Precipice Blades deals damage. It targets all adjacent opponents.
Generation VIII
Pokémon Sword and Shield
In Versions 1.0 to 1.2.1 of Pokémon Sword and Shield, Precipice Blades could not be selected in a battle. Starting with Version 1.3.0, it is usable and functions the same as it did in previous generations.
Other effects
Precipice Blades does not exist in the game data of Pokémon X and Y. As a result, a Pokémon knowing Precipice Blades cannot be traded from Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire to Pokémon X and Y, and if a Pokémon in Pokémon Bank knows the move, it cannot be withdrawn in Pokémon X and Y. In order to be transferred to Pokémon X and Y, the Pokémon must forget Precipice Blades.
Bold indicates a Pokémon gains STAB from this move. Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move. A dash (−) indicates a Pokémon cannot learn the move by the designated method. An empty cell indicates a Pokémon that is unavailable in that game/generation.
Activation Condition: When your team's sync pair uses a sync move one time.
Deactivation Condition: When this move is used.
Makes the target flinch. The power of this move is not lowered even if there are multiple targets. Lowers the target's Defense by three stat ranks when the weather is EX sunny. Applies the Free Move Next effect to the user when the weather is EX sunny.
Implements the following field effect just before the user's sync move is used the first time each battle. Extends the field effect duration only that time. • Ground Zone
6★ EX with EX role
All opponents
Precipice Blades:
This move never misses and always results in a critical hit when used by Brendan (Champion) & Groudon due to their passive skill Sure Hit | P-Moves & S-Moves Crit.
Red Precipice Blades:
This move never misses and always results in a critical hit due to Brendan (Champion) & Groudon's passive skill Sure Hit | P-Moves & S-Moves Crit.
Primal Groudon's body glows with the colors of lava, and then a series of incandescent sharp stones coated with lava spring up from the ground. If the top edge hits an opponent, an explosion is triggered.
In In the Palms of our Hands!, the recurring Mew was about to use Precipice Blades while Transformed into Groudon, but was distracted before it could execute the move.
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Animated Trailer
Primal Groudon
The user attacks opposing Pokémon by manifesting the power of the land in fearsome blades of stone.
Primal Groudon's body glows with the colors of lava, and it slams its hand on the ground, making a series of incandescent sharp stones coated with lava spring from the ground.