Quick Tempo (Skill)

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Quick Tempo 初登場時場に技ゲージ加速
Move Gauge Acceleration on Field On First Entry
Passive Skill
Applies the Move Gauge Acceleration effect to the allied field of play the first time the user enters a battle each battle.

Quick Tempo (Japanese: 初登場時場に技ゲージ加速 Move Gauge Acceleration on Field On First Entry) is a skill in Pokémon Masters EX.


The first time the user enters the battlefield during a battle, the Move Gauge Acceleration effect will be applied to the allied side.


As passive skill

Scottie & Alcremie Scottie/Bettie & Alcremie Bettie & Alcremie
& Alcremie

Caitlin & SableyeCaitlin & Sableye
(Fall 2021)
& Sableye

(Only before Mega Evolving)

As grid skill (yellow tiles)

Scottie & Torchic Scottie/Bettie & Torchic Bettie & Torchic
& Torchic

Scottie & Raikou Scottie/Bettie & Raikou Bettie & Raikou
& Raikou

Elio & Popplio/Brionne/PrimarinaElio & Popplio/Brionne/Primarina
& Popplio/Brionne/Primarina

(Since February 25, 2025)

Lillie & ClefairyLillie & Clefairy
& Clefairy

(Since October 25, 2024)

As lucky skill

Lucky Cookie Appearance Rate
N (Summer 2022) Lucky Cookie 1 100%
Anabel Lucky Cookie 1 100%
Lillie (Anniversary 2024) Lucky Cookie 1 100%
Iono (Fall 2024) Lucky Cookie 1 100%
Sygna Suit Giovanni (Alt.) Lucky Cookie 1 100%
Atticus Lucky Cookie 1 100%
Arc Suit N Lucky Cookie 1 100%

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese 初登場時場に技ゲージ加速
Mandarin Chinese 首次上場時場地招式計量槽加速
French Intro Turbo Équipe
German Erstantritt-Attackenleiste↑ T
Italian Primentrata colmabarra
Korean 첫등장시필드에기술게이지가속
Spanish Entrada Aceleradora Bando
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.