Furious Fists (TCG)

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← Flashfire
TCG expansions
Phantom Forces →
Furious Fists
Cards in set English: 113
Japanese: 105
Set number English: 61
Japanese: 55
Release date English: August 13, 2014
Japanese: June 14, 2014
Theme Decks

Dark Hammer (FightingDarkness)
Enchanted Echo (FairyGrass)

Wild Blaze
Rising Fist
Phantom Gate

Pokémon TCG: XY—Furious Fists (Japanese: ライジングフィスト Rising Fist) is the name given to the third main expansion of cards from the XY Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the XY Era in Japan). The set continues to feature Generation VI Pokémon, Pokémon-EX, and M Pokémon-EX in the card game.


Become King of the Ring!

Trainers, step in the ring and fire up your ferocity for the Pokémon TCG: XY—Furious Fists expansion! Brace yourselves for a grand tournament unlike any before with Mega Lucario-EX and Mega Heracross-EX! And, as the competition intensifies, a host of Pokémon appear for the first time in the Pokémon TCG—each one eager to prove itself as a master of battle! With a team backed by brand-new Trainer cards to power up your Fighting-type Pokémon, your opponents will be left wondering what hit them!


Rising Fist logo

Furious Fists is the name given to the third main expansion of the XY Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released as Rising Fist, the third expansion in the Pokémon Card Game XY Era. It is based on Pokémon X and Y, featuring Generation VI Pokémon and the Aura Pokémon Lucario. The English expansion was released on August 13, 2014, while the Japanese expansion was released on June 14, 2014.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
3/111 Victreebel Grass Non Holo Enchanted Echo Theme Deck exclusive
8/111 Shelmet Grass 1st Place Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Petalburg/Fortree Season League Challenge promo
8/111 Shelmet Grass 2nd Place Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Petalburg/Fortree Season League Challenge promo
8/111 Shelmet Grass 3rd Place Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Petalburg/Fortree Season League Challenge promo
8/111 Shelmet Grass 4th Place Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Petalburg/Fortree Season League Challenge promo
12/111 Torchic Fire Crosshatch Holo City Championships 2014-2015 promo
12/111 Torchic Fire Staff Crosshatch Holo City Championships 2014-2015 promo
13/111 Combusken Fire Crosshatch Holo Arena Cup 2014-2015 promo (December 2014)
13/111 Combusken Fire Staff Crosshatch Holo Arena Cup 2014-2015 promo (December 2014)
13/111 Combusken Fire Crosshatch Holo States 2014-2015 promo (March 2015)
13/111 Combusken Fire Staff Crosshatch Holo States 2014-2015 promo (March 2015)
14/111 Blaziken Fire Crosshatch Holo National Championships 2014-2015 promo
14/111 Blaziken Fire Staff Crosshatch National Championships 2014-2015 promo
18/111 Politoed Water Cosmos Holo Legacy Evolution Pin Collection exclusive
25/111 Amaura Water Cosmos Holo Ancient Power Box exclusive
26/111 Aurorus Water Cosmos Holo Ancient Power Box exclusive
46/111 Machamp Fighting Non Holo Dark Hammer Theme Deck exclusive
46/111 Machamp Fighting Cosmos Holo Pokémon Champions Tins exclusive
55a/111 MegaLucarioEX Fighting Yellow A Alternate art Mega Powers Collection exclusive
58/111 Landorus Fighting Non Holo Dark Hammer Theme Deck exclusive
61/111 Tyrunt Fighting Cosmos Holo Ancient Power Box exclusive
62/111 Tyrantrum Fighting Cosmos Holo Ancient Power Box exclusive
63/111 Hawlucha Fighting Cosmos Holo BREAKthrough Single Pack Blisters exclusive
68/111 Pangoro Darkness Cracked Ice Holo Dark Hammer Theme Deck exclusive
72/111 Sylveon Fairy Cracked Ice Holo Enchanted Echo Theme Deck exclusive
88/111 Battle Reporter Su Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Fortree Season promo (June 2015)
92/111 Fossil Researcher Su Cosmos Holo Ancient Power Box exclusive
102/111 Training Center St Crosshatch Holo Pokémon League Sootopolis Season promo (September 2015)

Set lists

Furious Fists
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/111 Bellsprout Grass Common Promotion
2/111 Weepinbell Grass Uncommon Promotion
3/111 Victreebel Grass Rare Holo Promotion
4/111 HeracrossEX Grass Rare Holo ex Promotion
5/111 MegaHeracrossEX Grass Rare Holo ex Promotion
6/111 Shroomish Grass Common Promotion
7/111 Leafeon Grass Rare Promotion
8/111 Shelmet Grass Common Promotion
9/111 Accelgor Grass Uncommon Promotion
10/111 Magmar Fire Common Promotion
11/111 Magmortar Fire Rare Promotion
12/111 Torchic Fire Common Promotion
13/111 Combusken Fire Uncommon Promotion
14/111 Blaziken Fire Rare Holo Promotion
15/111 Poliwag Water Common Promotion
16/111 Poliwhirl Water Uncommon Promotion
17/111 Poliwrath Water Rare Holo Promotion
18/111 Politoed Water Rare Promotion
19/111 Glaceon Water Rare Promotion
20/111 SeismitoadEX Water Rare Holo ex Promotion
21/111 Cubchoo Water Common Promotion
22/111 Beartic Water Rare Promotion
23/111 Clauncher Water Common Promotion
24/111 Clawitzer Water Rare Holo Promotion
25/111 Amaura Water Uncommon Promotion
26/111 Aurorus Water Rare Promotion
27/111 Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
28/111 Raichu Lightning Uncommon Promotion
29/111 Electabuzz Lightning Common Promotion
30/111 Electivire Lightning Rare Promotion
31/111 Plusle Lightning Common Promotion
32/111 Minun Lightning Common Promotion
33/111 Thundurus Lightning Rare Promotion
34/111 Dedenne Lightning Uncommon Promotion
35/111 Drowzee Psychic Common Promotion
36/111 Hypno Psychic Rare Promotion
37/111 Jynx Psychic Rare Promotion
38/111 Skorupi Psychic Common Promotion
39/111 Gothita Psychic Common Promotion
40/111 Gothorita Psychic Uncommon Promotion
41/111 Gothitelle Psychic Rare Promotion
42/111 Golett Psychic Common Promotion
43/111 Golurk Psychic Rare Promotion
44/111 Machop Fighting Common Promotion
45/111 Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
46/111 Machamp Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
47/111 Hitmonlee Fighting Uncommon Promotion
48/111 Hitmonchan Fighting Uncommon Promotion
49/111 Hitmontop Fighting Uncommon Promotion
50/111 Breloom Fighting Rare Promotion
51/111 Makuhita Fighting Common Promotion
52/111 Hariyama Fighting Rare Promotion
53/111 Trapinch Fighting Common Promotion
54/111 LucarioEX Fighting Rare Holo ex Promotion
55/111 MegaLucarioEX Fighting Rare Holo ex Promotion
56/111 Mienfoo Fighting Common Promotion
57/111 Mienshao Fighting Uncommon Promotion
58/111 Landorus Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
59/111 Pancham Fighting Uncommon Promotion
60/111 Pancham Fighting Common Promotion
61/111 Tyrunt Fighting Uncommon Promotion
62/111 Tyrantrum Fighting Rare Promotion
63/111 Hawlucha Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
64/111 HawluchaEX Fighting Rare Holo ex Promotion
65/111 Drapion Darkness Rare Promotion
66/111 Scraggy Darkness Common Promotion
67/111 Scrafty Darkness Uncommon Promotion
68/111 Pangoro Darkness Rare Promotion
69/111 Clefairy Fairy Common Promotion
70/111 Clefairy Fairy Common Promotion
71/111 Clefable Fairy Uncommon Promotion
72/111 Sylveon Fairy Rare Promotion
73/111 Klefki Fairy Uncommon Promotion
74/111 DragoniteEX Dragon Rare Holo ex Promotion
75/111 Vibrava Dragon Uncommon Promotion
76/111 Flygon Dragon Rare Promotion
77/111 Noivern Dragon Rare Holo Promotion
78/111 Lickitung Colorless Common Promotion
79/111 Lickilicky Colorless Uncommon Promotion
80/111 Eevee Colorless Common Promotion
81/111 Slakoth Colorless Common Promotion
82/111 Vigoroth Colorless Uncommon Promotion
83/111 Slaking Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
84/111 Patrat Colorless Common Promotion
85/111 Watchog Colorless Uncommon Promotion
86/111 Tornadus Colorless Rare Promotion
87/111 Noibat Colorless Common Promotion
88/111 Battle Reporter Su Uncommon Promotion
89/111 Energy Switch I Uncommon Promotion
90/111 Fighting Stadium St Uncommon Promotion
91/111 Focus Sash I Uncommon Promotion
92/111 Fossil Researcher Su Uncommon Promotion
93/111 Full Heal I Uncommon Promotion
94/111 Jaw Fossil I Uncommon Promotion
95/111 Korrina Su Uncommon Promotion
96/111 Maintenance I Uncommon Promotion
97/111 Mountain Ring St Uncommon Promotion
98/111 Sail Fossil I Uncommon Promotion
99/111 Sparkling Robe I Uncommon Promotion
100/111 Super Scoop Up I Uncommon Promotion
101/111 Tool Retriever I Uncommon Promotion
102/111 Training Center St Uncommon Promotion
103/111 Herbal Energy Grass E Uncommon Promotion
104/111 Strong Energy Fighting E Uncommon Promotion
105/111 HeracrossEX Grass Rare Ultra Promotion
106/111 SeismitoadEX Water Rare Ultra Promotion
107/111 LucarioEX Fighting Rare Ultra Promotion
108/111 DragoniteEX Dragon Rare Ultra Promotion
109/111 Battle Reporter Su Rare Ultra Promotion
110/111 Fossil Researcher Su Rare Ultra Promotion
111/111 Korrina Su Rare Ultra Promotion
112/111 MegaHeracrossEX Grass Rare Secret Promotion
113/111 MegaLucarioEX Fighting Rare Secret Promotion

Rising Fist
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
001/096 Bellsprout Grass C Promotion
002/096 Weepinbell Grass C Promotion
003/096 Victreebel Grass R Promotion
004/096 HeracrossEX Grass RR Promotion
005/096 MegaHeracrossEX Grass RR Promotion
006/096 Shroomish Grass C Promotion
007/096 Leafeon Grass U Promotion
008/096 Shelmet Grass C Promotion
009/096 Accelgor Grass C Promotion
010/096 Magmar Fire C Promotion
011/096 Magmortar Fire U Promotion
012/096 Torchic Fire C Promotion
013/096 Combusken Fire C Promotion
014/096 Blaziken Fire R Promotion
015/096 Poliwag Water C Promotion
016/096 Poliwhirl Water C Promotion
017/096 Poliwrath Water R Promotion
018/096 Politoed Water U Promotion
019/096 Glaceon Water U Promotion
020/096 SeismitoadEX Water RR Promotion
021/096 Cubchoo Water C Promotion
022/096 Beartic Water U Promotion
023/096 Clauncher Water C Promotion
024/096 Clawitzer Water R Promotion
025/096 Amaura Water C Promotion
026/096 Aurorus Water U Promotion
027/096 Electabuzz Lightning C Promotion
028/096 Electivire Lightning U Promotion
029/096 Plusle Lightning C Promotion
030/096 Minun Lightning C Promotion
031/096 Thundurus Lightning U Promotion
032/096 Dedenne Lightning U Promotion
033/096 Drowzee Psychic C Promotion
034/096 Hypno Psychic U Promotion
035/096 Jynx Psychic U Promotion
036/096 Skorupi Psychic C Promotion
037/096 Gothita Psychic C Promotion
038/096 Gothorita Psychic C Promotion
039/096 Gothitelle Psychic U Promotion
040/096 Golett Psychic C Promotion
041/096 Golurk Psychic U Promotion
042/096 Machop Fighting C Promotion
043/096 Machoke Fighting C Promotion
044/096 Machamp Fighting R Promotion
045/096 Hitmonlee Fighting C Promotion
046/096 Hitmonchan Fighting C Promotion
047/096 Hitmontop Fighting C Promotion
048/096 Breloom Fighting U Promotion
049/096 Makuhita Fighting C Promotion
050/096 Hariyama Fighting U Promotion
051/096 Trapinch Fighting C Promotion
052/096 LucarioEX Fighting RR Promotion
053/096 MegaLucarioEX Fighting RR Promotion
054/096 Mienfoo Fighting C Promotion
055/096 Mienshao Fighting C Promotion
056/096 Landorus Fighting R Promotion
057/096 Pancham Fighting C Promotion
058/096 Tyrunt Fighting C Promotion
059/096 Tyrantrum Fighting U Promotion
060/096 Hawlucha Fighting R Promotion
061/096 Drapion Darkness U Promotion
062/096 Scraggy Darkness C Promotion
063/096 Scrafty Darkness C Promotion
064/096 Pangoro Darkness R Promotion
065/096 Clefairy Fairy C Promotion
066/096 Clefable Fairy C Promotion
067/096 Sylveon Fairy R Promotion
068/096 Klefki Fairy C Promotion
069/096 DragoniteEX Dragon RR Promotion
070/096 Vibrava Dragon C Promotion
071/096 Flygon Dragon U Promotion
072/096 Noivern Dragon R Promotion
073/096 Lickitung Colorless C Promotion
074/096 Lickilicky Colorless C Promotion
075/096 Eevee Colorless C Promotion
076/096 Slakoth Colorless C Promotion
077/096 Vigoroth Colorless C Promotion
078/096 Slaking Colorless R Promotion
079/096 Patrat Colorless C Promotion
080/096 Watchog Colorless C Promotion
081/096 Tornadus Colorless U Promotion
082/096 Noibat Colorless C Promotion
083/096 Tool Retriever I U Promotion
084/096 Maintenance I U Promotion
085/096 Jaw Fossil I C Promotion
086/096 Sail Fossil I C Promotion
087/096 Sparkling Robe I U Promotion
088/096 Focus Sash I U Promotion
089/096 Fossil Researcher Su U Promotion
090/096 Korrina Su U Promotion
091/096 Battle Reporter Su U Promotion
092/096 Training Center St U Promotion
093/096 Fighting Stadium St U Promotion
094/096 Mountain Ring St U Promotion
095/096 Herbal Energy Grass E U Promotion
096/096 Strong Energy Fighting E U Promotion
097/096 HeracrossEX Grass SR Promotion
098/096 SeismitoadEX Water SR Promotion
099/096 LucarioEX Fighting SR Promotion
100/096 DragoniteEX Dragon SR Promotion
101/096 Fossil Researcher Su SR Promotion
102/096 Korrina Su SR Promotion
103/096 Battle Reporter Su SR Promotion
104/096 MegaHeracrossEX Grass UR Promotion
105/096 MegaLucarioEX Fighting UR Promotion


English Mega Heracross pack
English Mega Lucario pack
English Tyrantrum pack
English Hawlucha pack
Japanese Rising Fist pack
English Furious Fists
booster box
Japanese Rising Fist
booster box
Korean Rising Fist pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

The Rising Fist set is released in Japanese and Korean. The Japanese set is available in both 1st and unlimited edition, and the Korean set is only available in unlimited edition. The Furious Fists set is released in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian. Cards in the English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian sets were also available as Reverse Holos. The Portuguese version of this set lacked any Reverse Holos.

In other languages

Language Title
French Poings Furieux
German Fliegende Fäuste
Italian Colpi Furiosi
Korean 라이징피스트 Rising Fist
Brazilian Portuguese Punhos Furiosos
Russian Яростный Кулак Yarostnyy Kulak
Spanish Puños Furiosos

External links

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
XY Series
XY Black Star Promos
Kalos Starter Set: Chespin DeckFennekin DeckFroakie Deck
XY: Resilient LifeDestruction Rush
XY Trainer Kit
Flashfire: Mystic TyphoonBrilliant Thunder
McDonald's Collection 2014
Furious Fists: Dark HammerEnchanted Echo
Battle Arena Decks: Xerneas vs. Yveltal
Phantom Forces: Burning WindsBolt Twister
XY Trainer Kit: Bisharp & Wigglytuff
Primal Clash: Earth's PulseOcean's Core
Double CrisisXY Trainer Kit: Latias & Latios
Roaring Skies: Aurora BlastStorm Rider
Ancient Origins: Iron TideStone Heart
Battle Arena Decks: Mewtwo vs. Darkrai
BREAKthrough: Burning SparkNight Striker
McDonald's Collection 2015
BREAKpoint: Wave SlasherElectric Eye
GenerationsXY Trainer Kit: Pikachu Libre & Suicune
Fates Collide: Fates Collide Prerelease KitSky GuardianBattle Ruler
Steam Siege: Steam Siege Prerelease KitGears of FireRing of Lightning
McDonald's Collection 2016Battle Arena Decks: Rayquaza vs. Keldeo
Articuno Legendary Battle DeckZapdos Legendary Battle DeckMoltres Legendary Battle Deck

Evolutions: Evolutions Prerelease KitMewtwo MayhemPikachu Power
XY Era
XY-P Promotional cards
XY Beginning Set
Collection XCollection Y
Xerneas Half DeckYveltal Half Deck
Wild Blaze: M Charizard-EX Mega Battle Deck
Rising Fist
Phantom Gate: Hyper Metal Chain Deck
Super Legend Set: Xerneas-EX & Yveltal-EX
Gaia VolcanoTidal Storm
Magma Gang VS Aqua Gang: Double Crisis
Emerald Break: M Rayquaza-EX Mega Battle Deck
Bandit Ring
Legendary Shine CollectionEmboar-EX vs Togekiss-EX Deck KitM Master Deck Build Box Power StyleM Master Deck Build Box Speed Style
Blue ShockRed Flash: Raichu BREAK Evolution PackNoivern BREAK Evolution Pack
Golduck BREAK + Palkia-EX Combo Deck
Rage of the Broken Heavens
Grass/Fighting Battle Strength SetFire/Lightning Battle Strength SetWater/Psychic Battle Strength SetPokéKyun CollectionBREAK Starter Pack
Awakening Psychic King: Zygarde-EX Perfect Battle DeckM Audino-EX Mega Battle Deck
Premium Champion Pack
Fever-Burst FighterCruel Traitor
Mythical & Legendary Dream Shine CollectionExpansion Pack 20th AnniversaryThe Best of XY