Leader's Crest

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Leader's Crest
Leader's Symbol
Leader's Crest
Sprite from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Introduced in Generation IX
Generation IX Other Items
Power 30

Leader's Crest (Japanese: かしらのしるし Leader's Symbol) is a type of item introduced in Generation IX.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
SV N/A $750


Having a Bisharp defeat three other Bisharp that hold a Leader's Crest will allow it to evolve into Kingambit upon leveling up. As long as the player's Bisharp lands the finishing blow, any source of damage can be used to defeat the Bisharp and count towards the evolution requirement. The Bisharp must be holding the Leader's Crest when it is defeated to count towards the requirement, so stealing or removing the crest before defeating it does not count towards the requirement, but giving the Leader's Crest to a Bisharp (via Switcheroo or other moves) before defeating it does.


Games Description
SV A shard of what appears to be an old blade of some sort. It is held only by Bisharp that head up a group of Pawniard.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
SV Held by wild Bisharp leading a group of Pawniard

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 頭領憑證 Táuléhng Pàhngjing
Mandarin 頭領憑證 / 头领凭证 Tóulǐng Píngzhèng
French Emblème du Général
German Anführersymbol
Italian Simbolo del capo
Korean 대장의징표 Daejang-ui Jingpyo
Spanish Distintivo de Líder

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.