Los Platos

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Los Platos プラトタウン
Plato Town

Los Platos in {{{variable2}}}.
Map description
This area is not described by a map.
[[|Los Platos Gym]] - Paldea Gym #{{{gymno}}}
No specialty type [[File:{{{badge}}} Badge.png|70px|{{{badge}}} Badge|link=Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge|{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[|Los Platos Gym]] - Paldea Gym #{{{gymno}}}
specialist Gym
[[File:{{{badge}}} Badge.png|70px|{{{badge}}} Badge|link=Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge|{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[|Los Platos Gym]] - Paldea Gym #{{{gymno}}}
specialist Gym
[[File:{{{badge}}} Badge.png|70px|{{{badge}}} Badge|link=Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[Badge#{{{badge}}} Badge|{{{badge}}} Badge]]
[[| League]]
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Champion [[{{{champion}}}|{{{champion}}}]]
[[| League]]
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Elite Four
Champion [[{{{champion2}}}|{{{champion2}}}]]
South Province (Area One)
South Province (Area One)
Los Platos
South Province (Area One)
South Province (Area One)

Location of Los Platos in Paldea.

Los Platos (Japanese: プラトタウン Plato Town) is a small settlement in South Province (Area One) in the Paldea region.

Places of interest


Main article: Sugar-N-Ice

Sugar-N-Ice is a vending cart chain that sells ice cream cones of various flavors which provide Meal Powers. It has one location in Los Platos, by the street just west of the Pokémon Center.

Poké Mart

Poké Mart Cashier


Item Location Games
None 5000 LP At the Los Platos Pokémon Center, from Nemona  S  V 
TM Material Mankey Fur ×10 At the Los Platos Pokémon Center, from Nemona  S  V 
TM Material Ralts Dust ×10 At the Los Platos Pokémon Center, from Nemona  S  V 
TM Material Wooper Slime ×10 At the Los Platos Pokémon Center, from Nemona  S  V 
Paralyze Heal SV Paralyze Heal On the northeast side of the southwestern house  S  V 
Antidote SV Antidote Against the cliff wall to the south of the town  S  V 
TM Psychic SV TM085 (Rest) Behind the bench north of the lake with Surskit  S  V 


Games Location Song name (Japanese) Song name (English Translation) Composition Arrangement
 S  V  Everywhere プラトタウン Los Platos Toby Fox Minako Adachi

In animation

Los Platos in Pokémon Horizons: The Series

Pokémon Horizons: The Series

Los Platos briefly appeared in Welcome to Naranja Academy!, where Liko and her mother Lucca traveled there before parting ways, with Liko heading off to Mesagoza to start her studies at Naranja Academy.


  • Los Platos only has one Pokémon Center, but it is still labeled as "Los Platos (East)".


Language Name Origin
Japanese プラトタウン Plato Town From plato (Spanish for plate)
English Los Platos From los platos (Spanish for "the plates")
German Pratolido From prato (Galician and Portuguese for plate), lid, and possibly Toledo
Spanish Pueblo Ataifor From ataifor (deep dish typical of Andalusian tableware)
French Plato Real From plato (Spanish for plate), real (Spanish for royal), and possibly Ciudad Real
Italian Platia From plato (Spanish for plate)
Korean 플라토마을 Plato Maeul Transcription of Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 平碟鎮 / 平碟镇 Píngdié Zhèn From 平碟 píngdié / pìhngdihp (plate)
Chinese (Cantonese) 平碟鎮 Pìhngdihp Jan

Related articles

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Access to
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This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.