An event Wonder Mail password is required to unlock this dungeon in Explorers of Time and Darkness, this was originally revealed in the DVD pocket for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness animated special. In Explorers of Sky, the player can instead randomly receive the mission from Togetic in Spinda's Cafe. In both cases, the player has to complete Chapter 10 and achieve Bronze Rank, first.
The jobs here are ranked E-C by default, depending on the floor (this includes the Gabite Scale mission).
True to its name, Labyrinth Cave consists of large floors with a lot of rooms on average: 3-14 rooms on floors 1, 2, 5, 8 and 9, 3-15 rooms on floors 3 and 4 and 3-16 rooms on floors 5 and 6. This makes it the dungeon with biggest average room amount available before credits roll, and one of the biggest average room amount in the entire game.
There is 1-4 items on the floor and 2-3 starting enemies. There are usually 1-2 Wonder Tiles. There is 1% chance each for rooms on floor 2, 5 and 7 to be filled with water.
The IQ Booster activates every floor. The turn limit is 1000. There is light darkness in the dungeon, but only in Explorers of Sky, making it the only dungeon where this has been changed in the updated version.
Labyrinth Cave appeared in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness, where the newly-formed Team Poképals ventured to it in order to get a Gabite Scale to cure Shinx's sick sister. At the end of the hazardous cave, they encountered Gabite, who was sick of handing Scales to everyone who came to ask for one, and engaged in a battle with the Exploration Team. Despite Sunflora being immobilized by Gabite's Attract, Piplup and Chimchar managed to defeat Gabite, who, as a reward for a good fight, handed the explorers the Scale they had come looking for.