
Lifesaver (Japanese: ありがとうカイリュー) is the name of a Pokémon-based application for the e-Reader. It contains a short cartoon starring Dragonite. Only two cards are required for the Lifesaver application: Dratini and Dragonair.
There are two different versions of Lifesaver. After the card is scanned, Version 1 will play, and when the application is replayed, Version 2 will be played. If the application is replayed subsequent times, this order will be repeated.
Version 1
Dragonite is flying across the skyline of a big city and then over a big field with windmills. It notices a Pikachu drowning in the water, so it flies down, grabs Pikachu, and brings it to safety on dry land. Pikachu thanks Dragonite and it flies away.
Version 2
Dragonite is flying across the skyline of a big city and then over a big field with windmills. It notices a Pikachu drowning in the water, so it flies down and grabs Pikachu. As Dragonite is lifting Pikachu, it discovers that a Magikarp is holding on to its tail. Slowly a chain of Pokémon is revealed: first Pikachu and Magikarp, then a Marill, a Goldeen and finally a Wobbuffet, all hanging on to each other.