Pokémon LAND

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If you were looking for the animated series-exclusive location, see Pokémon Land.
If you were looking for the mobile game formerly known as Pokéland, see Pokémon Rumble Rush.
Pokémon LAND
"No princípio, agora e para sempre"

Language Portuguese
Status Offline
Run 1999 - 2020
Date opened October 26, 1999
Date closed 2020
Creator JoJo and Armageddon ®
Current owner {{{owner}}}
Forum LAND community
Mascot None
Website Main Page

Pokémon LAND was a Brazilian Portuguese-language Pokémon fansite that was established in 1999. While its initial purpose was to be merely a news site, it quickly broadened its horizons, and even had a wiki, LANDpedia, that was affiliated with Bulbapedia. Its forums and main page were shut down slowly after the wiki closed.

LAND is short for LAND of ANimated Dreams, making it a recursive backronym.


Pokémon LAND was founded by JoJo and Armageddon® on October 26, 1999, but was not released to the public until December 9 of the same year.

The domain it was under changed many times, however, it has been stably at pokeland.net for several years. The ".net" top-level domain, however, was only reserved as Nintendo itself had already registered pokeland.com.[1]

There has been no updates to the site since 2010 and scarce activity on the forums since the aproximatelly the same time. The website's domain expired in 2020, and the site was soon taken offline. Currently, the site's domain redirects to a GoDaddy holding page.


External links


Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis
English: Bulbapedia German: PokéWiki Japanese: Pokémon Wiki French: Poképédia Italian: Pokémon Central Chinese: 52Poké Wiki Spanish: WikiDex
English German Japanese French
Pokémon Republic's
Pokémon Wiki
Italian Chinese Spanish
Pokémon Central's
Pokémon Central Wiki
Pokémon Zone's
52Poké Wiki
Defunct Members
Portuguese: LANDpedia Spanish: Pokéteca Polish: Wikinezka
Portuguese Spanish Polish
Pokémon LAND's
Pokémon Polska's
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