Initial Guard (Skill)

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Initial Guard 登場時次ダメージ防御
Damage Guard Next On Appearance
Passive Skill
Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to the user when it enters a battle.

Initial Guard (Japanese: 登場時次ダメージ防御 Damage Guard Next On Appearance) is a skill in Pokémon Masters EX.


When the user enters the battlefield during a battle, the user will gain the Damage Guard Next effect.


As passive skill

As grid skill (yellow tiles)

As lucky skill

Lucky Cookie Appearance Rate
Arc Suit Lance Lucky Cookie 1 100%

In other languages

Language Title
Japanese 登場時次ダメージ防御
Mandarin Chinese 上場時下次傷害防禦
French Arrivée Prochain Garde
German Antritt-Folge-Schadensschutz
Italian Entrata protettiva
Korean 등장시차회데미지방어
Spanish Entrada Siguiente Mitiga Daño
This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.