Elekid (Aquapolis 9)

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エレキッド Elekid

Illus. Hikaru Koike
Evolution stage
Baby Pokémon
Evolves into Electabuzz
Card name Elekid
Type Lightning
HP 30
retreat cost
English expansion Aquapolis
Rarity Rare
English card no. 9/147
Japanese expansion The Town on No Map
Japanese rarity Uncommon
Japanese card no. 039/092
For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Elekid.

Elekid (Japanese: エレキッド Elekid) is a Lightning-type Baby Pokémon card. It is part of the Aquapolis expansion.

Card text

If your Active Pokémon is a Baby Pokémon and your opponent announces an attack, your opponent flips a coin (before doing anything else). If tails, your opponent's turn ends.
Energy Kick
Flip a coin. If heads, choose an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon. Your opponent moves that card to 1 of his or her other Pokémon. (If your opponent has no Benched Pokémon, this attack does nothing.)

e-Reader data

This card's ID is C-39-#. The short strip contains Pokédex information, a brief card summary, and information on the content of the long strip.

Pokédex data

2'00" (0.6 m)
52.0 lbs. (23.5 kg)
Pokédex entry
It loves violent thunder. The space between its horns flickers bluish-white when it is charging energy.
はげしい かみなりが だいすき。 からだに でんきを ためるとき ツノのあいだが あおじろく ひかる

Construction: Action

The long strip contains map data for the Construction: Action application.



This card's e-Reader Pokédex entry comes from Pokémon Crystal.

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.