Food (Mystery Dungeon)

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Reason: needs Big Apple's and Perfect Apple's locations in PSMD, and all the images

Food encompasses all items that can be eaten in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. All of these items have an "eat" option rather than a "use" or "ingest" option, can be turned into Grimy Food by stepping on a Grimy Trap (with the exception of Grimy Food itself), and can be blended into drinks at Spinda's Juice Bar. Being hit by thrown food has the same effect as eating it (and also deals 2 damage if sticky).

List of food items

Perfect Apple

Perfect Apples are very big and delicious apples in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. Although not actually obtainable by the player, they are seen multiple times throughout the games. They are found in Apple Woods and the Guildmaster, Wigglytuff, is shown to be very fond of them.

They were later introduced as an obtainable item in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.

Other food items


Main article: Berry


Main article: Gummi

Gummis are food items in Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky. Depending on the consumer's type and the gummi's color, it will raise the Pokémon's stats and IQ.

Lookalike Items

Main article: Lookalike Item

The Gravelyrock is an edible Lookalike Item that doesn't imitate an edible item.


Main article: Seed


Sprites and models

Apple, Big Apple, Huge Apple sprite from Red and Blue Rescue Team Apple, Big Apple, Huge Apple sprite from Explorers series Apple and Big Apple sprite from Gates to Infinity Apple, Big Apple, Huge Apple sprite Super Mystery Dungeon Apple (fresh) sprite from Super Mystery Dungeon Perfect Apple sprite from Super Mystery Dungeon
Tiny Apple sprite from Rescue Team DX Apple sprite from Rescue Team DX Big Apple sprite from Rescue Team DX Perfect Apple sprite from Rescue Team DX
Golden Apple sprite from Explorers series Golden Apple sprite from Super Mystery Dungeon
Grimy Food sprite from Red and Blue Rescue Team Grimy Food sprite from Explorers series Grimy Food sprite from Gates to Infinity Grimy Food sprite from Super Mystery Dungeon Grimy Food sprite from Rescue Team DX
Mega Donut sprite from Gates to Infinity Mega Donut sprite from Super Mystery Dungeon
Chestnut sprite from Red and Blue Rescue Team Chestnut sprite from Rescue Team DX

Apple from
Gates to Infinity
Apple from
Super Mystery Dungeon
Big Apple from
Gates to Infinity
Big Apple from
Super Mystery Dungeon
Perfect Apple from
Super Mystery Dungeon
Grimy Food from
Gates to Infinity and
Super Mystery Dungeon
Golden Banana from
Super Mystery Dungeon
Four-Leaf Cookie from
Super Mystery Dungeon
Sweet Chocolate from
Super Mystery Dungeon
Mini Donut from
Super Mystery Dungeon
Donut from
Super Mystery Dungeon
Mega Donut from
Super Mystery Dungeon


In other languages


Language Title
Danish Mad*
Canadian French Aliment, Nourriture*
German Essen
Italian Cibo
Portuguese Comida*
Swedish Mat*
English French German Italian Spanish Korean
Tiny Apple Petite Pomme Kleiner Apfel Melapiccina Manzanita -
Apple Pomme Apfel Mela Manzanita*
사과 Sagwa
Big Apple Grosse Pomme Großer Apfel Melagrande Manzana*
큰사과 Keun Sagwa
Huge Apple Pomme Géante Riesenapfel Gigantomela Manzanota 특대사과 Teukdae Sagwa
Golden Apple Pomme d'Or Goldapfel Mela Dorata Manzana Oro 황금사과 Hwanggeum Sagwa
Perfect Apple Pomme Parfaite Perfekter Apfel Mela Perfetta Manzana Perfecta 거대사과 Geodae Sagwa
Banana Banane Banane Banana Plátano 바나나 Banana
Golden Banana Banane d'Or Goldbanane Banana d'Oro Plátano Oro -
Grimy Food Morviture Sleimkost Grimerpappa Grimmerola 질퍽음식 Jilpeok Eumsik
Chestnut Châtaigne Kastanie Castagna Castaña 밤송이 Bamsongi
Donut Donut Donut Ciambelle Rosquilla -
Mini Donut Mini Donut Mini-Donut Miniciambella Mini rosquilla -
Mega Donut Gros Donut Maxi-Donut Megaciambella Rosquilla Grande -
Four-Leaf Cookie Cookie Fleur Blütenkeks Biscotto Fiore Galleta Flor -
Sweet Chocolate Chocodoux Schokolade Cioccodolce Chocodulce -

Related articles

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Special: Rescue Team Starter SetToolboxExploration Team Kit
Treasure BagTreasure CollectionMystery Dungeon evolutionary items
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ManualsEntercardsLucha TokenConnection Orb
This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project ItemDex, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on items in the sidegames.