Super-ancient Pokémon (Adventures)

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The super-ancient Pokémon (Japanese: 超古代ポケモン super-ancient Pokémon), composed of Kyogre (Japanese: カイオーガ Kyogre), Groudon (Japanese: グラードン Groudon), and Rayquaza (Japanese: レックウザ Rayquaza) are recurring Legendary Pokémon in the Pokémon Adventures manga.



カイオーガ Kyogre


Primal Kyogre
Debuts in Assaulted by Pelipper I
Gender Gender unknown[1]
Ability Drizzle (Kyogre)
Primordial Sea (Primal Kyogre)
Current location Route 120
This Pokémon is fully evolved.


As seen in an ancient mural, thousands of years prior to the events of the manga, Primal Kyogre battled Primal Ground in order to expand the oceans in Hoenn. Eventually though, Rayquaza appeared and defeated the two.

At some point later, Kyogre and Groudon awakened and battled once again. Since the two Legendary Pokémon were at a stalemate, they both traveled deep under the Seafloor Cavern to sleep.

Ruby & Sapphire arc

Team Aqua sought to awaken Kyogre in order to fulfill their ultimate goal to expand the sea. Kyogre was first seen in Assaulted by Pelipper I, sleeping at the bottom of the sea. In You Can Fight Day or Night With Lunatone & Solrock, Kyogre's Blue Orb is stolen by Blaise and later given to Maxie.

In Walrein and Camerupt, after clashing with one another multiple times, Team Aqua and Team Magma formed a temporary alliance and worked together to reach the Seafloor Cavern, where Kyogre and Groudon rested. Upon arriving at their destination via the Submarine Explorer 1, both teams ended their truce and went their separate ways to find the chamber where their respective super-ancient Pokémon rested. In The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon II, Team Aqua managed to find Kyogre first and awaken it before Team Magma did the same with Groudon. Kyogre surfaces around Route 108, where it began spreading panic and devastation.

Later, to Archie's confusion, Kyogre stops its advance while Groudon continues causing havoc in the area where it surfaced. Believing the cause to be Team Magma, Archie has Amber go out to investigate. Amber discovers that Team Magma is in possession of two orbs that are capable of controlling Kyogre and Groudon. Amber finds Kyogre's orb, the Blue Orb, in the possession of Tabitha and battles him in order to obtain it. After he succeeds, Amber gives the Blue Orb to Archie, who uses it to take control of Kyogre.

After the Pokémon Association is informed of Kyogre and Groudon's awakening, the Gym Leaders of Hoenn are dispatched to try and fight the super-ancient Pokémon. Flannery, Wattson, and Winona are paired up against Kyogre, but are unable to do much against its defenses despite having a type-advantage. They are further impaired by Team Aqua's Subleaders of the Sea Scheme, who each fight the Gym Leaders one-on-one in order to let Kyogre advance without any further obstacles. Only one of the Subleaders manage to defeat the Gym Leaders, but they managed to stall long enough for Kyogre to escape.

In The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon X, the prolonged usage of the orbs caused Archie and Maxie to be overwhelmed by the power of Kyogre and Groudon, causing them to be the ones possessed instead. Ruby and Sapphire attempt to battle the two leaders and retrieve the orbs. Though they manage to defeat Archie and Maxie, Ruby is unable to remove the orbs before they begin receding into the leaders' bodies. With Kyogre and Groudon's power now surging inside of them, Archie and Maxie take every single person inside the Seafloor Cavern back to the surface and proceed to fly towards Sootopolis City, where Kyogre and Groudon plan to continue their age-old clash.

Drizzle activated

Upon arriving at their destination, Archie and Kyogre begin battling against Maxie and Groudon. The clash between the super-ancient Pokémon causes destructive energy to begin spreading out. In The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XIV, with the power of the Grand Meteor and their Pokémon, Ruby and Sapphire force the orbs out of Archie and Maxie's bodies. The act causes a giant explosion to engulf the entirety of Sootopolis City and send Ruby and Sapphire flying. The two Pokédex holders end up on Mirage Island, where they learn that the Red and Blue Orbs have been transferred into their bodies. As they stay on the island, Ruby and Sapphire train with Juan in order to learn how to use the Orbs without losing control of themselves. While they train, the Hoenn Elite Four, Wallace, and Steven Stone use the power of Regirock, Regice, and Registeel to keep the power exerted by Kyogre and Groudon's clash contained before it spreads throughout Hoenn.

After finishing their training, Ruby and Sapphire leave Mirage Island and return to Sootopolis. Due to worrying that Sapphire may suffer the same fate as Archie and Maxie, Ruby locks Sapphire in Wallace's aircar and hands the Blue Orb to Courtney. Ruby and Courtney use the Orbs to control Kyogre and Groudon, but due to a lack of training and interference from elsewhere, Courtney is eventually killed by the falling rubble of the Cave of Origin. Before succumbing to her wounds, Courtney tells Ruby that his father, Norman, is coming with Rayquaza to stop the fighting.

In It All Ends Now IV, after Norman arrives with Rayquaza, Ruby takes both orbs and joins his father on top of the Sky High Pokémon. With Rayquaza's roar and the Blue and Red Orbs, Ruby and Norman defeat Kyogre and Groudon. With the battle over, Kyogre heads back to the Seafloor Cavern to continue its slumber.

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire arc

Primordial Sea activated

In Beedrill Prepares, Blaise revealed to Amber that someone is bringing the orbs to the Hoenn region. In the hopes that it may be their leaders with the orbs, Blaise and Amber sought to revive Kyogre and Groudon. In Diancie Shines, by manipulating Hoopa, a Mythical Pokémon capable of transporting anything with its rings, Blaise and Amber transport Kyogre and Groudon from their resting places. Immediately after their awakening, Kyogre and Groudon begin heading to where the orbs are being taken to. Upon arriving in Blastoise Transforms, Blaise and Amber find the people with the orbs are Archie and Maxie, who went missing after their defeat four years ago.

In Groudon Returns, Archie and Maxie use the orbs to revert Kyogre and Groudon into their Primal forms, vastly increasing their power. With this, Archie and Maxie easily defeat Red and Green, who had been attempting to take the orbs back. In Kyogre Returns, when Ruby and Emerald also attempt to stop Archie and Maxie, Kyogre and Groudon easily blast them out of the sky with a combined attack.

PS612, Archie takes Kyogre to the Meteor Village. There, Kyogre is trained to learn Origin Pulse in order to destroy the meteoroid threatening to destroy the world. After a day, Kyogre and Archie finish their training and exit from their training space. Just as they do so, Rayquaza sees Kyogre and Groudon through Hoopa's ring and attempts to attack them. As Rayquaza flies towards the ring, Hoopa gets scared, causing it to accidentally send Rayquaza to another ring connecting the village to Route 120. Archie and Kyogre chase after Rayquaza by forcing their way through Hoopa's ring.

Upon arriving at Route 120, Archie and Maxie decide to test the moves Kyogre and Groudon learned on Rayquaza, but are interrupted by a large chunk of the meteoroid falling down on them. To destroy the chunk, Archie, Maxie, Ruby, and Sapphire combine the powers of Primal Kyogre, Primal Groudon, and Rayquaza into a single attack. Though the attack destroys the meteoroid chunk, pieces of the meteoroid rain down onto Kyogre and Groudon, knocking them out and reverting them into their base forms.

Diamond & Pearl arc

In High-tailing It from Haunter, Kyogre was briefly seen when the Advanced level Grunt was talking to Diamond about the past accomplishments of the Pokédex holders. Kyogre was briefly seen again in Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia II, when Professor Rowan was explaining the difference between Kyogre and Groudon and Dialga and Palkia.

X & Y arc

In Pinsir Glares, Kyogre was briefly seen when Blue was talking to Diantha about the incident it and Groudon caused in the past, and how Rayquaza was able to stop them.

Sword & Shield arc

In Unbelievable!! The Shocking Truth, Kyogre was briefly seen in a flashback when Kabu was talking to Sonia about the incident it and Groudon caused in the past, and how Rayquaza was able to stop them.

Personality and characteristics

Kyogre is a powerful Pokémon, able to cause large scale tsunamis and tidal waves with little effort. It is very powerful in battle, easily shrugging off attacks from Gym Leaders. It strives for the expansion of the sea in the Hoenn region and has a long rivalry with Groudon because of it. The Sea Basin Pokémon gets easily angered when its goal is interrupted. Kyogre has a large amount of stamina, able to battle for almost a month straight.

Moves used

Using Origin Pulse
as Primal Kyogre
Move First Used In
Water Pulse The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon II
Calm Mind The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon V
Origin Pulse PS613*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



グラードン Groudon


Primal Groudon
Debuts in Assaulted by Pelipper I
Gender Gender unknown[2]
Ability Drought (Groudon)
Desolate Land (Primal Groudon)
Current location Route 120
This Pokémon is fully evolved.


As seen in an ancient mural, thousands of years prior to the events of the manga, Primal Ground battled Primal Kyogre in order to expand the land in Hoenn. Eventually though, Rayquaza appeared and defeated the two.

At some point later, Groudon and Kyogre awakened and battled once again. Since the two Legendary Pokémon were at a stalemate, they both traveled deep under the Seafloor Cavern to sleep.

Ruby & Sapphire arc

Team Magma sought to awaken Groudon in order to fulfill their ultimate goal to expand the land. Groudon was first seen in Assaulted by Pelipper I, sleeping at the bottom of the sea. In You Can Fight Day or Night With Lunatone & Solrock, Groudon's Red Orb is stolen by Blaise and given to Maxie.

In Walrein and Camerupt, after clashing with one another multiple times, Team Magma and Team Aqua formed a temporary alliance and worked together to reach the Seafloor Cavern, where Groudon and Kyogre rest. Upon arriving at their destination via the Submarine Explorer 1, both teams ended their truce and went their separate ways to find the chamber where their respective super-ancient Pokémon rested. In The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon II, Team Magma is able to awaken Groudon, but Team Aqua finds and awakens Kyogre first. Groudon then digs itself deeper into the earth, later emerging around Fortree City.

Maxie uses the Red and Blue Orbs to control Groudon and Kyogre at the same time. By doing so, Maxie has Groudon continue its advance while simultaneously impeding Kyogre's progress. In Very Vexing Volbeat, the strain of controlling both orbs at once proves to be too much for Maxie, who gives the Blue Orb to Tabitha. When Archie learns of this, he has Amber take the Blue Orb so that he may gain control over Kyogre.

After the Pokémon Association is informed of Groudon and Kyogre's awakening, the Gym Leaders of Hoenn are dispatched to try and fight the super-ancient Pokémon. Roxanne, Brawly, and Wallace are paired up against Groudon, but are only able to stop its movements with Roxanne's Nosepass's Block. They are further impaired by Team Magma's Three Fires, who each fight the Gym Leaders in order to free Groudon from the Block. Only one of the Fires manages to win, but it frees Groudon and allows it to continue moving.

In The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon X, the prolonged usage of the orbs caused Maxie and Archie to be overwhelmed by the power of Groudon and Kyogre, causing them to be the ones possessed instead. Ruby and Sapphire attempt to battle the two leaders and retrieve the orbs. Though they manage to defeat Maxie and Archie, Ruby is unable to remove the orbs before they begin receding into the leaders' bodies. With Groudon and Kyogre's power now surging inside of them, Maxie and Archie take every single person inside the Seafloor Cavern back to the surface and proceed to fly towards Sootopolis City, where Groudon and Kyogre plan to continue their age-old clash.

Drought activated

Upon arriving at their destination, Maxie and Groudon begin battling against Archie and Kyogre. The clash between the super-ancient Pokémon causes destructive energy to begin spreading out. In The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XIV, with the power of the Grand Meteor and their Pokémon, Ruby and Sapphire force the orbs out of Maxie and Archie's bodies. The act causes a giant explosion to engulf the entirety of Sootopolis City and send Ruby and Sapphire flying. The two Pokédex holders end up on Mirage Island, where they learn that the Blue and Red Orbs have been transferred into their bodies. As they stay on the island, Ruby and Sapphire train with Juan in order to learn how to use the orbs without losing control of themselves. While they train, the Hoenn Elite Four, Wallace, and Steven Stone use the power of Regirock, Regice, and Registeel to keep the power exerted by Groudon and Kyogre's clash contained before it spreads throughout Hoenn.

After finishing their training, Ruby and Sapphire leave Mirage Island and return to Sootopolis. Due to worrying that Sapphire may suffer the same fate as Maxie and Archie, Ruby locks Sapphire in Wallace's aircar and hands the Blue Orb to Courtney. Ruby and Courtney use the orbs to control Groudon and Kyogre, but due to a lack of training and interference from elsewhere, Courtney is eventually killed by the falling rubble of the Cave of Origin. Before succumbing to her wounds, Courtney tells Ruby that his father, Norman, is coming with Rayquaza to stop the fighting.

In It All Ends Now IV, after Norman arrives with Rayquaza, Ruby takes both orbs and joins his father on top of the Sky High Pokémon. With Rayquaza's roar and the Red and Blue Orbs, Ruby and Norman defeat Groudon and Kyogre. With the battle over, Groudon heads to Mt. Chimney to make it a new place of slumber. Groudon's presence in Mt. Chimney causes the volcanic activity to return after it was stopped previously by Team Aqua.

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire arc

Desolate Land activated

In Beedrill Prepares, Blaise revealed to Amber that someone is bringing the orbs to the Hoenn region. In the hopes that it may be their leaders with the orbs, Amber and Blaise sought to revive Groudon and Kyogre. In Diancie Shines, by manipulating Hoopa, a Mythical Pokémon capable of transporting anything with its rings, Amber and Blaise transport Groudon and Kyogre from their resting places. Immediately after their awakening, Groudon and Kyogre begin heading to where the orbs are being taken to. Upon arriving in Blastoise Transforms, Amber and Blaise find the people with the orbs are Maxie and Archie, who went missing after their defeat four years ago.

In Groudon Returns, Maxie and Archie use the Orbs to revert Groudon and Kyogre into their Primal forms, vastly increasing their power. With this, Maxie and Archie easily defeat Red and Green, who had been attempting to take the orbs back. In Kyogre Returns, when Ruby and Emerald also attempt to stop Maxie and Archie, Groudon and Kyogre easily blast them out of the sky with a combined attack.

In PS612, Maxie takes Groudon to the Meteor Village. There, Groudon is trained to learn Precipice Blades in order to destroy the meteoroid threatening to destroy the world. After a day, Groudon and Maxie finish their training and exit from their training space. Just as they do so, Rayquaza sees Groudon and Kyogre through Hoopa's ring and attempts to attack them. As Rayquaza flies towards the ring, Hoopa gets scared, causing it to accidentally send Rayquaza to another ring connecting the village to Route 120. Maxie and Groudon chase after Rayquaza by forcing their way through Hoopa's ring.

Upon arriving at Route 120, Maxie and Archie decide to test the moves Groudon and Kyogre learned on Rayquaza, but are interrupted by a large chunk of the meteoroid falling down on them. To destroy the chunk, Maxie, Archie, Ruby, and Sapphire combine the powers of Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, and Rayquaza into a single attack. Though the attack destroys the meteoroid chunk, pieces of the meteoroid rain down onto Groudon and Kyogre, knocking them out and reverting them into their base forms.

Diamond & Pearl arc

In High-tailing It from Haunter, Groudon was briefly seen when the Advanced level Grunt was talking to Diamond about the past accomplishments of the Pokédex holders. Groudon was briefly seen again in Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia II, when Professor Rowan was explaining the difference between Groudon and Kyogre and Dialga and Palkia.

X & Y arc

In Pinsir Glares, Groudon was briefly seen when Blue was talking to Diantha about the incident it and Kyogre caused in the past, and how Rayquaza was able to stop them.

Sword & Shield arc

In Unbelievable!! The Shocking Truth, Groudon was briefly seen in a flashback when Kabu was talking to Sonia about the incident it and Kyogre caused in the past, and how Rayquaza was able to stop them.

Personality and characteristics

Groudon is a powerful Pokémon, able to cause large waves of heat that make plant life evaporate and dry up the sea. It is very powerful in battle, easily shrugging off attacks from Gym Leaders. It strives for the expansion of the land in the Hoenn region and has a long rivalry with Kyogre because of it. The Continent Pokémon gets easily angered when its goal is interrupted. Groudon has a large amount of stamina, able to battle for almost a month straight.

Moves used

Using Thunder
Move First Used In
Rock Tomb The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon V
Thunder The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon VIII
Precipice Blades PS613*
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.



レックウザ Rayquaza


Mega Rayquaza
Debuts in Rayquaza Redemption I
Gender Gender unknown[3]
Ability Air Lock (Rayquaza)
Delta Stream (Mega Rayquaza)
Nature Brave
Current location Unknown
This Pokémon is fully evolved.


As seen in an ancient mural, thousands of years prior to the events of the manga, Rayquaza appeared to stop the fight between Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon.

Five years prior to the events of the manga, Rayquaza was sought after by the Pokémon Association. The Devon Corporation found it at the Embedded Tower, however, the capture operation also led to the death of the Draconid Lorekeeper, Aster, who fought to protect Rayquaza. The Pokémon Association then researched Rayquaza in hopes of controlling it and prevent any disaster that may come if Kyogre and Groudon were awakened.

As it did not possess a corresponding orb like its two counterparts, an artificial Green Orb was created in order to control Rayquaza. Before the orb could be finished, a Salamence came crashing into the research facility, destroying everything, injuring the scientists, and freeing Rayquaza back into the wild. When Norman found the Salamence, he realized that it was injured in a previous battle with Ruby. Fearing that the Association's wrath towards his son, Norman kept this information hidden to protect Ruby. As punishment for keeping secrets the Association barred Norman from taking the test to become a Gym Leader for five years and forced him to find where Rayquaza fled to. Five years later, Norman managed to track Rayquaza to the Sky Pillar, where the Sky High Pokémon rested.

Ruby & Sapphire arc

In Rayquaza Redemption I, with the assistance of Wally, Norman managed to awaken Rayquaza and it set off to Sootopolis City. After arriving, Norman and Ruby teamed up to stop the battle between Kyogre and Groudon. With the Red and Blue Orbs and Rayquaza's roar, Ruby forced Kyogre and Groudon to stop fighting and instead return to their slumber. After Kyogre and Groudon left, Rayquaza angrily lashed out at its controllers and fled to the skies. Due to the strain of controlling Rayquaza without an orb, Norman was left in a weakened state. Norman revealed to Ruby the truth of what happened five years ago before eventually dying of exhaustion. Norman is later revived due to the time travel powers of Ruby's Celebi.

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire arc

In the thirteenth chapter, Zinnia, a Draconid sought to find Rayquaza in order to use its power to destroy a large meteoroid that threatened to crash into and destroy the planet. To do so, she obtained five Key Stones and took a scroll containing the move Dragon Ascent in order to allow Rayquaza to reach its Mega-Evolved form.

In PS611, after traveling to Goldenrod City via Hoopa's rings, Ruby and Norman find Rayquaza outside the now-abandoned research facility where it was held captive. They witness it feed on pieces of the meteoroid that had fallen to the planet, which would be used to power itself up. Ruby and Norman take to the skies and attempt to capture Rayquaza. Ruby uses his Pokémon to blind Rayquaza long enough for it to be hit by a meteoroid shard, but Rayquaza quickly gets back up and grabs him. Ruby uses a scroll to try to teach Rayquaza Dragon Ascent, but is unsure if his attempt is successful.

In PS612, Ruby uses the Green Orb core to take control of Rayquaza and lead it through Hoopa's ring connecting them to the Meteor Village. When it notices Kyogre and Groudon through the ring, Rayquaza goes wild and begins attacking. The attack scares Hoopa into accidentally moving the ring connecting Goldenrod City to the Meteor Village to another ring. Rayquaza flies through the ring and arrives in Route 120, where it proceeds to throw Ruby away. Ruby is saved from falling by Wally, who offers to subdue Rayquaza by battling against it. Ruby thanks Wally for his assistance but tells him to stop attacking. Ruby attempts to reason with Rayquaza and asks for both of them to team up in order to stop the meteoroid. Rayquaza accepts Ruby's offer and allows him to ride on its back.

After Ruby convinces Sapphire to join him in riding Rayquaza, Archie and Maxie arrive with Kyogre and Groudon after having forced their way through Hoopa's ring. Archie and Maxie decide to test the moves Kyogre and Groudon learned on Rayquaza, but are interrupted by a large chunk of the meteoroid falling down on them. To destroy the chunk, Ruby, Sapphire, Archie, and Maxie combine the powers of Rayquaza, Primal Kyogre, and Primal Groudon into a single attack. Though the attack destroys the meteoroid chunk, pieces of the meteoroid rain down onto Kyogre and Groudon, knocking them out and reverting them into their base forms.

Zinnia arrives shortly after only to find Ruby and Sapphire riding on top of Rayquaza. Angered that they managed to get Rayquaza, Zinnia, now wearing two Mega Anklets, challenges the two to a battle. Sensing the lingering presence of Aster on the Noivern Zinnia used in the battle, Rayquaza is lured away from Ruby and Sapphire. After moving to another location, Zinnia reveals to Rayquaza about her attempts to free it from the Pokémon Association's control and asks it to join her in destroying the meteoroid. Angered, Rayquaza rejects Zinnia's request, impales her with its tail, and blasts her away into the sea. It then begins circling around Sootopolis City in a rage.

In Omega Alpha Adventure 21, Ruby and Sapphire are outfitted with the Magma and Aqua Suits needed to survive the trip to space. Once they are ready, Rayquaza swoops down and grabs the two in order to take them up into space. Upon coming face to face with Grand Meteor Delta, Ruby and Sapphire Mega Evolve Rayquaza and command it use Dragon Ascent. The attack, along with the combined forces of allies from Hoenn, Kanto, and Johto, successfully destroys Grand Meteor Delta by shattering it into pieces. However, out from the meteoroid's wreckage emerges a Delta Shield, which opens to reveal a Deoxys, that proceeds to attack the three. After a tough battle, Ruby and Sapphire have Rayquaza strike Deoxys's core, shattering it and knocking Deoxys unconscious, causing it to begin floating to the depths of space. Afterward, Rayquaza grabs Ruby and Sapphire and takes them back down to Earth to reunite with their friends.

Afterward, Rayquaza leaves Ruby and Sapphire, but not before Ruby gives it spicy Pokéblocks as a gift. As he reminisces about his time with Rayquaza, Ruby hopes that it will continue to protect the world in the future.

X & Y arc

In Pinsir Glares, Rayquaza was briefly seen when Blue was talking to Diantha about the incident Kyogre and Groudon had caused, and how Rayquaza was able to stop them.

Sword & Shield arc

In Unbelievable!! The Shocking Truth, Rayquaza was briefly seen in a flashback when Kabu talked to Sonia about the incident Kyogre and Groudon caused, and how Rayquaza was able to stop them.

Personality and characteristics

Rayquaza is an ancient Legendary Pokémon revered by the Draconid people, who refer to it as the "Dragon Lord" (Japanese: 竜神様 Dragon God). According to the Elder of the Meteor Village, Aster, the previous Lorekeeper, was the only Draconid to ride on top of Rayquaza before her death. Rayquaza enjoys being around poisonous ozone layers, which it hibernates in. It also enjoys resting in ancient towers built by humans such as the Embedded Tower and the Sky Pillar.

Unlike Kyogre and Groudon, Rayquaza has no orb to be controlled, so the Pokémon Association attempted to create an artificial "Green Orb", however, it failed when Rayquaza escaped. Even though Rayquaza is worshipped as a god by Hoenn's people, including the Draconids, Rayquaza can also become really violent and agressive to humans as seen when Norman controlled it and when Zinnia requested it to help destroy the Grand Meteor Delta in place of Ruby and Sapphire.

Moves used

Using Dragon Ascent as
Mega Rayquaza
Move First Used In
Shock Wave Rayquaza Redemption I
Dragon Ascent PS613
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


  1. ��� Kyogre is a gender unknown Pokémon species.
  2. Groudon is a gender unknown Pokémon species.
  3. Rayquaza is a gender unknown Pokémon species.

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This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.