder Arena
Vietnamese Lực Cát

Abilities affected by weather conditions
Sand VeilSwift SwimChlorophyllRain DishForecastSnow CloakDry SkinHydrationSolar PowerLeaf GuardIce BodyFlower GiftHarvestSand RushSand ForceSlush RushIce FaceProtosynthesisOrichalcum Pulse

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.