Hot Wind Arena (TCG)

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TCG expansions


Enhanced Expansion Pack: Hot Wind Arena
強化拡張パック 熱風のアリーナ

Cards in set 63+
Release date March 14, 2025

Hot Wind Arena (Japanese: 強化拡張パック 熱風のアリーナ Enhanced Expansion Pack: Hot Wind Arena) is the name given to the ninth Japanese subset released during the Pokémon Trading Card Game's Scarlet & Violet Era. It continues the release of Trainer's Pokémon.


Hot Wind Arena will be released in Japan on March 14, 2025.[1] Each booster box contains 30 booster packs. The booster pack artwork features Cynthia and her Garchomp, Ethan and his Ho-Oh, and Arven and his Mabosstiff. In addition to these three characters, Misty is also featured. The standard set contains 63 cards, not including any secret cards.

Those who purchase a booster box of the expansion will receive a 3 card booster pack containing SV-P Promo Feraligatr Pikachu and Toxtricity ex, the three winning illustrations from the Pokémon Trading Card Game Illustration Contest 2024, while supplies last.[2]

The subset was designed to be played during Sealed Battles. Official Sealed Battles will be held at Pokémon Gym locations nationwide from March 14, 2025 to May 31, 2025.[3] Entrants of these Sealed Battles will receive 15 Hot Wind Arena booster packs, a random copy of Nemona from two possible prints, and a commemorative deck case upon paying the entry fee. Entrants are required to use cards obtained from their booster packs, any quantity of Basic Energy (provided by the venue), and if they choose the Nemona promo to construct a 40-card deck to use in games with four Prize cards. Groups of up to four players will compete in round-robin mini tournaments, the winner of which will receive a Sealed Battle Promo Card Pack containing one of the following three SV-P Promotional cards: Ethan's Ho-Oh ex, Cynthia's Garchomp ex, or Arven's Mabosstiff ex. Each event concluds with a Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament of the non-winning players, and the winner will also receive a Sealed Battle Promo Card Pack.[3]

A localised release in Traditional Chinese will follow on March 28, 2025.[4]

Hot Wind is the Japanese name of the move Heat Wave.

Set list

Hot Wind Arena
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/063 I Ethan's Pinsir Grass U Promotion
002/063 I Yanma Grass C Promotion
003/063 I Yanmegaex Grass RR Promotion
004/063 I Cynthia's Roselia Grass C Promotion
005/063 I Cynthia's Roserade Grass R Promotion
006/063 I Shaymin Grass U Promotion
007/063 I Dwebble Grass C Promotion
008/063 I Crustle Grass R Promotion
009/063 I Applin Grass C Promotion
010/063 I Dipplin Grass C Promotion
011/063 I Hydrapple Grass R Promotion
012/063 I Teal Mask Ogerpon Grass U Promotion
013/063 I Ponyta Fire C Promotion
014/063 I Rapidash Fire U Promotion
015/063 I Ethan's Cyndaquil Fire C Promotion
016/063 I Ethan's Quilava Fire C Promotion
017/063 I Ethan's Typhlosion Fire R Promotion
018/063 I Ethan's Slugma Fire C Promotion
019/063 I Ethan's Magcargo Fire R Promotion
020/063 I Ethan's Ho-Ohex Fire RR Promotion
021/063 I Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon Fire U Promotion
022/063 I Misty's Psyduck Water U Promotion
023/063 I Misty's Staryu Water C Promotion
024/063 I Misty's Starmie Water U Promotion
025/063 I Misty's Magikarp Water C Promotion
026/063 I Misty's Gyarados Water R Promotion
027/063 I Misty's Lapras Water C Promotion
028/063 I Cynthia's Feebas Water C Promotion
029/063 I Cynthia's Milotic Water U Promotion
030/063 I Buizel Water C Promotion
031/063 I Floatzel Water U Promotion
032/063 I Dondozoex Water RR Promotion
033/063 I Wellspring Mask Ogerpon Water U Promotion
034/063 I Electabuzz Lightning C Promotion
035/063 I Electivireex Lightning RR Promotion
036/063 I Ethan's Pichu Lightning C Promotion
037/063 I Electrike Lightning C Promotion
038/063 I Manectric Lightning C Promotion
039/063 I Rotom Lightning C Promotion
040/063 I Zeraora Lightning R Promotion
041/063 I Ethan's Sudowoodo Fighting C Promotion
042/063 I Cynthia's Gible Fighting C Promotion
043/063 I Cynthia's Gabite Fighting U Promotion
044/063 I Cynthia's Garchompex Fighting RR Promotion
045/063 I Mudbray Fighting C Promotion
046/063 I Mudsdale Fighting U Promotion
047/063 I Arven's Toedscool Fighting C Promotion
048/063 I Arven's Toedscruel Fighting U Promotion
049/063 I Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon Fighting U Promotion
050/063 I Cynthia's Spiritomb Darkness U Promotion
051/063 I Arven's Maschiff Darkness C Promotion
052/063 I Arven's Mabosstiffex Darkness RR Promotion
053/063 I Tauros Colorless C Promotion
054/063 I Arven's Skwovet Colorless C Promotion
055/063 I Arven's Greedent Colorless R Promotion
056/063 I Sacred Ash I U Promotion
057/063 I Arven's Sandwich I U Promotion
058/063 G Switch I U Promotion
059/063 G Pokémon Catcher I U Promotion
060/063 I Cynthia's Power Weight PT U Promotion
061/063 I Emcee's Excitement Su C Promotion
062/063 G Judge Su U Promotion
063/063 I Ethan's Adventure Su U Promotion
065/063 I Cynthia's Roserade Grass AR Promotion
067/063 I Crustle Grass AR Promotion
068/063 I Hydrapple Grass AR Promotion
069/063 I Rapidash Fire AR Promotion
071/063 I Misty's Psyduck Water AR Promotion
074/063 I Rotom Lightning AR Promotion
075/063 I Arven's Greedent Colorless AR Promotion
086/063 I Ethan's Ho-Ohex Fire SAR Promotion
087/063 I Cynthia's Garchompex Fighting SAR Promotion

Pack artwork

Japanese pack artwork
Traditional Chinese pack
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 熱風競技場 Yihtfūng Gihnggeihchèuhng
Mandarin 熱風競技場 Rèfēng Jìngjìchǎng


This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Scarlet & Violet Series
SVE Basic EnergiesSVP Black Star Promos
Scarlet & Violet: Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle Box
ex Battle Decks—Ampharos & Lucario
Paldea Evolved: Paldea Evolved Build & Battle Box
Trainer's Toolkit 2023ex Battle Decks—Chien-Pao & Tinkaton
McDonald's Collection 2023Play! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Three
Obsidian Flames: Obsidian Flames Build & Battle Box
Deluxe Battle Decks—Meowscarada ex & Quaquaval exTrick or Trade 2023
151My First Battleex Battle Decks—Greninja & Kangaskhan
Paradox Rift: Paradox Rift Build & Battle Box
Miraidon ex League Battle DeckPokémon Trading Card Game Classic
Paldean FatesPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Four
Temporal Forces: Temporal Forces Build & Battle BoxDeluxe Battle Decks—Ninetales ex & Zapdos ex
ex Battle Decks—Houndoom & MelmetalGardevoir ex League Battle Deck
Twilight Masquerade: Twilight Masquerade Build & Battle Box
Battle Academy 2024ex Battle Decks—Victini & Miraidon
Shrouded FablePlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Five
Deluxe Battle Decks—Koraidon ex & Miraidon exTrick or Trade 2024
Stellar Crown: Stellar Crown Build & Battle Box
Trainer's Toolkit 2024ex Battle Decks—Tapu Koko & Iron Leaves
Surging Sparks: Surging Sparks Build & Battle Box
Charizard ex League Battle DeckMcDonald's Collection 2024
Prismatic EvolutionsPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Six
Journey Together: Journey Together Build & Battle Box
Dragapult ex League Battle Deck
Marnie Rival Battle DeckSteven Rival Battle Deck
Destined Rivals
Scarlet & Violet Era
SV-P Promotional cards
Scarlet exViolet ex: ex Starter SetsPremium Trainer Box ex
Triplet Beatex Starter Set Pikachu ex & Pawmot
Snow HazardClay Burst
ex Special SetPokémon Card 151ex Start Decks
Ruler of the Black Flame: Ruler of the Black Flame Deck Build Box2023 Pokémon World Championships Yokohama Deck: Pikachu
Raging SurfTerastal Starter Sets
Ancient RoarFuture Flash
Pokémon Card Game ClassicVenusaur & Charizard & Blastoise Special Deck Set exShiny Treasure ex
Wild ForceCyber Judge: Starter Deck & Build Sets
Battle AcademyCrimson Haze
Transformation Mask
Battle Master DecksNight Wanderer
Stellar Miracle: Stellar Miracle Deck Build Box
Stellar Tera Type Starter Sets
Paradise Dragona
Super Electric Breaker
Generations Start Decks
Terastal Fest ex
Battle Partners: Battle Partners Deck Build BoxCollection File Sets
ex Starter Set Steven's Beldum & Metagross exex Starter Set Marnie's Morpeko & Grimmsnarl ex
Hot Wind Arena
Glory of the Rocket Gang
Black BoltWhite Flare