Holo Caster

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This article is about the item in Generation VI. For the segment at the end of Japanese episodes of Pokémon the Series: XY, see Professor Oak's Pokémon Holo Caster.
Holo Caster
Holo Caster
Holo Caster
Trevor's Holo Caster
Introduced in Generation VI
Generation VI Key items
Generation VII Key items

The Holo Caster (Japanese: ホロキャスター Holo Caster) is a Key Item in Generation VI, introduced in Pokémon X and Y. It is a device developed by Lysandre Labs that allows people to communicate with each other through holograms.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price


Pokémon X and Y

Malva appearing on the Holo Caster

The player automatically starts their game with a Holo Caster. Its color depends on the player's gender: green or red if male or female respectively. At various points in the game's plot, the player will receive messages from their friends and allies to advance the story.

It is revealed later in the storyline that Team Flare spied on messages sent by the Holo Caster, although Sina and Dexio destroy the machine which recorded the messages shortly after Team Flare is defeated in Geosenge Town.

By accessing the Holo Caster via PSS, it was used to receive special news bulletins about events and tournaments, and receive special distributions from participating stores and event locations via SpotPass. With StreetPass, the player can collect reports on other players as they pass by them. These are presented in a similar way to a news report, with the reporter being Malva. The Holo Caster service was discontinued in October 2016 in preparation for the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon.

In the Looker Bureau missions, the Holo Caster is frequently used by Emma, Malva, and Looker.

In any mode, the Nintendo 3DS's internal gyroscope can be used to move the background behind the character on-screen.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

The SpotPass and StreetPass functions of the Holo Caster are still accessible through the PSS section of the PlayNav, even though the device itself is no longer obtainable in the game.


Games Description
XYORAS A device that allows users to receive and view hologram clips at any time. It is also used to chat with others.
A device that allows users to receive and view hologram clips at any time. It's also used to chat with others.
SV A device that allows you to view the hologram clips you have received at any time.


Games Method
XY Vaniville Town (automatically obtained at the start of the game)

In animation

A Holo Caster in Pokémon the Series: XY

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon the Series: XY

In Pokémon the Series, Holo Casters have primarily appeared under the ownership of characters associated with Team Flare. The first one was first seen in Mega Evolution Special I, under the ownership of Alain, while another Holo Caster appeared in Mega Evolution Special II, this time under the ownership of Lysandre. The Team Flare Scientists also possess a Holo Caster each, as first seen in From A to Z!.

Pokémon Generations

A Holo Caster in Pokémon Generations

The Holo Caster was featured in The Beauty Eternal, in which Lysandre announced it during a press conference he held in Lumiose City. It was introduced as a product that would bring Kalosian people closer together. The Holo Caster became a huge success across Kalos and Lysandre Labs decided to increase its production due to excess demand. With what he gained from the Holo Caster, Lysandre was able to donate medical equipment to a Pokémon Center.

In the manga

A Holo Caster in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

X & Y arc

Trevor owns a Holo Caster, which was first shown in An X-cuse to Come Out and Play. He frequently uses it to contact Professor Sycamore. It was broken during the battle between Xerneas and Yveltal, but was later repaired by Lysandre.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 全像投影通訊器 Chyùhnjeuhng Tàuhyíng Tūngseunhei *
立體影像轉播器 Lahptái Yíngjeuhng Jyúnbohei*
Mandarin 全像投影通訊器 Quánxiàng Tóuyǐng Tōngxùnqì *
全息影像通讯器 Quánxí Yǐngxiàng Tōngxùnqì *
立體影像轉播器 Lìtǐ Yǐngxiàng Zhuǎnbòqì *
特派員轉播器 Tèpàiyuán Zhuǎnbòqì *
French Holokit
German Holo-Log
Italian Holovox
Korean 홀로캐시터 Holo Caster
Brazilian Portuguese Holomissor
Spanish Holomisor
Thai โฮโลแคสเตอร์ Holo Caster
โฮโลแกรมเมล Hologram Mail*

See also

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.