Daybreak (TCG)

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Box art
Expansion Undaunted
Release date August 18, 2010
Types used PsychicGrass

The Daybreak Theme Deck from the Undaunted expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game predominantly focuses on Psychic-type and Grass Pokémon. Each Theme Deck is packaged with a 60-card deck, damage counters, a custom coin, a rulebook, a card list, a single-player mat, and an Undaunted booster pack.


You'll use every trick under the sun to defeat your opponent when you play the Daybreak theme deck! The versatile Sludge Pokémon Muk both inflicts Special Conditions on your opponent's Pokémon and then adds on damage to those already affected. And when the Sun Pokémon Espeon begins to move damage counters from your Pokémon across the battlefield to your opponent's Pokémon, it will dawn on your opponent just how versatile your Daybreak deck really is!

Deck list

Quantity Card Type Rarity
Espeon Psychic Rare Holo
Espeon Psychic Rare
Eevee Colorless Common
Bellossom Grass Rare
Gloom Grass Uncommon
Oddish Grass Common
Dodrio Colorless Rare
Doduo Colorless Common
Muk Psychic Uncommon
Grimer Psychic Common
Togekiss Colorless Rare
Togetic Colorless Uncommon
Togepi Colorless Common
Raticate Colorless Uncommon
Rattata Colorless Common
Scyther Grass Uncommon
Energy Exchanger T Uncommon
Interviewer's Questions Su Uncommon
Life Herb T Uncommon
Poké Ball T Uncommon
Ruins of Alph St Uncommon
Sage's Training Su Uncommon
Team Rocket's Trickery Su Uncommon
10× Grass Energy Grass E Common
Psychic Energy Psychic E Common


  • The Cracked Ice Holofoil version of Espeon is exclusive to this deck.
  • The Non Holofoil versions of Espeon, Bellossom, and Togekiss are exclusive to this deck.

In other languages

Language Title
French Aurore
German Morgendämmerung

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
HeartGold & SoulSilver Series
HGSS Black Star Promos
HeartGold & SoulSilver: Growth ClashEmber SparkMind Flood
HS Trainer Kit
Unleashed: Chaos ControlSteel Sentinel
Undaunted: NightfallDaybreak
Pokémon Surprise Calendar
Triumphant: Royal GuardVerdant Frost
World Collection
Call of Legends Series
Call of Legends: ReconRetort
L-P Promotional cards
HeartGold CollectionSoulSilver Collection: Random Basic Pack
Battle Starter DecksLeafeon vs Metagross Expert Deck
Reviving Legends: Steelix Constructed Standard DeckTyranitar Constructed Standard Deck
Lost Link
Clash at the Summit
Pikachu World