Pikachu's Beach

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The minigame's brief introductory screen

Pikachu's Beach (Japanese: ピカチュウのサマービーチ Pikachu's Summer Beach) is a minigame exclusive to Pokémon Yellow. It is played at Summer Beach House (Japanese: うみのいえ Sea House) on Route 19, where the Surfin' Dude (Japanese: なみのりオヤジ Surfing Old Man) lives. The Pokémon the Series episode The Pi-Kahuna features this minigame.

In the original game on the Game Boy, playing requires a Pikachu that knows Surf in the party; in the Virtual Console game, it requires the player's Pikachu (matching the player's Trainer ID number and name) in the party. The only legitimate ways to obtain a Pikachu that knows Surf in Yellow are through Pokémon Stadium or an event distribution.


The goal of the minigame is to score as many points as possible. The player controls Pikachu using the Game Boy's Control Pad. As Pikachu is launched over a wave, the left and right buttons can be pressed to cause Pikachu to flip. Bonus "rad" points may be granted for landing safely.

The scoring system, measured in "Radness", is as follows:

  • One flip = 50 points
  • Two flips in the same direction = 150 points
  • Two flips in different directions = 180 points
  • Three flips in the same direction = 350 points
  • Three flips not all in the same direction = 500 points

The HP counter (not to be confused with the HP stat of Pokémon) in the lower right corner acts as a timer and is decreasing by one every frame from 6000 HP. On the opposite side of this counter is a progress bar that shows how far Pikachu is from the shore. The game will finish once Pikachu reaches the shore. "Radness" along with remaining HP is then summed up to determine the final score.

The game scroll rate will increase the more flips Pikachu manages to pull off successfully, which consequently increases the rate at which Pikachu reaches the shore. The scrolling slows down if Pikachu fails a flip and falls underwater. If the player runs out of HP before reaching the shore, the player loses.

After the player completes a game of Pikachu's Beach, in subsequent plays, the player may quit the minigame at any time by pressing the Select button.


A hi-score

When the game is over, Pikachu is scored based on the remaining HP and "Radness". The hi-score is saved and can be recalled anytime by checking the printer in Summer Beach House and declining the game's request to issue a print. In the Game Boy releases, accepting the request will print a black-and-white copy of the hi-score through the Game Boy Printer.

Regional differences

If the game is played on a Super Game Boy or Game Boy Color, Pikachu's cheeks appear blue due to the limited color palette of these consoles. In the Japanese Yellow, Game Boy Color mode only applies a yellow and red palette to the graphics in a similar fashion to the other Generation I games, whereas the localizations use palettes with more saturated colors than those of Super Game Boy mode. As a result, Pikachu's cheeks are depicted properly in the Game Boy Color mode of the Japanese version.


The unused bonus

This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.