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These are Giovanni's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow

Rocket Hideout
  • Before battle
"So! I must say, I am impressed you got here!"
  • Being defeated
"WHAT! This cannot be!"
  • After being defeated
"I see that you raise Pokémon with utmost care. A child like you would never understand what I hope to achieve. I shall step aside this time! I hope we meet again..."
Silph Co.
  • Before battle
"Ah <player>!RB/Ah, <player>!Y So we meet again! The President and I are discussing a vital business proposition. Keep your nose out of grown-up matters... Or, experience a world of pain!RB/or, experience a world of pain!Y"
  • Being defeated
"Arrgh!! I lost again!?"
  • After being defeated
"Blast it all! You ruined our plans for Silph! But, Team Rocket will never fall! <Player>! Never forget that all Pokémon exist for Team Rocket! I must go, but I shall return!"
Viridian Gym
  • Before battle
"Fwahahaha! This is my hideout! I planned to resurrect Team Rocket here! But, you have caught me again! So be it! This time, I'm not holding back! Once more, you shall face Giovanni, the greatest trainer!"
  • Being defeated
"Ha! That was a truly intense fight! You have won! As proof, here is the EarthBadge!"
  • After being defeated
"The EarthBadge makes Pokémon of any level obey! It is evidence of your mastery as a Pokémon trainer! With it, you can enter the Pokémon League! It is my gift for your Pokémon League challenge!"
"TM27 is Fissure! It will take out Pokémon with just one hit! I made it when I ran the Gym here, too long ago..."
"Having lost, I cannot face my underlings! Team Rocket is finished forever! I will dedicate my life to the study of Pokémon! Let us meet again some dayRB/somedayY! Farewell!"

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Rocket Hideout
  • Before battle
"So! I must say, I am impressed you got here. Team Rocket captures Pokémon from around the world. They're important tools for keeping our criminal enterprise going. I am the leader, Giovanni! For your insolence, you will feel a world of pain!"
  • Being defeated
"WHAT! This can't be!"
  • After being defeated
"I see that you raise Pokémon with utmost care. A child like you would never understand what I hope to achieve. I shall step aside this time! I hope we meet again..."
Silph Co.
  • Before battle
"Ah, <player>! So we meet again! The President and I are discussing a vital business proposition. Keep your nose out of grown-up matters... Or experience a world of pain!"
  • Being defeated
"Arrgh!! I lost again!?"
  • After being defeated
"Blast it all! You ruined our plans for Silph! But Team Rocket will never fall! <Player>, never forget that all Pokémon exist for Team Rocket! I must go, but I shall return!"
Viridian Gym
  • Before battle
"Fwahahaha! Welcome to my hideout! It shall be so until I can restore Team Rocket to its former glory. But, you have found me again. So be it. This time, I'm not holding back! Once more, you shall face Giovanni, the greatest Trainer!"
  • Being defeated
"Ha! That was a truly intense fight. You have won! As proof, here is the EarthBadge!"
  • After being defeated
"The EarthBadge makes Pokémon of any level obey without question. It is evidence of your mastery as a Pokémon Trainer. With it, you can challenge the Pokémon League. Also, take this TM. Consider it a gift for your Pokémon League challenge."
"TM26 contains Earthquake. It is a powerful attack that causes a massive tremor. I made it when I ran the Gym here, far too long ago..."
"Having lost in this fashion, I can't face my followers. I have betrayed their trust. As of today, Team Rocket is finished forever! As for myself, I shall dedicate my life to training again. Let us meet again someday! Farewell!"

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

Route 22 (event)
".................. One must acknowledge one's defeat before he can move on... I will go solo...for now... So that one day I will form a stronger organization!"
"Putting together the potential of many is how you produce a huge power... That's what an organization is... That's the strength of an organization! I make the best use of my subordinates' potential...! But you shall witness one day the revival of me and my Team Rocket!"
".................. One day, you will understand."
Tohjo Falls (event)
  • Upon the player's arrival
"... I don't know why you have come here. Anyway, I have to warn you that this is not a place for kids like you."
"You have a certain look... It reminds me of the kid who stood in front of me three years ago... You have the same eyes... I'm on my way to Goldenrod City to answer the call and join my team. Are you going to get in my way?"
"My old associates need me... We will not repeat the failure of three years ago! Team Rocket will be born again, and I will rule the world!"
  • After sending out last Pokémon
"What in the world was that? Don't tell me some inexperienced kid can possibly be that strong!"
  • During battle, last Pokémon low on health
"What was that?"
  • Being defeated
"What in the world are you?"
  • After being defeated
"How this is possible...? The past three years have been a waste...? How can a kid like you manage to destroy my dream once again? The precious dream of Team Rocket has become little more than an illusion..."
  • If the player is defeated
"Mark my words. Not being able to measure your own strength shows that you are still but a child."

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Pokémon World Tournament
  • Before battle (all rounds)
"For your insolence, you will feel a world of pain!"
  • Being defeated
"What? Me, lose?!"
  • If the player is defeated
"Ha! That was a truly intense fight!"
  • After being defeated
"Haarg! I lose?! There is nothing I wish to say to you!"
  • After winning
"I hope we meet again..."
  • In the lobby, after the tournament
"I'll tell you this now... No matter how strong you are, someday you'll lose."

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Aether Paradise (TV broadcast)
"The technology of the Aether Foundation... the knowledge of other worlds—it will be very useful to Team Rocket... or rather... Team Rainbow Rocket!"
Team Rocket's Castle
  • Before battle
"Well, well... I had been informed of the intruders, but not that they were kids like you!"
"I had allowed the other bosses to do as they wished, hoping they would be of use... But it seems you have defeated all of them. I am impressed you got here."
"Indeed! Team Rocket's goal was to use all the Pokémon and control the world. But now, I have a bigger, better organization. Team Rainbow Rocket!"
"And I, Giovanni, am its leader!"
"The president will not awaken for some time. I have used the power of that Ultra Beast to make her sleep... And when she awakens next, she will be a loyal servant to my will!"
"Team Rainbow Rocket will conquer all worlds! We will build an army of UBs! But in order for this precious dream to be realized, we need the technology of the Aether Foundation—the technology of other worlds!"
"But I also appreciate the skill it took you to get this far."
"I like those who show strength! Why not put that strength to good use, in my Team Rainbow Rocket?"
Yes: "Hah! You are calm enough to joke, I see."
No: "Hah! Of course that would be your answer."
"Having a kid stand in front of me like this... Such a thing should never happen. But for some reason, it also makes me feel nostalgic."
"If you insist on disrupting my plans, I will make you feel a world of pain!"
  • Being defeated
"Ha! That was a truly intense fight!"
  • After being defeated
"...I see you have raised your Pokémon with utmost care. It would be foolish to fight such a kid with all my might. Ha, very well. I will leave Aether Paradise in your hands."
"But remember, my Team Rainbow Rocket will never fail! Never forget that!"
"I shall step aside this time! I hope we meet again..."
Aether Paradise
"Hah... That boy/girl had quite some talent..."
"Now...what new world shall I unleash my evil schemes upon...?"

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

Team Rocket Hideout
"Two of my underlings decided to bring it here, without my permission."
  • Before battle against Archer
"Hmph... A machine that lets you see what otherwise cannot be seen... It's nothing but a useless toy. Still... Yes, this could do. Carry on, Archer, with your plans to take over Silph Co. for Team Rocket."
  • Before battle
"So! You defeated Archer... I must say—I am impressed you got here. Team Rocket captures Pokémon from around the world. They're important tools for keeping our criminal enterprise going. And I am the leader of this enterprise...Giovanni! ...What? You want me to release the Cubone?"
"Fwahahahaha! You came barging into our hideout just for that? What an amusing child. But... For your insolence, you will feel a world of pain!"
  • Being defeated
"What?! This can't be!"
  • After being defeated
"So I too am defeated by a child... Do as you wish with that Cubone."
"And take this. As my apology for mocking you as a child."
"...I can see you raise Pokémon with utmost care. But you would never understand what I hope to achieve. ... ... ... I shall step aside this time! But I hope we will meet and battle again!"
Silph Co.
  • Before battle
"Now, now, Mr. President. I hope you're not thinking of lying to me. The Master Ball... You successfully created one, didn't you!"
"How dare you?!"
"We had a deal! You agreed to this! ...You're a smart man. I'm sure you can imagine what will happen to your people if you say no to me now."
"Ah. Young <player>. So we meet again! The president of Silph and I are discussing a vital business proposition. Keep your nose out of grown-up matters... Or experience a world of pain!"
  • Being defeated
"Argh! I lost again?!"
  • After being defeated
"Blast... I have little choice, it seems. I will relinquish Silph for now. But Team Rocket will never fall! <player>! Never forget... All Pokémon exist for Team Rocket's use! I may leave you now, but we will meet again!"
Viridian Gym
  • Before battle
"Fwahahaha! Welcome to my hideout! It shall be so until I can restore Team Rocket to its former glory. But you have found me again. So be it. This time, I'm not holding back! Once more, then! You shall face Giovanni, the greatest Trainer!"
  • Being defeated
"*pant pant* That was a truly intense fight."
  • After being defeated
"Yet again, I am defeated... As proof of your victory... here is your Earth Badge!"
"An Earth Badge makes all Pokémon obey you... regardless of how high their level is or who originally caught them. It is proof of your mastery as a Pokémon Trainer. With it, you can challenge the Pokémon League. And this TM... A gift for a Trainer who dares take on the challenge of the Pokémon League."
"TM41 contains Earthquake. It's a powerful attack that causes a massive tremor to deal damage to opponents. I made it...a very long time ago. Back when I ran this Gym, far too long ago."
"I can't face my followers after being defeated like this. Team Rocket is... As of today, Team Rocket is finished!"
"As for myself, I shall dedicate my life to Pokémon training again."
"Let us meet again someday! Farewell!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Puzzle League

  • Before battle
"I've been watching your progress in the Pokémon Puzzle League Championship. I'll make you a deal; if you give up now and join Team Rocket, then I won't have to crush you. No? I see. So be it. Allow me to show you the true meaning of "Puzzle Master"!"

Pokémon GO

"I must say—I am impressed you got here."
"I am the leader of this enterprise...Giovanni!"
"How dare you?! You will pay for your insolence!"
"Your Pokémon exist for Team GO Rocket's use."
"I commend you for standing up to me, Trainer. I trust you'll make this worth my time."
"You are foolish to confront me, but I'm impressed by your confidence. Let's battle."
"My goal is beyond your comprehension."
"If you insist on confronting me, you will pay the price!"
"What's this now? I hope you are a worthy opponent."
  • GO Fest 2020
"I'm surprised you've been this successful, considering the foolish guidance your pathetic professor has given you."
"I'm impressed that you got by my leaders, Trainer, but nothing will prepare you for my Shadow Pokémon!"
"At first, I was impressed by your dedication, but now you've become a nuisance. This festival is mine."
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
Before battle
"Prepare yourself for a world of pain."
"Humble yourself. You are facing the world's greatest Trainer."
"If you insist on disrupting my plans, I will insist on making you regret it."
"You have no idea who you are challenging, child."
"You underestimate Team GO Rocket. Prepare for battle."
"There is no stopping my plans."
"Two things are inevitable: my success and your failure."
"You have proven yourself by reaching me, so I shall spare you a moment of my time."
"You may have made it here, but this is as far as you'll go."
"I'd say to prepare for battle, but you have already lost."
  • GO Fest 2020:
"I do not think you are prepared for the level of failure you are about to experience!"
"You should be afraid to battle me, especially since you are already too late to stop my take-over!"
"You will regret trying to put a dent in my perfectly executed take-over. Your Pokémon will be mine!"
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"I’ll remind you and your Pokémon of your place."
Prebattle screen
"I will not tolerate your interference."
"You cannot stop me...but I'm amused by your attempt."
"Your professor has not prepared you for what is to come."
"You've made it this far. Let me see just how strong you are."
"You will never defeat Team GO Rocket."
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"Get ready."
Upon victory
"What an amusing Trainer."
"As expected, Team GO Rocket cannot be stopped."
"You cannot stop my master plan."
"Do not try to interfere again."
"You failed as soon as you challenged me, Trainer."
  • GO Fest 2020:
"I hope you now understand how foolish challenging me was. You will never stop Team GO Rocket."
"My incredible plan is going swimmingly. Move aside—this event is mine."
"As expected. Run back to your professor—you still have much training to do."
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"This little alliance means nothing in the long run."
Upon being defeated
"What?! This can't be!"
"Your love of Pokémon gave you the advantage...this time."
"... ... ...I shall step aside this time!"
"This defeat is meaningless. Team GO Rocket will never fall!"
"This isn't over. We will meet on the battlefield again."
  • GO Fest 2020:
"This is not the end. I will have my revenge."
"This festival will be mine one day. You will see—this is not over."
"You have only delayed the inevitable. I will win."
  • Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Las Vegas
"Don’t just stand there. Get back to work."

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Giovanni (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)

Giovanni's regular and classic variants share their voice lines unless mentioned otherwise.

  • After being recruited for the first time
"The ultimate goal of Team Rocket is to use Pokémon to rule the world. I, Giovanni, am its leader!"
  • Subsequent recruitments
"My wicked scheme is far from over. Stick around. You'll see..."
  • After being recruited (Sygna Suit)
"I am Giovanni, leader of Team Rocket. One day, the entire world will be under my control."
  • After being recruited (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Team Rocket will rule the world... Just you wait."
  • Sync pair viewer
"Underestimate a man like me and you'll be in a world of pain."
"Team Rocket will never fall."
  • Sync pair viewer (Sygna Suit)
"Keep your nose out of grown-up matters."
"All Pokémon exist for the glory of Team Rocket."
  • Sync pair viewer (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Not being able to measure your own strength shows that you are still but a child."
"Putting together the potential of many is how you produce a huge power... That's what an organization is..."
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"I'll show you true power."
  • Selection screen (forming team, Sygna Suit)
"Heh. Let's see what you can do."
  • Selection screen (forming team, Alt. Sygna Suit)
" a temporary truce."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Silver)*
"Show me what you can do."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Archer)*
"I expect great things from you, Archer."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Ariana)*
"Join me in carrying out my schemes, Ariana."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Petrel)*
"Your deceitful tricks serve me well, Petrel."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Proton)*
"Let's see how you get the job done, Proton."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Cyrus)*
"A world without ambition sounds boring, don't you agree?"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"See you around."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, Sygna Suit)
  • Selection screen (disbanding team, Alt. Sygna Suit)
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Hm! This could be useful."
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (Sygna Suit)
"I'm sure we can find a way to use this."
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Let's put this power to the test."
  • Upon leveling up
"It was only a matter of time."
  • Upon leveling up (Sygna Suit)
"My ambitions will be fulfilled."
  • Upon leveling up (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"This is simply not enough."
  • Upon reaching max level
"Nothing can stop me now!"
  • Upon reaching max level (Sygna Suit)
"What new schemes shall I unleash now?"
  • Upon reaching max level (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"The world will belong to Team Rocket!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"Hmm... All according to plan."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (Sygna Suit)
"Our power knows no bounds!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"You have yet to witness my full power!"
  • Increasing friendship level cap
"You surprise me."
  • Receiving EX style
"Hm! This could be useful."
  • Receiving EX style (Sygna Suit)
"I'm sure we can find a way to use this."
  • Receiving EX style (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"On to the next stage of our plan."
  • During conversation
"Heheheh, eheh."
"You surprise me."
"Excellent, as always."
"Put your back into it!"
"How dare you!"
"Uhuh, huh, hh..."
"What in the world?"
"All right."
"I should thank you."
"Uh, gh!"
"Don't disappoint me."
"I see."
"See you around."
"I never hold back."
"I hope you enjoy defeat!"
  • During conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Not bad!"
"I'm sure you can handle this!"
"Time for action!"
"You have my thanks."
"Perhaps I should apologize."
"Very well."
"I'm counting on you."
"Shall we begin?"
"You will regret challenging me."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Don't allow yourself to be used by others. Stay vigilant. Even in the morning."
"If I need to brainstorm, I do it in the morning. That's when I come up with my greatest schemes."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"It's awfully bright outside right now... Makes it difficult to work in the shadows."
"Pasio is an incredible piece of land. Perhaps one day it will belong to... Ahem."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"Remember...villains tend to make their moves in the shadow of darkness."
"Isn't it past your bedtime, kid? Keep your nose out of grown-up business."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning) (Sygna Suit)
"You may think you're safe in the morning, but you never know who might already be setting their plans in motion."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Sygna Suit)
"I'm heading out for some training. You can follow me, if you don't believe that."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening) (Sygna Suit)
"It's always much more convenient to work at night... For conducting matters of business, of course."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning) (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Keeping tabs on me this early in the day? Hmph. A wasted effort..."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Another calm, peaceful day on this island... For now."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening) (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"It's a quiet night. Perfect for planning my next move..."
  • During special gift conversation
"You can have this."
  • During special gift conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Consider this a present from me to you."
  • During special gift conversation (Trainer Lodge)
"A parting gift."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"All right."
  • Co-op match screen (Sygna Suit)
"Time for action!"
  • Co-op match screen (Alt. Sygna Suit)
  • VS screen
"You're in for a world of pain!"
  • VS screen (Sygna Suit)
"I'll crush you."
  • VS screen (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"I'll battle you."
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Let's go!"
  • Sending out Pokémon (Sygna Suit)
  • Sending out Pokémon (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Let's go!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Do it!"
  • Using Pokémon move (Sygna Suit)
"Do it."
"Make them pay!"
  • Using Pokémon move (Alt. Sygna Suit)
  • Using item
"See how you like this!"
  • Using item (Sygna Suit)
"Let's go!"
  • Using item (Alt. Sygna Suit)
  • Using Trainer move
"You're finished!"
  • Using Trainer move (Sygna Suit)
"End it!"
  • Using Trainer move (Sygna Suit)
"I'll show you!"
  • Using sync move
"I never hold back."
  • Using sync move or max move (Sygna Suit)
"Can you handle this?!"
  • Using sync move (Classic)
"Team Rocket will never fall."
  • Using sync move (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Devour it all!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Unity attack / theme skill (Sygna Suit)
  • Unity attack / theme skill (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"The end!"
  • Uh-oh!
"I never hold back."
  • Uh-oh! (Sygna Suit)
"Shall we begin?"
  • Uh-oh! (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"I'll battle you."
  • Switching in
"Leave this to a grown-up."
  • Switching in (Sygna Suit)
"Step aside."
  • Switching in (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Allow me."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"Hm. Let's retreat for now."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (Sygna Suit)
"That's enough!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Take care of the rest."
  • "Nice" emote
"Well done."
  • "Nice" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Keep it up!"
  • "Nice" emote (Alt. Sygna Suit)
  • "Watch out" emote
"Pay attention!"
  • "Watch out" emote (Sygna Suit)
"Stay alert!"
  • "Watch out" emote (Alt. Sygna Suit)
  • "Let's do this" emote
  • "Let's do this" emote (Sygna Suit)
"I like those who show me strength."
  • "Let's do this" emote (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"You will feel a world of pain."
  • "Thanks" emote
"I should thank you."
  • "Thanks" emote (Sygna Suit)
"You have my thanks."
  • "Thanks" emote (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Thank you."
  • Defeat
  • Defeat (Sygna Suit)
  • Defeat (Alt. Sygna Suit)
  • Victory
"A truly intense fight."
  • Victory (Sygna Suit)
"Team Rocket will never fall."
  • Victory (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Heh. Pathetic."
  • Victory (with Silver on the team, speaks first)*
"We work well together."
  • Victory (with Cyrus on the team, speaks first)*
"That deserves praise."
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 30 - The Road to Victory
  • The Road Goes Ever On
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"A second tournament, eh? That does sound intriguing."
"But not as intriguing as my own plans."
  • After appearing, as Giovanni
"It's time to sow some chaos..."
Legendary Adventures - Lurking Shadow
  • A New Plot
  • As "???"
"Mewtwo... I'm going to need you to sow some chaos for me."
  • Mysterious Stones and Hidden Power
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Plotting. What else?"
  • After appearing, as Giovanni
"I came to see what all the commotion was about. I didn't expect a welcoming committee."
"Hm? Disbanded..."
"So this is how it's gonna be, huh? I guess I'm doomed to be a criminal no matter which world I find myself in."
"Never mind that. Funnily enough, you and your comrades showed up at the perfect time."
"You all have sync stones, don't you–those little crystals embedded in your Poryphones?"
"I happen to be in possession of one as well... These mysterious stones can only be found in certain areas around Pasio."
"They have...piqued my interest, to say the least. Sync stones are an immense source of power, driven by the bond between Trainer and Pokémon."
"If I can learn to bend that power to my will, I'll be stronger than ever before."
"And that's not all... If I discover how to unleash the hidden power within them, I can truly rule the world."
"Heh, don't put too much thought into it. You kids wouldn't know how to use it that way anyway."
"Well? Are you here to detain me, or would you prefer to stand around and chat? Personally, I'd rather battle."
"I wonder what will happen if I use the sync stone I mined from this cave with Mewtwo..."
"Huh. Most people cower in fear when they come face-to-face with Mewtwo... Maybe I underestimated you."
"Or maybe not... Why don't you show me what you can do? I could use a laugh."
  • Unfathomable Strength
"Hmph... That was a truly intense fight."
"It really is possible for the bond of a sync pair to manifest great strength and power."
"Heh, what can I say? I'm new to battling with sync stones as you do on this island. Our last battle was a test run."
"Why don't we try again? Prepare yourselves for our next battle, and follow me if you dare!"
  • A Questionable Alliance
"Cornered by a bunch of kids, once again..."
"But you know what? Despite the bitter aftertaste of being beaten by kids like you, I..."
"Hmph. Doesn't matter."
"You demonstrated your full power to me without hesitation, and I'll admit that I'm impressed."
"And if you agree to work with me... I'd like to continue to witness that power."
"I don't blame you for being skeptical. I've always been up to no good–why should you trust me?"
"The thing is, I've been thinking about changing my ways...starting fresh here in this new part of the world called Pasio."
"I could forget about the lying and plotting and just enjoy competing in the PML with Mewtwo, fair and square... Hmph. Not a bad idea."
"I guess it's up to you kids, though. What's your decision?"
If it'll keep him from stirring up trouble...: "Heh, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, eh? Touché."
"Fine with me, as long as it means I get front-row seats to witness what becomes of you kids here on Pasio."
If he promises to stop his evil schemes...: "Listen, kid... I'm not a psychic. I can't make any promises about the future."
"But you know what they say, right? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You want to keep me in line? Then keep me around."
"All right, I promise. After all, I want to enjoy the PML as much as you do. You can trust me on that, at least."
"Hmph. I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
"Hmph... It seems I was able to infiltrate their unit successfully."
"Now I have to decide if I truly do wish to start fresh on Pasio as a sync pair..."
"or if I would rather..."
"Hmph... Either way, this should be fun."
Legendary Adventures - Father or Foe
  • A Visit from Ghetsis
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Oh? I recognize that face..."
  • A Human Heart
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"So, how are things progressing?"
"Is that so? Then, let's proceed with the next phase of our plan."
"... ... ..."
  • True Intentions
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"That's enough."
  • As Giovanni
"Stay out of my way."
  • Side by Side
"I happened to meet Ghetsis while I was recruiting some Team Break members. He told me all about his plans."
"If he's able to get his hands on Zekrom, that works out perfectly for me."
"Now's my chance."
  • Off-screen
"Do it."
  • On-screen
"I, too, have a plan in place."
"You see, I know how you operate, Ghetsis–a lot better than you think."
"The way I see it, once you have both Legendary Pokémon in hand, your next move will be to secure more pawns to command."
"Since I'm the one who controls these Team Break members, you'd come after me next!"
"So I intend to take Kyurem and Zekrom for myself before that can happen!"
"I see... Perhaps I did underestimate you. Very well, then..."
"Get them, Mewtwo!"
"Now that a former Champion has come, I suppose I have no choice but to give up on Zekrom."
"But Kyurem will be mine."
  • And Yet...
  • Before battle
"Well, well. Why don't we put it to the test, then?"
"Let's see what your little father-son team-up can do!"
  • After battle
"Hmph. This does surpass my expectations."
"Too bad... This would've been much easier if you had just stayed here..."
"Go after them."
"Change of plans. We're leaving."
"The more people you command, the harder it is to control them... Learning that much is enough for today."
"Besides...I'm very pleased by what I've seen today."
Main Story Villain Arc - Kanto - Team Rocket Returns
  • A Tricky Trap
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Well, well... Professor Bellis. I should thank you for joining us today."
  • After appearing, as Giovanni
"No, unfortunately. But that's why we've brought you here."
"Sync stones."
"You've been researching them, haven't you? That's what I want—your data."
"You know the secret to using sync stones to draw out the power within Pokémon, don't you?"
"I'm sure you must have it written up somewhere."
"Hmph. Fine. But just remember this..."
"We, too, are connected to our partner Pokémon. It's just a slightly more...nefarious connection."
"If I can use sync stones to draw out even more power from my Pokémon, I can have the strongest army of underlings to do my bidding."
"There is no such thing as good or evil when it comes to power. There is only power...and those who are willing to use it."
"You'll come to see that soon enough. And I don't care if you like it or not."
  • Giovanni's Gambit
"Welcome to my hideout!"
"I must say, I am impressed you got here."
"Professor Bellis and I are discussing a vital business proposition."
"Keep your nose out of grown-up matters."
"Hmph. Such impudence."
"If you insist, I suppose I'll have to teach you a lesson! Prepare for a world of pain!"
"Overpowering me with numbers, I see."
"Don't be so hasty. It's still too early for you to claim victory over me."
"I struck a deal with some of the more promising members of Team Break."
"Perhaps we should continue our conversation elsewhere, Professor Bellis."
"You won't get away! Get them, Mewtwo!"
"I finally have the research data on these sync stones..."
"Time to reap the seeds of chaos that I've sowed!"
  • The Power Within
"Fwahaha! Cornered? You're mistaken, I'm afraid."
"You were lured here... By me and Mewtwo."
"I'll gladly return it to you... I have no need for it now."
"I've already read through it all. Fascinating data, really."
"I assure you..."
"I will put it to good use!"
"Let me show you the true power of sync stones!"
"Yes, this is turning out nicely..."
"Nonsense. This is going exactly as I planned."
"In exceeds my expectations!"
"It appears the amount of energy we drew out was too much to handle, even for a Pokémon as powerful as Mewtwo."
"If you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to."
"I'd like to witness just how strong my partner Pokémon has become."
  • The Boss's Power
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"I see you've made it through the forest."
  • After appearing, as Giovanni
"That far exceeds my expectations... But in the end, mere Gym Leaders stand no chance against Mewtwo now."
"I know the extent of your strength."
"You simply don't have the power to stop Mewtwo."
"I don't expect children like you to understand."
"Though...I suppose some of you may, one day."
"Perhaps that can be saved for another time."
"More importantly, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave now."
"Get ready to feel a world of pain if you plan on disobeying my orders."
  • Malice
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"I don't think so!"
  • After appearing, as Giovanni
"I won't let you erase such magnificent power."
"Your logic is sound. But not to worry."
"Mewtwo. Right now, you're just aimlessly wasting your power."
"You can't control it by yourself...but I can help you harness that power and finally be complete!"
"Allow me to give your power some purpose! We share the same proclivity for malice, do we not?"
"Join me, Mewtwo, to make the most notorious sync pair there ever was!"
"Heh. With this, I now possess the full power of these sync stones."
"We've forged a strong bond, as we share the same will."
"Then allow me to prove our strength to you once again."
"Witness Mewtwo's true power—the power of our shared penchant for evil!"
  • The Last Laugh
"I see... So even with this new power, numbers are still a problem."
"Then how about this?"
"Surpass your limits even further! Show them your raw power!"
"Fwahahaha! Perfect, Mewtwo!"
"I was able to use the power of these sync stones to amplify Mewtwo's psychic powers...and it even Mega Evolved..."
"What a fruitful day! This little experiment is a resounding success. I would expect no less from a Pokémon fit to be my partner!"
"Well, I certainly won't back down from a challenge if you'd like to battle even more."
"Heh. Very well. Then I'll be on my way."
"I can't wait for another opportunity to show off this splendid, evil power to the rest of the world."
  • Off-screen
"We'll cross paths again."
Main Story Villain Arc - Johto - Team Rocket's Revival
  • Resuming Operations
"Without a doubt, it is a tremendous power, strong enough to topple anything in its path."
"This island certainly continues to intrigue me."
"So you all made it here."
"I'm sure you're aware of our situation. We're going to launch an operation to take control of the entire island of Pasio."
"In order to do that, we need more strength... A new kind of power, in fact."
"Get ready. I have much work for you to do."
"First, I have something I need to finish."
"Soon, all of Pasio will be under the control of Team Rocket!"
  • Infiltrate the Rocket Hideout
  • Wearing his sygna suit
"Welcome to my hideout, Champion."
  • One or Many
"You certainly took your time."
"You've given me enough time to complete my objective."
"Indeed. We're different from those other Pokémon that were Dynamaxing spontaneously all over Pasio."
"Now I have a Pokémon that will Dynamax on command!"
"I took some inspiration from the sync pairs on Pasio who wear sygna suits as well."
"They're fascinating outfits."
"When you wear them, you can feel a stronger connection to your partner Pokémon."
"Having trouble accepting that? See for yourself, then!"
"Experience the power of the evil that bonds us together!"
"Nidoking! Dynamax!"
"Mwahahaha! How glorious! This is the true power of a Dynamax sync pair!"
"Such overwhelming strength! THIS is what I was trying to achieve!"
"That is simply what an organization does."
"I suppose you've gotten strong enough to back up that argument, have you?"
  • As Your Friend
  • In flashback
"Heh. I now wield the power of Mega Evolution and Dynamax. You're no match for me."
"What, you're not going to challenge me again?"
"Hm... I see. You're unwilling to overwork your Pokémon that's already been hurt in battle."
"That's the end of that, then. I'll be on my way."
"I still haven't personally met the owner of Pasio."
"I'd like to pay him a visit very soon."
"But of course, I can't go empty-handed. I have a few things to prepare."
  • Battle against Evil
"Heh. It's over now."
"I must say, I'm impressed. It took much longer than anticipated to wear you down."
  • Off-screen
"Even in that form, Hoopa performed beyond my expectations."
"It uses its ability to warp space and call humans and Pokémon to a place of its liking..."
  • On-screen
"How very useful for my schemes."
"I wonder... Just because we've taken down its owner doesn't mean the job is complete."
"There are still many sync pairs on Pasio with hope in their eyes."
"Like those two."
"How childish."
"You still insist on battling on your own, in a situation like this?"
"Fine. Then I'll take you on."
"I'll teach you a lesson about just how cruel the world can be. That's my job, as an adult."
"Game over."
"Hmph. How pathetic."
"In the end, you had to rely on your little friend to save you. You can't do anything on your own."
"Your eyes finally have the look of an adult."
"Well, then. Perhaps I should get a little more serious about this, too."
"Witness this power! It is the power I possess as the leader of Team Rocket!"
  • Endings and Beginnings
"I suppose we've spent too much time here."
"Unfortunately, your time is up."
"It's me."
"It's about time I took my leave. I've had a very fruitful time here."
"After battling you, I know exactly what kind of force I need to completely control Pasio."
"And over the past few days, I've seen a fair number of things that sparked my interest."
  • Off-screen
"From Trainers who insist on battling alone..."
"to those who seek pure strength, no matter the method..."
  • On-screen
"There are a number of children here who already have eyes that look like an adult's."
"Pasio is an interesting place indeed."
"Heh. I am always prepared."
"I constantly think a few steps ahead of my opponents–and plan contingencies just in case."
"I look forward to the day we battle again."
"No matter. We've completed our initial objective."
"There are more troublesome sync pairs on Pasio than I initially thought."
"For now, let's retreat and stay in the shadows. We can keep implementing our plans from behind the scenes."
"There's no need for us to be in the spotlight for every one of our schemes."
"I have many potential business partners on this island."
"If that ever happens, we just have to make it so those who get in our way get rid of each other instead."
Main Story Villain Arc - Hoenn - Delta of Land, Sea, and Sky
  • Differing Perspectives
"I see... Excellent work."
"So there's energy just lying there, in the depths of the ocean..."
"There was a similar story in Hoenn. Have either of you heard about it?"
"According to the legends of Hoenn from over a thousand years ago..."
"A giant meteorite fell in Hoenn, and the natural energy beneath the ground erupted..."
"And they say Groudon and Kyogre fought over that energy."
"I don't know how much natural energy lies in the seabed of Pasio yet..."
"But it does seem making use of it would be of value to us."
Main Story Villain Arc - Sinnoh - Dreaming in Darkness
  • A Mission to Complete
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Hm... Loyal subordinates?"
Main Story Villain Arc - Unova - Team Plasma & Two Heroes
  • The One to Rule the World
"Heh. No matter how hard you try to think your way out of this, it's pointless."
"There's simply no other option but for you to–"
"The Shadow Triad, huh..."
"It seems Ghetsis has some exceptional subordinates of his own."
  • Two Heroes
"Hmph... That Ghetsis."
"He outwitted us by taking advantage of our scheme, yet he was defeated so easily."
"Hmph. It's not a problem."
"All we have to do is make that power ours."
"By the way, did Ghetsis simply retreat after he lost?"
"I see..."
"It seems he has another plan in mind..."
Main Story Villain Arc - Kalos - Team Flare Flares Up
  • Under a Beautiful Night Sky
"The brilliant scientists from Team Flare have helped us."
"Let's get them to work right away..."
"We've made progress by analyzing the research materials we stole, and our organization is gaining more and more power."
"Well done. I'm happy with these results."
"We were never interested in a short-lived weapon of destruction anyway."
"It seems no one has noticed our true goal."
Main Story Villain Arc - Galar - A Millennium into the Future
  • Whispering Shadows
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"That spirit..."
"I can see you are a man of remarkable caliber."
  • After appearing, as Giovanni, wearing his sygna suit
"Just like you, I also lead an organization."
"I know a way to extract sync stones' power."
"But I can't seem to find a better way to use that power..."
"So, how about it? Interested in working together?"
"Wise decision."
"To do that, you'd need to own Pasio—the only place where you can find these sync stones."
"What a wonderful plan."
"For the time being, let's not share this with your acquaintances from Galar..."
"And let us secret."
  • A Small Step into the Future
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Now, now, Mr. President... What was that all about?"
  • After appearing, as Giovanni
"That was a very selfish move on your part, as my business partner."
"Care to offer an explanation?"
"Heh... You noticed."
  • Off-screen
"That's fine. Thanks to all the commotion you caused, it was easy for me to move about for a while."
  • On-screen
"I hope you look forward to what's about to happen."
Main Story Villain Arc - Paulo - The Path Forward
  • Justice without Power
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Having trouble?"
  • After appearing, as Giovanni
"Yes, I was. But that's over now."
"I suppose I should apologize for my subordinates and their rude behavior."
"I'll take it from here. You children will be cowering in fear once I'm through with you!"
"Heh. Unfair? I beg to differ."
"Putting together the potential of many is how you produce a huge power... That's the strength of an organization!"
"You simply lack the power to match mine."
"If you wish to take down Team Rocket, you'll have to assemble enough power to surpass mine. You'd do well to remember that."
"We're leaving."
"Silence! You would have lost if I hadn't stepped in!"
"I only joined the battle because you were about to sully our reputation."
"You have matters to attend to that take higher priority than stealing Pokémon from children, do you not?"
"If you understand, then get back to work! Immediately!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Final Chapter - Where Ideals Cross Paths
  • The Target
"Is that so? Understood."
"Well, then. It's about time we made our move as well."
  • The Adult Way
"There you are."
"I'm impressed you made it this far, Paulo."
"You've shown me you've more than enough skill to lead an organization."
"As I expected, you have the eyes of an adult."
"When I battled you before, I certainly noticed..."
"that although you'd accepted things hadn't gone your way, you're still fixed on your goals."
  • Off-screen
"I knew you wouldn't hesitate to use any means necessary to gain power..."
  • On-screen
"and that you'd become an adult fit to lead an organization."
"I believe talking to you now might be worthwhile."
"What do you think?"
"Would you like to join forces with Team Rocket?"
"It's fruitless to keep fighting each other, draining our resources more than we already have."
"But if we joined forces, we could take complete control of the world."
"And, in that case..."
"You'd be able to create a world without evil... That's what you want, right?"
"Doesn't sound like such a bad deal."
"Is that so. What a shame."
"It appears..."
"I overestimated you."
"I see you're not all just talk."
"Hoopa! What about you?!"
"Wouldn't you like to work for me—and use that power of yours as much as you like?"
"I'm afraid you haven't studied enough, Paulo."
"Taming a Pokémon that's rampaging around on pure instinct after its power's unleashed..."
"It's child's play for me!"
  • Wrong Choice
"Paulo...could it be..."
"Don't tell me that, even now, you still cling to the idea of "connections" with other people and Pokémon?"
"You're the one who rejected friendship and other such naive notions of the heart..."
"It was a smart, adult decision."
"However, the strength you gained was far too little."
"And in the end, everything falls in line with whatever is bigger or stronger."
"After all, the adult world is a heartless one—one of "costs" and "benefits." To us, it's just business."
"You made the wrong decision."
"No matter how much you resent me, you should have cooperated."
  • Off-screen
"If you had, you might've noticed the gap between your strength and mine—and the chance your Hoopa would be stolen."
"You could've even pretended to cooperate at first, before launching a surprise attack."
  • On-screen
" how adults operate."
"You're still wet behind the ears."
  • What I Should Do
"Hmph. Why don't you show yourselves?"
"You can hide all you like, but you won't catch me off guard."
"Praise where it's due: well done getting this far."
"As a Trainer and a sync pair of Pasio..."
"I'll face you fair and square."
"Once more, you shall face Giovanni, the greatest Trainer!"
  • No Getting Lost
"Good teamwork. But how long can you last?"
"You can't become "evil," but you can't become "justice" either..."
"Paulo... Are you believing in the bonds and connections of justice again?"
"If so, you're right back where you started."
"What have you gained by believing in childish fantasies?"
"Are you really any closer to your ideals?"
"You won't find the power you seek in the bonds of justice!"
"Hmph. In that case..."
"show me what you can do with that so-called strength of yours!"
"Nidoking! Dynamax!"
  • Off-screen
  • On-screen
"I'll put you back in your place! Mewtwo! Mega Evolve!"
"This battle is over. You've won."
  • Conquering Evil
"Hello? Yes, it's me."
"Hmph. I figured as much. This mission is a failure. Time to retreat."
"Apparently, once Hoopa regained its senses, the Legendary Pokémon it had summoned all disappeared."
"We've managed to capture a few Ultra Beasts, but that's not enough to overcome the sync pairs of Pasio on top of the other organizations."
"Perhaps I could take you down here if we continued battling, but that would be pointless."
"Hmph. What a poor example I'm setting for my subordinates. How will I face them now?"
"Yes, that is true."
"This operation did prove useful to me in the end. There will be other opportunities."
"I can't give up on taking over Pasio just yet."
"On destroying all evil in the world?"
"I see..."
"How much strength will you obtain, I wonder."
"I suppose that's something I should look forward to."
"Well, then..."
"I wonder how my next scheme will turn out..."
Special Sync Pair Event - Giovanni and Persian
  • Team Rocket's Ambition
  • Wearing his classic outfit
"My loyal followers..."
"First, I would like to thank you for responding to my call and joining me here on Pasio."
"I am pleased to have this opportunity to work with you all."
"As you may know, Pasio is a place overflowing with people, goods, and Pokémon."
"Presented with such an opportunity, what course of action should our organization take? Some may find themselves losing sight of our goals."
"So, let us review what our ambitions as Team Rocket are."
"In an attempt to return to my roots, I donned my old clothes and gave this some thought."
"The answer is simple: we must use money to claim more power."
"Of course, this will be accomplished by utilizing the power of Pokémon."
"Controlling the world and executing our schemes are only steps towards achieving our goal."
"Pokémon with immense power... Rare Pokémon... They will undoubtedly be useful."
"But we should not focus solely on them. I want you all to broaden your horizons."
"Let this Persian be a prime example of that."
"Persian is very prideful Pokémon. To have a Persian accept you is proof that you are an exceptional Trainer."
"Proving your superiority is standard practice in business. Any Pokémon can be useful as long as you handle it well."
"However, Persian and I still have much to learn about battling on Pasio."
"As your superior, I plan to hone my skills in a way that will uphold our reputation."
"That is all. I expect great things from all of you."
Story Event - Guzzling Glutton's Target
  • A Disturbance at the Beach
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"...Do it."
  • Clues Left Behind
  • As Giovanni, wearing his alternate sygna suit
"Heh. You caught on quicker than I expected."
"And I see you've even brought a few Champions. How cautious of you."
  • His Next Ambition
"It seems you've already guessed how and why I'm getting rid of these hideouts, haven't you."
"Using, you say?"
"It's true the orders came from me. But that was just to sate the creature's appetite."
"If you truly care for Pokémon, I advise you not to interfere with Guzzlord's meals."
"Heh. Very well."
"The more you burn with the flames of justice, the better for Team Rocket."
"Justice and evil are intertwined."
  • Off-screen
"The angrier you are at Team Rocket, and the more you fan justice's flames..."
"the more Team Rocket's evil will grow."
"Each time we oppose each other, we're forced to grow bigger and stronger!"
"Even when evil and justice are properly served, our appetite for them will rise again!"
  • On-screen
"Human greed never ends...just like Guzzlord's hunger for everything it sees!"
"One day, Team Rocket shall devour all of Pasio."
"Heh. I dare you to stop me."
"Time to feast, Guzzlord!"
"Oh? So those are arc suits... This is my first time seeing them."
"UBs are indeed creatures of superb power."
"However, my appetite knows no bounds. I can never have enough power!"
"Even if such power..."
"comes from a Pokémon considered a deity!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Giovanni
"Such vastness... Humanity cannot even begin to compare to the enormity of the ocean."
"Don't you think so, too, <player>?"
"Yes, I know you're there."
"How about it? Come gaze at the ocean with me."
"... ... ..."
"Well, you're a cautious one, aren't you. Won't approach me that easily, huh?"
You're a bad person, aren't you.: "Heh. You certainly have guts, talking to me like that."
What are you scheming?: "Don't worry too much about it. I'm just enjoying the view right now."
"I understand that you don't trust me. It's not like you're hiding it."
"You're right in thinking that I'm not a good man. But I take no pleasure in hurting people for no reason."
"Especially Trainers who show so much promise, such as yourself."
"You don't have anything to worry about...for now."
What do you mean?/What are you after?: "Hmph. Just up to one of my sinister plans."
"And Mewtwo is my ultimate tool for realizing those plans."
"Ah, look at the rage in your eyes!"
"It must really bother you that I call Pokémon tools."
"I wonder how angry you would be if I were to make you and your Pokémon into accessories to my misdeeds."
"You wouldn't let that slide, would you?"
You got that right!/You'd never get away with it!: "I like your gusto, kid! I knew you had something special about you!"
"I have great expectations for your future."
"The two of you will undoubtedly become strong enough to oppose me someday."
"Hmph. I look forward to that day. Will you be an obstacle that hinders me...?"
"Or maybe you'll join me and willingly become my tool."
I'd never work with you!/... ... ...: "Hmph. We'll see... We have plenty of time until then."
"I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your future."
"But until that day, you and I are just Trainers."
"I'll keep on exploring with you, for the time being."
"What were we talking about again? Right, gazing at the ocean."
"Take a good look while you can, kid."
"Before you know it, everything you see here will belong to me!"
"If you want to win it all back from me..."
"you'd better not hold anything back when you battle me!"
"I like those who show strength!"
"I sincerely look forward to you becoming strong enough to face me!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Sygna Suit Giovanni
What's going on here?: "Just a test of my strength."
What was that sound?: "I was just having a Pokémon battle with my subordinates."
"This Nidoking has been by my side since my time in Kanto, but..."
"here on Pasio, I have obtained a new power. The power of Dynamax!"
"However, there is still a great deal I do not know about it. So I was conducting an experiment."
You defeated them all?: "Impressive, isn't it?"
Nidoking defeated them all?: "Indeed."
"Nidoking can learn a wide range of moves..."
"His strength is in his ability to counter a variety of Pokémon types and characteristics."
"In terms of pure power, Mewtwo is superior. But Nidoking is quite reliable as well."
"Is there something you'd like to say?"
"You seem concerned about my subordinates, but I assure you, there's no need for that."
"My goal is to use all Pokémon to rule the world..."
"In order to achieve this shared goal, my subordinates will happily lend me their strength."
"Good work. This was an excellent test of my strength."
"You look like you are in disbelief."
"It may seem like I have no regard for my subordinates..."
"However, in reality, there is an undeniable sense of trust between us. "
"Just like the two of you."
"The power of connections...truly is fascinating."
"Soon, I will unlock its mysteries. The power of bonds and friendship will be mine."
"Team Rocket will use this power to rule to world!"
Not if we can help it!: "Oh?"
We won't let you!: "Such confidence."
"If you want to stop us, you'll have to face me."
"I look forward to the day we can have that battle, <player>."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Sygna Suit Giovanni (Alt.)
"Such incredible power..."
"With this power, Team Rocket can—"
What are you doing?: "Oh. It's you, <player>."
Giovanni!: "Hmph. We've only just run into each other, yet you have such a sour look on your face. You must hate me."
"I was just evaluating a new tool of mine."
"And what I've learned is this creature has more power than I imagined!"
"Guzzlord is one of the UBs Team Rocket captured here on Pasio."
"With its insatiable appetite, it's constantly eating."
"Its power to eat anything and everything should prove useful to Team Rocket."
"Think about it. Anything it devours disappears without a trace."
"Wouldn't it be perfect for erasing evidence of my schemes?"
"Or perhaps I could feed it hideouts of rival organizations that stand in my way."
"That'd be an easy way to limit their opposition."
"Guzzlord is the ultimate tool for Team Rocket!"
I won't let you do that!: "Guzzlord simply wants to sate its hunger."
"Isn't caring for our Pokémon our duty as Trainers?"
Pokémon aren't tools!: "In that case, why should Guzzlord—a living creature—be denied its desires?"
"If it's not a tool, then perhaps we should let it do what it wants."
"Now then, enough of this back and forth. I must get going."
"I have much thinking to do. I must make plans to use Guzzlord's skills."
"I'll see you soon. Farewell."
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview (Sygna Suit)
"You shall face Giovanni, the greatest Trainer!"
  • During sync background preview (Variety)
"Team Rocket will never fall! Never forget that!"
  • During sync background preview (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Once you get what you want, you immediately want something else."
  • Random conversation
"Hmph... You take raising your Pokémon really seriously, huh. I can tell."
"I'm the same way. If you don't maintain your tools, they don't last as long. They start to lose their strength after a while."
"Adults have their own way of thinking about this stuff, kid."
  • If spoken to again
"Pokémon have value because of the way we use them."
"You may not agree with me now, but someday when you're older, you'll understand."
  • Random conversation
"My record's been clean as a whistle since I arrived on Pasio."
"Being surrounded by all this beautiful nature, watching sync pairs work together in harmony... It's put a damper on my desire to sow chaos."
"Don't believe me? Hmph... How much of what people say do you think is true anyway?"
  • If spoken to again
"If society labels someone as evil, does it mean everything that person says or does is wrong? Is that what you believe?"
"In a society like that, any minority viewpoint could easily be considered evil. Is that the world you want to live in?"
"Hmph... Sorry, that got a little deep."
  • Random conversation
"I'm a mean old man. I could be lying and deceiving you right now, and you wouldn't even know it."
"The world is made up of people who deceive each other every day. We lie and we get lied to. That's how it works."
"It'll all start to click for you someday when you're older, kid."
  • If spoken to again
"Not all adults are mean old liars, but there are some who are."
"But there are kids out there like that, too. The world's full of all kinds of different people."
  • Random conversation
"Hmph. Everything seems to be going according to plan..."
"Oh, it's you... Having fun eavesdropping? You must be so curious about what plans I was referring to."
"Want some advice? Keep your nose out of grown-up business, kid."
  • If spoken to again
"Want to know more about my plans, do you? Hmph... What makes you think I'd tell a brat like you what I'm up to?"
"Keep poking your nose where it doesn't belong, and you'll find yourself in a world of pain, kid."
"That's the kind of world I live in. Take my advice and go back where you came from before you regret it."
  • Random conversation
"In the past, I brought various organizations under my own control to form Team Rainbow Rocket."
"But I was forced to step down thanks to a certain kid who got in my way. I'm in the middle of a new plot as we speak."
"To be honest, you remind me a lot of that kid, <player>."
  • If spoken to again
"You've managed to pique my interest, kid."
"You and your partner... You're destined to keep growing stronger, and I look forward to watching it happen."
"Ever thought about utilizing all that strength and potential as my right hand?"
  • Random conversation
"Pokémon are a business enterprise. Unless both parties are profiting, nothing gets done."
"And by profit, I mean money. When it comes to business, there's no room for things like friendship or caring for one another."
"I understand where you're coming from, though. I can appreciate your viewpoint."
  • If spoken to again
"It's good that we all want different things. That's how things get done in a business."
"The world should be full of different opinions and viewpoints."
"I just wonder if you'll ever come over to my side one day."
  • Random conversation
"People like there to be clear lines between good and evil, right and wrong."
"When I carry out my evil schemes, some people in this world profit. Some people are helped in other ways."
"You probably think it's wrong to cause trouble for people and Pokémon in general."
"But when people wave their self-righteousness around like a giant flag, that causes its own trouble, too."
"Right, wrong, good, evil... People think everything has to be black and white, but that's just not how it is."
  • If spoken to again
"There's one thing I do know..."
"I'm drawn to strength. I like power. And that's because neither strength nor power are inherently good or evil."
"The strong will win. It's got nothing to do with right or wrong... That's the real truth."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Pokémon can lend their strength to humans. This we can both agree on."
"However, I use Pokémon for my personal gain. I turn them into money and power."
"We simply differ in our methods."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I like hats. I use them to hide my face."
"There's nothing more handy when you want to work in the shadows."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Whether it's big or small, everyone harbors some evil within their hearts."
"If you ever become disillusioned by the righteous path, you can come knock on Team Rocket's door anytime."
"We'll welcome you when that time comes. *chuckle*"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"Soon, Team Rocket will have everything within its grasp."
"Our reach will extend any distance...even into other worlds!"
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I see that you raise Pokémon with utmost care, <player>."
"If you want to protect your dear Pokémon..."
"you'll need to be strong. No matter what that takes."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I've been raising Nidoking since my time in Kanto."
"Do I have an attachment to him? Perhaps I do."
  • If spoken to again
"What's that? What would I do if I had to give up Nidoking for the sake of a scheme?"
"Fwahahahaha! You aren't afraid to speak your mind, are you."
"I don't have an answer for that."
"It would all depend on the specifics of the situation. That is how an organization works, after all."
  • Random conversation (Sygna Suit)
"The true nature of those bonds and friendships you hold so dearly..."
"I will uncover its mysteries and use it for evil!"
"The power of the heart isn't reserved for the righteous. "
  • If spoken to again
"Good and evil are two sides of the same coin. Good taken too far will inevitably become evil."
"One day, you may find yourself standing opposite of where you started."
"The day that I am seen as "good" is sure to come as well."
  • Random conversation (Classic)
"Team Rocket's philosophy is really quite simple..."
"Use Pokémon to make money. That's all."
"Unlike other organizations, we don't deal in lofty ideals or attempt to hide what we do."
"*chuckle* It's quite simple, don't you think?"
  • Random conversation (Classic)
"I like strong people. That's why I've had my eye on you, <player>."
"However, because you possess strength, you've never chosen the path of evil..."
"Those without strength turn to the power of evil to survive."
"That is exactly why Team Rocket will never run out of business partners."
"Perhaps that might be difficult for someone like you to understand."
  • Random conversation (Classic)
"Are you familiar with Silph Co. from the Kanto region?"
"It's a large company that manufactures and sells Poké Balls and other items useful to Trainers."
"Imagine how reassuring it would be to have them in our pocket... *chuckle*"
  • If spoken to again
"The Devon Corporation... Macro Cosmos..."
"There are many useful companies in the world..."
"One day, I, Giovanni, will control them all."
  • Random conversation (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"I act for the sole purpose of getting what I want..."
"Even if doing so harms you and your friends."
  • Random conversation (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Ultra Beasts are Pokémon from another world."
"They have powers that are different than those of the Pokémon from our world."
"Heh. We've acquired a nice tool indeed."
  • Random conversation (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Guzzlord is always hungry..."
"It can't sit still unless it's eating something."
"Therefore, I've decided to help it fulfill that desire."
"If you truly care for Pokémon, don't interfere."
  • Random conversation (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"You're free to follow me around, but do be careful."
"You wouldn't want to find yourself in Guzzlord's mouth."
"Even I would struggle to sleep at night if that happened."
  • Random conversation (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Your strength is praiseworthy, <player>."
"However, you're still inexperienced. You know nothing of the adult world."
"One simply cannot take control of the world with the power of justice and a pure heart."
  • Random conversation (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Ultra Beasts are dangerous Pokémon."
"Here on Pasio, some people are trying to coexist with the Ultra Beasts."
"Coexistence, rather than subjugation..."
"Is that even possible? I suppose it would be interesting to watch."
  • If spoken to again
"Do you think you could coexist with my Team Rocket?"
"People with evil in their heart are far more difficult to deal with than any Pokémon. Heh..."
  • Random conversation (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Greed is a scary thing."
"Once you get what you want, you immediately want something else."
"Human greed knows no bounds...just like my Guzzlord's appetite."
"I suppose once I control the world, I'll want something else, too."
  • If spoken to again
"What do you want most?"
"Money? Status? Perhaps power?"
"One day, I hope you show me all your ambitions."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Ah, you again."
"Keep your guard up around this place, kid. Some bad guys like me have got their eyes on you."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Sygna Suit)
"Are you the one they sent over? Excuse me, my mistake."
"Have you taken an interest in my ways? That's fine by me."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Classic)
"Oh, it's you. *chuckle* What's with that wary look? Don't worry, I haven't been up to any trouble."
"I am a Pokémon Trainer, after all. Seeing me on Pasio shouldn't be cause for any suspicion."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic) (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Well, well. Thanks for coming all this way to greet me, <player>."
"There's nothing you can do to stop me, Giovanni, from conducting my evil schemes."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Don't allow yourself to be used by others. Stay vigilant. Even in the morning."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (also used by Classic)
"If I need to brainstorm, I do it in the morning. That's when I come up with my greatest schemes."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"It's awfully bright outside right now... Makes it difficult to work in the shadows."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (also used by Classic)
"Pasio is an incredible piece of land. Perhaps one day it will belong to... Ahem."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Remember...villains tend to make their moves in the shadow of darkness."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (also used by Classic)
"Isn't it past your bedtime, kid? Keep your nose out of grown-up business."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Sygna Suit)
"You may think you're safe in the morning, but you never know who might already be setting their plans in motion."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Sygna Suit)
"I'm heading out for some training. You can follow me, if you don't believe that."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Sygna Suit)
"It's always much more convenient to work at night... For conducting matters of business, of course."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning) (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Keeping tabs on me this early in the day? Hmph. A wasted effort..."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon) (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"Another calm, peaceful day on this island... For now."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening) (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"It's a quiet night. Perfect for planning my next move..."
  • Special gift conversation
"You can have this. Hope it's useful."
  • After giving out item
"You get to figure out what to do with it on your own."
  • Special gift conversation (Sygna Suit)
"I'm not sure if you'll like it, but take this."
  • After giving out item
"No need to be suspicious. I have no ulterior motives. *chuckle*"
  • Special gift conversation (Classic)
"As a memento of our acquaintance, I present you with this."
  • After giving out item
"*chuckle* Let's continue being amicable towards each other, shall we?"
  • Special gift conversation (Alt. Sygna Suit)
"You can have this. What? It's nothing to be wary of."
  • After giving out item
"You should be grateful when so generously offered a gift."
  • Special Stop the Evil Mastermind! log-in conversation
"The world is vast."
"No matter how wide you stretch your arms, you'll never be able to grasp it all."
"That's why...I want it."
"It's me."
"Fine, wait there."
"It's your turn to battle, Mewtwo."
"You've been waiting for this moment, I assume?"
"*chuckle* Don't worry."
"As long as you cooperate, you'll never get bored."
"You'll have plenty of opportunities to battle strong opponents who think they can stop evil."
"Let's go."
"And move one step closer to ruling the world!"
  • Special Guzzling Glutton's Target story event blurb (wearing his alternate sygna suit)
"Our next target is..."
  • Special Guzzling Glutton's Target story event conversation (wearing his alternate sygna suit)
"Do remember to keep your guard up around me."
"Right now, you are not my foe, nor my ally."
"Team Rocket makes no exceptions to who we target."
Trainer Lodge
  • When spoken to (friendship level 1-9)
"Are you concerned about my presence?"
  • When spoken to (friendship level 10-29)
"What is it, <player>? Are you here to surveil me?"
  • When spoken to (friendship level 30+)
"Say, <player>. Care to lend me a hand with something?"
  • Special gift conversation (friendship level 1-9)
"Allow me to give you this."
  • After giving out item
"Heh, no reason. I just felt like it."
  • Special gift conversation (friendship level 10-29)
"I found something interesting... Do you need it?"
  • After giving out item
"Ha, you're quite the skeptical one... Let's just say I didn't steal it."
  • Special gift conversation (friendship level 30+)
"Here's a gift from me. Take it."
  • After giving out item
"I see great potential in you."
"This is my way of making an affordable investment in my future business partner."
  • Chat (available from start)
"I never thought you'd bring me to a place like this..."
"I can't tell what your motives are..."
"But I'll use this opportunity productively."
  • Chat (after completing A Special Day with Giovanni: Part 1)
"It's not necessarily a waste to help others without asking for anything in return."
"That's because that favor becomes a powerful negotiation tool when you want someone to act a certain way."
"It's essentially a deferred payment. There's no such thing as a free lunch, after all."
  • Chat (after completing A Special Day with Giovanni: Part 2)
"You're very genuine. I get the sense you're also easily influenced by others."
"So, it's possible for you to have a change of heart and become my subordinate."
"*chuckle* <player>, there're some things you can only gain by going down the path of evil..."
"So I'll continue to share about the wonders of this path, to entice you to join my side."
  • When conversation is initiated (friendship level 1-9)
"Let's exchange some information."
  • When conversation is initiated (friendship level 10-29)
"Let's hear what kind of information you have."
  • When conversation is initiated (friendship level 30+)
"Now then, <player>. Let's make this a valuable time for both of us."
  • If given a Cuff Link or Good Cuff Link
"Heh... I suppose I'll take it."
  • If given an Awesome Cuff Link
"Oh? It seems you're well informed about my preferences."
"I'll gladly take it. I'll be sure to return the favor."
  • After the conversation ends (Great / Excellent)
"Let's call it a day. We'll continue our conversation next time."
  • After the conversation ends (Wonderful)
"That was a very interesting conversation."
"I really got an insight into what kind of person you are as a Trainer."
Friendship Story - A Special Day with Giovanni: Part 1
"What is it? Can't find something?"
"Heh heh... Don't look at me like that."
"This is Team Rocket territory. I'm simply asking what you're up to in a place like this."
(Tell him the truth.): "Heh heh... A wise decision. Your honesty is one of your best attributes."
(Hesitate to tell him.): "If you have a problem, you must have the courage to use whatever's at your disposal—even if that means utilizing someone like me."
"Hmm... A lost Pokémon?"
"... ... ..."
"I have a hunch. Pardon me for a moment."
"It's me."
"About that Pokémon in your report..."
"Apologies for the wait."
"The Pokémon you're searching for is currently in the hospitable care of Team Rocket."
(Accuse him of plotting something.): "Oh, is that how it appears? I do wish you'd trust me a little."
(Accuse him of lying.): "Heh heh... You'll miss out on a lot by doubting others so quickly."
"It's up to you whether you believe me or not."
"But if I'm telling the truth..."
"and you choose not to believe me, you will be forgoing the chance to reunite a Trainer with their precious partner Pokémon."
"So...what'll it be?"
"If you decide to trust me, then you're welcome to visit our hideout. However..."
"you must come alone."
"If you don't comply with that condition, then I can't guarantee what will happen to that Pokémon in our care."
"I look forward to your visit."
"Heh heh..."
Friendship Story - A Special Day with Giovanni: Part 2
"This is the Pokémon you were searching for, isn't it?"
" you trust me now?"
(Thank him.): "Oh, there's no need to thank me."
"As I have no intention of giving it back for free."
(Accuse him of having ulterior motives.): "Ah... Your suspicions are correct. I have no intention of returning this Pokémon for free."
"If you want it back, then you'll have to cooperate with Team Rocket."
"You must have guessed this would happen."
"It was pure coincidence that we stumbled upon this Pokémon..."
"But I determined that we could use it as a bargaining chip."
(Nod to say that you'll cooperate.): "So you'd lie to save a Pokémon."
"Guess you are able to think like an adult."
(Shake your head to say you can't.): "I thought you'd say that. You have strong convictions."
"Heh... This is all just a joke, of course. You can have this Pokémon back."
"I don't really believe I can manipulate you so easily."
"Though seeing you infiltrate enemy territory, all by yourself, for the sake of someone else's Pokémon just reminds me how beneficial an ally you'd be."
"At any rate, today I witnessed how you react to my schemes..."
"I'll call that a win in itself."
"Perhaps our paths may never fully intersect..."
"Nevertheless, we can choose to remain acquainted. Right, <player>?"