Dark Land

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The Dark Land selection screen as seen in the Balloon Stop. Going clockwise from the top, bosses visible in this screenshot are Aurorus (behind the sign), Gourgeist, Kabutops, Doublade, Braviary, and Sliggoo.

Dark Land (Japanese: ダークランド Dark Land) is an area in Pokémon Rumble World available after obtaining Rank 25. The Dark Balloon is required for access. It consists of six stages.

Three Legendary Pokémon can be found in Dark Land:

Boundless Prairie

All five variants of Flabébé can be caught.

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Turtwig Turtwig
Grotle Grotle
Torterra Torterra Boss
Rufflet Rufflet
Braviary Braviary Boss
Scatterbug Scatterbug
Spewpa Spewpa
Flabébé Flabébé
Spritzee Spritzee
Aromatisse Aromatisse Boss

Chilling Graveyard

Bisharp only appears with Yveltal.

Pumpkaboo appears in different sizes like in its debut.

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Hoothoot Hoothoot
Noctowl Noctowl
Houndour Houndour
Litwick Litwick
Lampent Lampent
Chandelure Chandelure Boss
Bisharp Bisharp
Phantump Phantump
Trevenant Trevenant Boss
Pumpkaboo Pumpkaboo
Gourgeist Gourgeist Boss
Yveltal Yveltal Boss

Forgotten Forest

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂
Nidorino Nidorino
Nidoking Nidoking
Grimer Grimer
Muk Muk Boss
Bunnelby Bunnelby
Diggersby Diggersby
Goomy Goomy
Sliggoo Sliggoo Boss
Goodra Goodra Boss

Ice Floe Island

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Mr. Mime Mr. Mime
Articuno Articuno Boss
Spheal Spheal
Sealeo Sealeo
Mime Jr. Mime Jr.
Glaceon Glaceon Boss
Amaura Amaura
Aurorus Aurorus Boss
Bergmite Bergmite
Avalugg Avalugg Boss

Murky Cavern

Pokémon Entrance Center Back
Kabuto Kabuto
Kabutops Kabutops Boss
Wobbuffet Wobbuffet
Nosepass Nosepass
Wynaut Wynaut
Probopass Probopass Boss
Venipede Venipede
Whirlipede Whirlipede
Druddigon Druddigon Boss

Royal Armory

Aegislash battles using both its Blade Forme and Shield Forme. Both can be obtained as separate forms in the Captured Pokémon list.

Pokémon Entrance Center Back Special
Girafarig Girafarig
Raikou Raikou Boss
Minun Minun
Pachirisu Pachirisu
Blitzle Blitzle
Zebstrika Zebstrika Boss
Tynamo Tynamo
Eelektrik Eelektrik
Honedge Honedge
Doublade Doublade Boss
Aegislash Aegislash Boss

In other languages

Language Title
French Pays Ténébreux
German Finsterland
Italian Terra Oscura
Spanish Tierra Oscura

Boundless Prairie

Language Title
Japanese 千里の草原 Thousand-Mile Grassland
French Prairie Horizon
German Tausendmeilenweide
Italian Prato Lunghemiglia
Spanish Pradera Infinita

Chilling Graveyard

Language Title
Japanese 魔界の墓所 Underworld Graveyard
French Cimetière Impur
German Grabstätte der Unterwelt
Italian Tomba degli Inferi
Spanish Necrópolis Tenebrosa

Forgotten Forest

Language Title
Japanese かえらずの森 Forest of No Return
French Forêt Sans Retour
German Wälder ohne Wiederkehr
Italian Bosco del Nonritorno
Spanish Bosque sin Retorno

Ice Floe Island

Language Title
Japanese 流氷の島 Ice Floe Island
French Glacier Flottant
German Eisberginsel
Italian Isola Fluttuaghiaccio
Spanish Isla de Hielo

Murky Cavern

Language Title
Japanese 暗闇の地下道 Dark Subterranean Tunnel
French Souterrain Ténébreux
German Finsterer Tunnel
Italian Cunicolo Scuro
Spanish Gruta Tenebrosa

Royal Armory

Language Title
Japanese 王剣の宝庫 Royal Blade Treasury
French Armurerie Royale
German Lager der Königsklinge
Italian Sala delle Spade Regali
Spanish Armería Real

Pokémon Rumble World locations
King's Training FieldLeafy ExpanseDewdrop BayEmber Mountains
Ruby VolcanoSapphire SeaGold PlateauSilver Isles
Diamond CraterPearl MarshBlack RealmWhite Ruins
Fairy LandDark LandOrigin HideawayStarlight Islands
Distortion LandPlasma TundraLegend TerrainChanging Land

This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.