Kazumasa Iwao

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Iwao in 2022

Kazumasa Iwao (Japanese: 岩尾和昌 Iwao Kazumasa) is a game designer and director who has worked at Game Freak since 2008.[1] He has been involved with main series Pokémon games as a game designer since Pokémon Black and White Versions. He was appointed by Shigeru Ohmori as the director for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.

He also appeared in the form of an NPC as Iwao (Japanese: イワオ) in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.



In-game cameo appearance

In Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Iwao appears in the Game Freak office in Heahea City. The player can battle him teamed up with Morimoto in a Multi Battle once per day. Iwao specializes in Normal-type Pokémon.


Iwao's Pokémon are kept in Repeat Balls.

Sprites and models

VS sprite from
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
High-poly model from
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Overworld model from
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon


  • Before battle
"Yup, I’m here! What did you... Huh?! A battle?! All right! Then I’ll be aiming for victory!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Oh, so that’s your strategy? Not bad at all!"
  • After being defeated
"Very good! Really! You’ve raised some great Pokémon! Let me heal them up for you."


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This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.