Dusk Factory

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Dusk Factory ヨナベこうじょう
Yonabe Factory
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: This creepy and sinister factory only operates from dusk until dawn.
Location: East of Fall City
Region: Fiore
Generations: III

Location of Dusk Factory in Fiore.
Pokémon world locations

The Dusk Factory (Japanese: ヨナベこうじょう Yonabe Factory) is an old, abandoned factory in Fall City. It is the location of the seventh numbered mission of Pokémon Ranger. It only operates from dusk until dawn.

The Dusk Factory is in use by the Go-Rock Squad for producing copies of the Super Styler, and the Go-Rock Quads use it for their band practices. Professor Hastings intends to shut down the factory.

Wild Pokémon

This is a listing of the Pokémon found in the Dusk Factory after the credits:

Pokémon Assist Field Loops
Meowth Meowth Normal Cut 5
Growlithe Growlithe Fire None 4
Machoke Machoke Fighting Crush Crush 8
Magnemite Magnemite Electric Recharge 2
Magneton Magneton Electric Recharge Recharge 3
Gastly Gastly Ghost None 5
Haunter Haunter Ghost None 6
Hypno Hypno Psychic None 9
Voltorb Voltorb Electric Recharge 5
Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic None 8
Pinsir Pinsir Bug Cut Cut 6
Porygon Porygon Normal None 3
Wingull Wingull Water None 3
Makuhita Makuhita Fighting Tackle Tackle 5
Kecleon Kecleon Normal None 4

Go-Rock Squad

Mission 7: Investigate the Factory!

Go-Rock Squad Pokémon Type Loops

Go-Rock Squad Grunt
Voltorb Voltorb Electric 5
Voltorb Voltorb Electric 5

Go-Rock Squad Grunt
Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic 8
Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Psychic 8

Go-Rock Squad Grunt
Slakoth Slakoth Normal 6

Go-Rock Commander
Beldum Beldum Psychic 5
Beldum Beldum Psychic 5
Muk Muk Poison 10

Go-Rock Squad Grunt
Machop Machop Fighting 6
Machop Machop Fighting 6
Machoke Machoke Fighting 8

Go-Rock Squad Grunt
Rattata Rattata Normal 1
Rattata Rattata Normal 1
Rattata Rattata Normal 1
Rattata Rattata Normal 1
Rattata Rattata Normal 1
Rattata Rattata Normal 1
Rattata Rattata Normal 1
Rattata Rattata Normal 1
File:Go-Rock Squad Top-Rank OD.png
Go-Rock Squad Top-Rank Grunt
Crobat Crobat Poison 4
Ariados Ariados Bug 6

Scizor Scizor Bug 12


Main article: Obstacle
Image Name Description Field Move Hidden Pokémon
Big Cage This very sturdy cage is made of steel. It would take a master to break it.
Big Tree This tree grows straight and true. If it's shaken, Pokémon may fall out!
Cage This cage is made for Pokémon. Only cutting it will break it.
Crate This bulky crate is tough to move, but it's sturdy and unbreakable.
Scrap Metal This is melted here and there as if Pokémon breathed fire on it for fun.
Sign This sign is mysteriously replaced if it is cut into tiny pieces.
Wood Fence This ordinary wooden fence can be seen anywhere. It's so easy to cut down.



Game Entrance West Hall North East Generator


Game South Halls South Rooms North Rooms

Other Floors

Game B1F East Building Roof


  • The password to open the gate is 60 as the numbers look like the word Go.


Language Name Origin
Japanese ヨナベこうじょう
English Dusk Factory
German Dunkle Fabrik
Spanish Fábrica Turnoche
French Usine Nocturne
Italian Fabbrica Tenebre

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This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world and the Pokémon Sidegames, respectively.