Light Pokémon (TCG)

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An example of a Light Pokémon

Light Pokémon (Japanese: やさしいポケモン Gentle Pokémon) are a variant of Pokémon found in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. They are the counterpart of Dark Pokémon.

Light Pokémon were introduced in the 2001 Neo Destiny expansion, which as the title suggests, revolves around the potential path or "destiny" a Pokémon can follow depending on how it is brought up by their Trainer. Similar to their Dark Pokémon counterparts, Light Pokémon are always evolved Pokémon. They tend to have slightly higher HP values compared to those of normal Pokémon, and their attacks often provide support effects that can aid either player. As the word "Light" is part of the card's name, one can include up to 4 of each the regular and Light versions of the same species in the same deck.

Although Dark Pokémon returned in the 2004 EX Series, Light Pokémon remained absent from the TCG until 2021, when Light Toxtricity was printed as one of the 2019-2023 SWSH Black Star Promos for the Pokémon 25th Anniversary.

Aesthetically, the artwork on Light Pokémon cards feature bright highlights and depict serene environments. They also have a white and gold artwork window, Evolution box and Pokédex box, as opposed to the regular gold.

Pokémon that have appeared as Light Pokémon

Light Pokémon
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Light Arcanine Fire Neo Destiny Rare Holo 12/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare Holo  
Light Azumarill Water Neo Destiny Rare Holo 13/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare Holo  
Light Dragonite Colorless Neo Destiny Rare Holo 14/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare Holo  
Light Togetic Colorless Neo Destiny Rare Holo 15/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare Holo  
Light Dragonair Colorless Neo Destiny Rare 22/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare  
Light Lanturn Lightning Neo Destiny Rare 23/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare  
Light Ledian Grass Neo Destiny Rare 24/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare  
Light Machamp Fighting Neo Destiny Rare 25/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare  
Light Piloswine Water Neo Destiny Rare 26/105 Darkness, and to Light... Rare  
Light Dewgong Water Neo Destiny Uncommon 45/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Flareon Fire Neo Destiny Uncommon 46/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Golduck Water Neo Destiny Uncommon 47/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Jolteon Lightning Neo Destiny Uncommon 48/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Machoke Fighting Neo Destiny Uncommon 49/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Ninetales Fire Neo Destiny Uncommon 50/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Slowbro Psychic Neo Destiny Uncommon 51/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Vaporeon Water Neo Destiny Uncommon 52/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Venomoth Grass Neo Destiny Uncommon 53/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Wigglytuff Colorless Neo Destiny Uncommon 54/105 Darkness, and to Light... Uncommon  
Light Sunflora Grass Neo Destiny Common 72/105 Darkness, and to Light... Common  
Light Toxtricity Lightning SWSH Black Star Promos   SWSH137      

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This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.