Pewter Gym

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Pewter Gym
ニビジム Nibi Gym
Location Pewter City
Gym Leader Brock
Flint (Pokémon the Series)
Lola (Pokémon the Series)
Forrest (Pokémon the Series)
Badge Boulder Badge
Dominant Type Rock
Region Kanto
Brock's Gym Leader area

The Pewter Gym (Japanese: ニビジム Nibi Gym) is the official Gym of Pewter City. It is based on Rock-type Pokémon. The Gym Leader is Brock. Trainers that defeat him receive the Boulder Badge.

In Pokémon the Series, Brock's parents, Flint and Lola, have also held the position of Pewter Gym Leader, with the eldest of Brock's younger siblings, Forrest, being the current Leader.

In the games

Core series games

Pewter City
Pokémon Gym
Leader: Brock
The Rock Solid
Pokémon Trainer!

Pewter City
Pokémon Gym
Leader: Brock
The Rock Solid
Pokémon Trainer

Pewter City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Brock
The Rock-Solid Pokémon Trainer

Pewter City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Brock
The Rock-Solid Pokémon Trainer

Pewter Gym appears in all games set in the Kanto region, appearing much the same in each: a small building with a Japanese rock garden inside, oneRBYGSCFRLG or twoHGSSPE Trainers, and the Gym Leader, Brock, waiting at the back of the Gym, standing on plain floorRBYGSC or a large stone pedestalFRLGHGSSPE. In the Generation I games and their remakes, if the player tries to leave Pewter City to Route 3 before earning the Boulder Badge, a boy standing at the route entrance will lead them to the front of the Gym.

In Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, the player must show a Grass- or Water-type Pokémon from their party to the Gym guide in order to be allowed to challenge the Gym. The Pokémon shown can then be removed from the party without incident, and the player can challenge Brock and his Trainers without any Grass- or Water-type Pokémon if they so desire.


Generation I Generation II Generation III Generation IV Generation VII


Item Location Games
TM Normal TM34 (Bide) Reward for defeating Brock  R  B  Y 
TM Rock TM39 (Rock Tomb) Reward for defeating Brock  FR  LG 
TM Rock TM80 (Rock Slide) Reward for defeating Brock  HG  SS 
TM Normal VI TM01 (Headbutt) Reward for defeating Brock  P  E 


Pokémon Red and Blue
Trainer Pokémon
Jr. Trainer♂
Jr. Trainer♂
Reward: $220
Diglett Diglett Lv.11
No item
Sandshrew Sandshrew Lv.11
No item

Brock has five Full Heals per Pokémon.

Pokémon Yellow
Trainer Pokémon
Jr. Trainer♂
Jr. Trainer♂
Reward: $180
Diglett Diglett Lv.9
No item
Sandshrew Sandshrew Lv.9
No item

Brock has five Full Heals per Pokémon.

Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal
Trainer Pokémon
Camper Jerry
Camper Jerry
キヨシ Kiyoshi
Reward: $740
Sandslash Sandslash Lv.37
No item
Trainers with a telephone symbol by their names will give their Pokégear number to the player, and may call or be called for a rematch with higher-level Pokémon.

Brock has a Hyper Potion.

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Trainer Pokémon
Camper Liam
Camper Liam
トシカズ Toshikazu
Reward: $220
Geodude Geodude Lv.10
No item
Sandshrew Sandshrew Lv.11
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
Trainer Pokémon
Camper Jerry
Camper Jerry
キヨシ Kiyoshi
Reward: $800
Rhydon Rhydon Lv.50
No item
Hiker Edwin
Hiker Edwin
ミキオ Mikio
Reward: $1600
Golem Golem Lv.50
No item
Trainers with a telephone symbol by their names will give their Pokégear number to the player, and may call or be called for a rematch with higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!
Trainer Pokémon
Picnicker Amara
Picnicker Amara
アキナ Akina
Reward: $140
Geodude Geodude Lv.7
No item
Camper Liam
Camper Liam
トシカズ Toshikazu
Reward: $140
Geodude Geodude Lv.7
No item


Side series games

A field based on the Gym appears in Pokémon Stadium's Gym Leader Castle and Stadium 2's Kanto Gym Leader Castle.


Pokémon Stadium
Round 1
Trainer Pokémon
Bug Boy
Bug Boy
Caterpie Caterpie Lv.50-100
No item
Weedle Weedle Lv.50-100
No item
Metapod Metapod Lv.50-100
No item
Kakuna Kakuna Lv.50-100
No item
Beedrill Beedrill Lv.50-100
No item
Butterfree Butterfree Lv.50-100
No item
Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Lv.50-100
No item
Ekans Ekans Lv.50-100
No item
Zubat Zubat Lv.50-100
No item
Oddish Oddish Lv.50-100
No item
Paras Paras Lv.50-100
No item
Gloom Gloom Lv.50-100
No item
Jr. ♂
Jr. ♂
Farfetch'd Farfetch'd Lv.50-100
No item
Diglett Diglett Lv.50-100
No item
Pidgey Pidgey Lv.50-100
No item
Dugtrio Dugtrio Lv.50-100
No item
Sandshrew Sandshrew Lv.50-100
No item
Geodude Geodude Lv.50-100
No item

Round 2
Trainer Pokémon
Bug Boy
Bug Boy
Paras Paras Lv.50-100
No item
Rattata Rattata Lv.50-100
No item
Spearow Spearow Lv.50-100
No item
Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Lv.50-100
No item
Beedrill Beedrill Lv.50-100
No item
Butterfree Butterfree Lv.50-100
No item
Ivysaur Ivysaur Lv.50-100
No item
Arbok Arbok Lv.50-100
No item
Zubat Zubat Lv.50-100
No item
Gloom Gloom Lv.50-100
No item
Exeggcute Exeggcute Lv.50-100
No item
Venonat Venonat Lv.50-100
No item
Jr. ♂
Jr. ♂
Farfetch'd Farfetch'd Lv.50-100
No item
Diglett Diglett Lv.50-100
No item
Pidgeot Pidgeot Lv.50-100
No item
Kabutops Kabutops Lv.50-100
No item
Sandshrew Sandshrew Lv.50-100
No item
Graveler Graveler Lv.50-100
No item

Pokémon Stadium 2
Round 1

Round 2

Spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Artwork depicting the Pewter Gym is seen in Brock's mindscapes.

Brock & Onix
Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar

In animation

Pewter Gym in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
Pewter Gym's battlefield in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

Pokémon the Series

In Pokémon the Series, the Pewter Gym is a stone building apparently set apart from the rest of Pewter City. When it first appeared, the Gym's name was visible at the front, but it's removed in its later appearances. In the Gym's debut appearance, Brock was shown waiting inside in the dark for challengers, sitting on a stone pedestal as he does in the games. The battlefield, which consists of two halves that can be moved together during battles, is littered with jagged rocks and boulders, and a balcony along the edge above provides spectators a spot to watch Gym battles. Despite being a Rock-type Gym, the building has sprinklers for fire safety.

During Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, the Gym is noticeably cleaner. In addition, the battlefield now has more pointed rocks, while the area around it is a blue shiny floor, possibly to reflect Lola's penchant for water. Brock's family lives in a large house located at the back of the Gym. The Gym also has a large storage room for Poké Balls, as seen during Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire.

Pokémon the Series: The Beginning

Pewter Gym made multiple appearances in Pokémon the Series: The Beginning, first appearing in Showdown in Pewter City, where Ash challenged it as his first Gym in order to earn his first Badge. However, his Pikachu was at a severe disadvantage against Brock's Onix, forcing Ash to eventually surrender, suffering his first loss since he started his journey. After some training with Pikachu, Ash challenged Brock to a rematch, during which Pikachu accidentally set off the Gym's sprinkler system, allowing Pikachu's Electric moves to hurt Onix. However, Ash refused to deal the finishing blow and forfeited, saying that he didn't feel this way of winning would be fair. However, soon after, Brock caught up to Ash and gave him a Boulder Badge, insisting that he had earned it through his kindness to Pokémon. The two were then approached by Flint, Brock's father and the previous Pewter Gym Leader. As Brock's true dream was to become a Pokémon Breeder and him having held the Gym Leader position only out of obligation to his family, he gave his Gym Leader position back to Flint in order to travel with Ash.

Pokémon Chronicles

During Brock's travels with Ash, Brock's mother, Lola, returned to the Gym and decided to redecorate and redesign it to match her preference of Water-type Pokémon, including adding a pool of water in the middle of the battlefield. When Brock returned to the Gym in A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!, he was shocked to see the changes done to it and joined his younger brother Forrest in voicing his distaste towards them. Flint battled Lola to change the Gym back, but was defeated. He then suggested that the Gym could be converted into a dual-type one, but Brock rejected the idea and challenged his mother to a battle as well. Unlike Flint, Brock was able to defeat Lola, restoring the Gym to its roots as a sole Rock-type Gym. Brock then left his Onix, Geodude, and Crobat with Forrest at the Gym before heading to Hoenn to rejoin Ash.

Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire

The Gym was mentioned in Gonna Rule the School!, where Roxanne referred to it as "the flagship of all Rock Gyms."

Brock briefly returned to the Gym in between The Scheme Team and The Right Place and the Right Mime, leaving his Ludicolo with his family before rejoining Ash during his journey to challenge the Kanto Battle Frontier.

The Gym was subject to a second remodeling attempt, this time by a disguised Team Rocket, in Grating Spaces. Ash and Brock had a Tag Battle against Jessie and James while Meowth tried to steal Poké Balls from the Gym's storage room, until he was exposed by Max. Afterwards, the stolen Poké Balls were recovered and Team Rocket was sent blasting off again.

Brock once again made an off-screen stop at the Pewter Gym in between Home is Where the Start Is! and Two Degrees of Separation!, leaving his Forretress and Marshtomp there before traveling to Sinnoh to once again rejoin Ash.

Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

The Gym was featured again in DPS02, where Brock returned there to meet a Nurse Joy from the Pokémon Inspection Agency, who had come to shut the Gym down due to it not having an official Leader present. Brock battled against Nurse Joy, but was defeated, endangering the Gym's fate. Afterwards, Brock learned that while he had previously left his Gym Leader duties to Forrest, Flint had accidentally lost the Gym Leader change notice he had been supposed to bring to the PIA, causing the information to never reach the agency. Brock managed to convince Nurse Joy into having another battle to decide the Gym's fate, this time against Forrest. To everyone's surprise, Joy used Latias, a Legendary Pokémon, to face against Forrest. While Forrest ended up losing the battle, Joy recognized his skills and officially appointed him as the new Pewter Gym Leader, allowing the Gym to continue operating.


Original design Original battlefield

Pokémon used in the Gym

Used by Brock
Brock's Sudowoodo
Debut From Cradle to Save
Voice actors
Japanese Daisuke Sakaguchi
English Bill Rogers
Main article: Brock's Sudowoodo

Brock used Sudowoodo in a battle against a Nurse Joy from the Pokémon Inspection Agency and her Chansey in DPS02. However, he was caught off guard when Chansey used Attract. Because of his infatuation, Chansey easily defeated him.

Used by Brock and Forrest
Onix → Steelix
Brock's Steelix
Brock's Mega Steelix
Debut Showdown in Pewter City
Voice actors
Japanese Unshō Ishizuka
English Unshō Ishizuka
Main article: Brock's Steelix

Steelix was used by Brock for Gym battles as an Onix. It was later left for Forrest to use, evolving under his care. Thanks to Brock's Key Stone and its Steelixite, it can Mega Evolve into Mega Steelix.

Brock's Geodude
Debut Showdown in Pewter City
Voice actors
Japanese Shin-ichiro Miki
English Michael Haigney
Main article: Brock's Geodude

Geodude was used by Brock for Gym battles. It was later left for Forrest to use.

Used by Flint
Graveler → Golem
Flint's Golem

Flint's Golem first appeared when it battled against Lola's Marill to win back the Pewter Gym from her, but was swiftly defeated due to the type disadvantage.

It was revealed that Golem used to be a Graveler; in a battle against Lola's Poliwag, the precision of her Poliwag's Hydro Pump made Flint fall in love with Lola. It was later seen with Blastoise, holding up the new sign made of rock, which they broke.

Golem appeared again in Grating Spaces! where it welcomed Brock home with Brock's Geodude, Steelix, and Crobat.

Golem's only known move is Earthquake.

Used by Lola
Lola's Marill

Lola's Marill was used against Flint's Golem in a battle for the title of Gym Leader. Though greatly shaken by Golem's Earthquake, Marill was easily able to defeat its opponent.

In Grating Spaces!, Team Rocket planned to capture Marill and the other Pokémon of Lola's but failed. In DPS02, it, along with Brock's Sudowoodo, took on the role of Brock's youngest siblings' playmate.

Marill's only known move is Surf.

Lola's Mantine

Lola's Mantine was used against Brock's Onix in a battle to reclaim the Pewter Gym and allow it to still be a Rock-type Gym. Despite Onix being at a severe type disadvantage, though, it was able to defeat Mantine.

In Grating Spaces!, Team Rocket planned to capture Mantine and the other Pokémon of Lola's but failed.

Mantine's known moves are Bubble Beam and Confuse Ray*.

Used by Forrest
Brock's Crobat
Debut Clefairy and the Moon Stone
Voice actors
Japanese Shin-ichiro Miki
English Shin-ichiro Miki
Main article: Brock's Crobat

Crobat was used by Forrest in Gym battles.

Forrest's Rhyperior
Debut DPS02
Voice actors
Japanese Kenta Miyake

Rhyperior is currently the only known Pokémon of Forrest that he did not borrow from Brock. He used it in a battle against Nurse Joy's Latias. Despite fighting well, Rhyperior was ultimately defeated by the Legendary Pokémon.

Rhyperior's known moves are Megahorn, Rock Wrecker, Horn Drill, and Dig.

Pokémon Origins

Pewter Gym in Pokémon Origins

The Pewter Gym appeared in File 1: Red, when Red traveled there to challenge it at the suggestion of Brock, whom he didn't know being the Gym Leader until meeting him at the Gym. After battling Brock's Geodude with his Charmander for a while, Red was advised by Brock to use a Pokémon with a better type matchup, prompting Red to switch to his Nidoran♂, whose super effective Double Kick was enough to defeat Geodude. Brock then switched to his Onix, which defeated Nidoran♂ with Bide, and then proceeded to defeat Red's Spearow, Rattata, and Metapod as well, but not before the Metapod had managed to land a String Shot on the Rock Snake Pokémon. Red was then forced to switch back to his Charmander. Thanks to Metapod's String Shot, Charmander was able to outspeed Onix and defeat it with Scratch, winning the match for Red and earning him the Boulder Badge and TM34 (Bide).

Like all Gyms in Pokémon Origins, this Gym has scoreboards featuring each Trainer's current Pokémon and their remaining HP. The Gym's battlefield's design is based on that of Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.

Pokémon used in the Gym

Brock's Geodude
Debut File 1: Red
Main article: Brock's Geodude

Brock used Geodude in his Gym battle against Red. It first battled Red's Charmander and managed to deal lots of damage to it before Red recalled it. Geodude then faced Red's Nidoran♂, but was quickly defeated by his Double Kick.

Brock's Onix
Debut File 1: Red
Main article: Brock's Onix

Brock used Onix in his Gym battle against Red. Onix managed to defeat four of Red's Pokémon in a quick succesion before finally being defeated by Red's Charmander.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Pewter Gym in Pokémon Adventures

Each challenger who wishes to battle Brock must first defeat several rounds of Gym Trainers. The outside of the Gym has the default design, but the inside consists of a boxing ring where the Trainers battle, a space for the crowd around it, and a room with windows where Brock can watch the battles.

Red, Green & Blue arc

Pewter Gym appeared in Onix is On!, where both Red and Blue challenged the Gym for the Boulder Badge, with both of them eventually beating the Gym Leader.

Pokémon used in the Gym

Brock's Onix
Debut Onix Is On!
Main article: Brock's Onix

Onix is arguably Brock's most powerful Pokémon and is apparently well known for its speed, which causes shock waves when it moves. Onix was first used in battle against Red's Pika. Despite the type advantage, Onix was defeated by the small Electric type after it came to fight for Red of its own will. Three years later, Onix was sent out by Brock to use as a bridge when a bridge in the Tohjo Falls went out while Brock, Erika and Misty were heading to Johto, during which Misty is joined by Suicune. However, it itself collapsed when they were all attacked by a large group of Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat. Once the group finally made it to the Indigo Plateau, Brock used Onix in his battle with Jasmine. It lost to Jasmine's Steelix, which he initially mistook as an Onix of a different variety due to its rock covering used to hide the fact that it was a new, undiscovered species at the time.

Geodude (×6)
Brock's Geodude
Debut Onix Is On!
Main article: Brock's Geodude

Brock owns six Geodude, nicknamed Geoone, Geotwo, Geothree, and so on. One of them appeared in Onix Is On! watching the battles with his Trainer. The other five first appeared in Putting It On The Line...Against Arcanine. They often grasp each others' wrists in order to circle around Brock to protect him. During the Gold, Silver & Crystal arc, they used their Magnitude to stop the Magnet Train. However, the impact sent it off course, causing it to almost crash before it was saved by Red's Snorlax.

Brock's Graveler
Debut Onix Is On!

Brock's Graveler was first seen as he watched Red battle the Trainers in the Pewter Gym. Later on, Brock gave him to Yellow, who named him Gravvy. He has since evolved it into a Golem.

Graveler's known moves are Mega Punch, Rock Throw, Take Down, and Defense Curl, and his Ability is Sturdy.

Pokémon Pocket Monsters

Pewter Gym in Pokémon Pocket Monsters
Pewter Gym in The Electric Tale of Pikachu

Pewter Gym appeared in Bring Down the Powerful Opponent Onix!!. Red and Clefairy discovered Brock's collection of Pokémon and that Clefairy's cousin Pikachu was a part of his collection. After Clefairy beat Brock's Onix in a battle, Brock gave Pikachu to Red, along with a Boulder Badge.

The Electric Tale of Pikachu

Pewter Gym appeared in Play Misty For Me, where Ash entered the Gym and challenged Brock, eventually beating the Rock-type Gym Leader.

Pewter Gym in Pokémon Zensho

Pokémon Zensho

Pewter Gym appeared in PZ02. After arriving in Pewter City, Satoshi met one of Brock's students, who told him that Brock's toughness and rock-hard stubbornness were driving away potential challengers and even his own students, threatening the Gym's future. As such, Satoshi chose to challenge Brock. Despite his Charmander being at a type disadvantage against Brock's Onix, Satoshi eventually won by having Charmander attack Onix's weak spot at its horn, earning the young Trainer his first Badge. Seeing Satoshi's friendship with his Pokémon made Brock consider starting to soften up his forceful ways.

In the TCG

The Pewter Gym was featured in the TCG as both a Japan exclusive Theme Deck and as a card. The following is a list of cards mentioning or featuring Pewter City Gym in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon in Pewer Gym
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
OnixGX Fighting Hidden Fates Ultra-Rare Rare 36/68 Trainer Battle Decks   011/031
Other related cards
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Pewter City Gym T [St] Gym Heroes Uncommon 115/132 Leaders' Stadium Uncommon  
      Nivi City Gym    
Brock's Pewter City Gym St Hidden Fates Uncommon 54/68 Brock of Pewter City Gym Trainer Battle Deck   030/031



Related articles

Gym Leaders of the Kanto region
Pewter Gym Boulder Badge
Cerulean Gym Cascade Badge
Vermilion Gym Thunder Badge
Lt. Surge
Celadon Gym Rainbow Badge
Fuchsia Gym Soul Badge
Koga Janine
Saffron Gym Marsh Badge
Cinnabar Gym Volcano Badge
Viridian Gym Earth Badge
Giovanni Blue
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.