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This article is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it. Reason: needs Big Apple's and Perfect Apple's locations in PSMD, and all the images
Food encompasses all items that can be eaten in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. All of these items have an "eat" option rather than a "use" or "ingest" option, can be turned into Grimy Food by stepping on a Grimy Trap (with the exception of Grimy Food itself), and can be blended into drinks at Spinda's Juice Bar. Being hit by thrown food has the same effect as eating it (and also deals 2 damage if sticky).
List of food items
Tiny Apple ちいさなリンゴ Tiny Apple
Price: 100*
Sell for: 10
A food item that restores 20 Belly. If eaten while full, maximum Belly goes up by 5.
Eating this fills your Belly a little tiny bit. If you eat it when your Belly is full, it increases your Belly's capacity ever so slightly during that adventure.
Price: 25* 100* 20* 50*
Sell for: 1* 10* 100* 2* 5*
A food item that restores 50 Belly. If eaten while full, maximum Belly goes up by 5RBTDS/3GtI.
Thunderwave Cave, Sinister Woods, Silent Chasm, Mt. Thunder*, Great Canyon, Lapis Cave, Frosty Forest*, Mt. Freeze*, Magma Cavern*, Sky Tower*, Uproar Forest, Howling Forest, Fiery Field, Lightning Field, Northwind Field, Buried Relic, Purity Forest, Oddity Cave, Remains Island, Makuhita Dojo* Kecleon Shop (Mt. Blaze, Frosty Forest, Magma Cavern, Northern Range, Pitfall Valley, Desert Region, Joyous Tower, Purity Forest, Oddity Cave, Remains Island) Pokémon Square shop*
Kecleon Shop, Treasure Boxes, job reward (A) All dungeons except Beach Cave, Northern Desert, Quicksand Cave, Quicksand Pit, Blizzard Island, Lake Afar, Shimmer Desert, Giant Volcano, World Abyss, Zero Isle North
Grab Bags
Treat Road, Cape at the Edge, Slumbering Cave, Path of No Return
Kecleon Shop, various dungeons
Kecleon Shop, various dungeons
A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly. Eating this when its Belly is full will slightly enlarge its Belly size.
A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly. If the Pokémon already has a full Belly, it will slightly enlarge its Belly size.
It somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly. If the Pokémon's Belly is already full, it will slightly enlarge is Belly size.
It's a very fresh Apple. Eating it somewhat fills your Belly. If you eat it when your Belly is full, it increases your Belly's capacity slightly. A fresh Apple can be sold for a higher price. It'll be an Apple after a while.* Eating it somewhat fills your Belly. If you eat it when your Belly is full, it increases your Belly's capacity slightly.*
Eating this fills your Belly a bit. If you eat it when your Belly is full, it increases your Belly's capacity slightly during that adventure.
Big Apple おおきなリンゴ Big Apple
Price: 50* 200* 150*
Sell for: 1* 20* 250* 5* 15*
A food item that restores 100 Belly. If eaten while full, maximum Belly goes up by 10RBTDS/4GtI.
Rock Path, Snow Path, Southern Cavern, Wyvern Hill, Joyous Tower, Purity Forest Kecleon Shop (Mt. Blaze, Frosty Forest, Magma Cavern, Northern Range, Pitfall Valley, Wyvern Hill, Joyous Tower, Purity Forest, Oddity Cave, Remains Island) Pokémon Square shop*
Treasure Boxes, job reward (A) Drenched Bluff, Mt. Bristle, Waterfall Cave, Apple Woods, Craggy Coast, Mt. Horn, Serenity River, Amp Plains, Crystal Cave, Crystal Crossing, Landslide Cave, Lush Prairie, Tiny Meadow, Treeshroud Forest, Hidden Land, Temporal Tower, Mystifying Forest, Surrounded Sea, Mt. Travail, Marine Resort, Lake Afar, Happy Outlook, Mt. Mistral, Shimmer Hill, Midnight Forest, Mystery Jungle, Zero Isle East, Zero Isle West, Zero Isle South
Grab Bags, Prize Tickets, Treasure Boxes, from Treasure Memo floor Sky Peak Mountain Path, Star Cave, Oblivion Forest, Treacherous Waters, Southeastern Islands, Inferno Cave, Destiny Tower, Murky Forest, Fortune Ravine, Spring Cave, Southern Jungle, Boulder Quarry, Right Cave Path, Left Cave Path, Limestone Cavern
Treat Road, Cape at the Edge, Slumbering Cave, Path of No Return
Kecleon Shop, various dungeons
Kecleon Shop, various dungeons
A food item that amply fills the Pokémon's Belly. Eating this when its Belly is full will slightly enlarge its Belly size.
A food item that amply fills the Pokémon's Belly. If the Pokémon already has a full Belly, it will slightly enlarge its Belly size.
It amply fills the Pokémon's Belly. If the Pokémon's Belly is already full, it will slightly enlarge is Belly size.
It's a very fresh Big Apple! Eating it fills your Belly significantly. If you eat it when your Belly is full, it increases your Belly's capacity slightly. A fresh Big Apple can be sold for a higher price. It'll be a Big Apple after a while.* Eating it fills your Belly significantly. If you eat it when your Belly is full, it increases your Belly's capacity slightly.*
Eating this fills your Belly a lot. If you eat it when your Belly is full, it increases your Belly's capacity quite a bit during that adventure.
Huge Apple とくだいリンゴ Extra-Large Apple
Price: 100* 450*
Sell for: 50* 10*
A food item that fully restores the Pokémon's Belly and increases maximum Belly by 10.
Wish Cave, Joyous Tower Kecleon Shop (Mt. Faraway, Western Cave) Buried items (Mt. Blaze Peak, Frosty Grotto, Mt. Freeze Peak, Magma Cavern Pit, Lightning Field, Northwind Field) Pokémon Square shop*
Marine Resort, Mystery Jungle, Zero Isle North, Zero Isle South, Prize Ticket
Grab Bags, Prize Tickets Zero Isle Center
A food item that completely fills the Pokémon's Belly. It also slightly enlarges the Belly size.
A food item that completely fills the Pokémon's Belly. It also slightly enlarges the Pokémon's Belly size.
Golden Apple おうごんのリンゴ Golden Apple
Price: 3* 1600*
Sell for: 800*
A food item that fully restores the Pokémon's Belly and increases maximum Belly by 50.
A miraculous apple that glows with an alluring golden aura. It's far too precious and beautiful to even consider eating! If it were eaten, however, it would completely fill and greatly enlarge the Pokémon's Belly.
It's one of the Golden Items, with a golden glow. They say eating it totally fills your Belly and also increases your Belly's capacity significantly during the adventure.
Price: 1000* 500*
Sell for: 500* 50*
A food item that fully restores the Pokémon's Belly and increases maximum Belly by 50.
Eating it totally fills your Belly. It also increases your Belly's capacity significantly during the adventure.
Eating this fills your Belly completely, and it increases your Belly's capacity by a lot during that adventure.
Price: 9000
Sell for: 5000
A food item that restores 50 Belly. If eaten while full, maximum Belly goes up by 5.
A rare food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly. Eating this when its Belly is full will slightly enlarge its Belly size. It is occasionally found inside walls.
Golden Banana おうごんのバナナ Golden Banana
Price: 35 6000*
Sell for: 1200
A food item that raises the user's level by 5.
It's one of the Golden Items, with a golden glow. They say eating it raises your level by 5.
Price: 3* 200*
Sell for: 1* 100*
A food item that restores 50 Belly. If eaten while full, maximum Belly goes up by 5.
A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly. Mankey love to eat this.
Mankey's favorite. Eating this fills your Belly a bit. If you eat it when your Belly is full, it increases your Belly's capacity slightly during that adventure.
Price: 600
Sell for: 60
A food item that raises a Pokémon's experience points by 1500.
A special donut said to exist only in a certain dungeon. Just eating it gives you Exp. Points. It won't become Grimy Food even if you step on a trap. The bigger the donut, the better the effect.
Mini Donut ミニドーナツ Mini Donut
Price: 30
Sell for: 3
A food item that raises a Pokémon's experience points by 500.
A special donut said to exist only in a certain dungeon. Eating it gives you some Exp. Points. It won't become Grimy Food even if you step on a trap. The bigger the donut, the better the effect.
Mega Donut ビッグドーナツ Big Donut
Price: 3* 3000*
Sell for: 300*
A food item that raises a Pokémon's experience points by 5000.GtI A food item that randomly and permanently raises one or more of a Pokémon's stats.SMD
A special donut said to exist only in a certain dungeon. Just eating it gives you Exp. Points. It won't become Grimy Food even if you step on a trap. The bigger the donut, the better the effect.
Eating it raises your max HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. The effect lasts even after this adventure. If you're lucky, it raises multiple stats.
Grimy Food ベトベタフード Sticky Food
Price: 5* 6*
Sell for: 1*
Grimy Trap (holding food) Silver Trench, Darknight Relic Kecleon Shop (Joyous Tower, Purity Forest)
Grimy Trap (holding food) Northern Desert, Quicksand Cave, Mt. Mistral, Shimmer Desert, Zero Isle East, Zero Isle West, Zero Isle South
Destiny Tower
Slumbering Cave
Grimy Trap, various dungeons
Grimy Trap, various dungeons
A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly. However, it will cause a variety of status problems.
A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly but will also inflict a variety of status problems because it's covered in filthy grime. Be careful of what you eat!
It somewhat fills the Pokémon's Belly. But it will also cause bad status conditions because it's covered in filthy grime. So don't eat it unless you have to!
It somewhat fills your Belly. But it will also cause bad status conditions, because it's covered in filthy grime. So don't eat it unless you have to!
Eating this fills your Belly a bit, but it will give you a bad status, so be forewarned!
Four-Leaf Cookie よつばのクッキー Four-Leaf Cookie
Price: 2* 3000*
Sell for: 300*
A food item that randomly and permanently raises one or more of a Pokémon's stats.
Eating it raises your max HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. The effect lasts even after this adventure. If you're lucky, it raises multiple stats.
Sweet Chocolate スイートチョコ Sweet Choco
Price: 2* 3000*
Sell for: 300*
A food item that randomly and permanently raises one or more of a Pokémon's stats.
Eating it raises your max HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, or Speed. The effect lasts even after this adventure. If you're lucky, it raises multiple stats.
Perfect Apple
Perfect Apples are very big and delicious apples in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. Although not actually obtainable by the player, they are seen multiple times throughout the games. They are found in Apple Woods and the Guildmaster, Wigglytuff, is shown to be very fond of them.
They were later introduced as an obtainable item in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.
Other food items
- Main article: Berry
- Main article: Gummi
Gummis are food items in Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky. Depending on the consumer's type and the gummi's color, it will raise the Pokémon's stats and IQ.
Lookalike Items
- Main article: Lookalike Item
The Gravelyrock is an edible Lookalike Item that doesn't imitate an edible item.
- Main article: Seed
Sprites and models
Artwork of Apple from Red and Blue Rescue Team
Artwork of Golden Apple from Explorers of Time and Darkness
Artwork of Apple from Super Mystery Dungeon
Artwork of Tiny Apple from Rescue Team DX
Artwork of Apple from Rescue Team DX
Artwork of Big Apple from Rescue Team DX
Artwork of Perfect Apple from Rescue Team DX
Artwork of Chestnut from Rescue Team DX
Artwork of Grimy Food from Rescue Team DX
Artwork of Mega Donut from Rescue Team DX
Artwork of Sweet Chocolate from Rescue Team DX
Artwork of Four-Leaf Cookie from Rescue Team DX
In other languages
Tiny Apple |
Petite Pomme |
Kleiner Apfel |
Melapiccina |
Manzanita |
Apple |
Pomme |
Apfel |
Mela |
Manzanita* Manzana* |
사과 Sagwa
Big Apple |
Grosse Pomme |
Großer Apfel |
Melagrande |
Manzana* Manzanota* |
큰사과 Keun Sagwa
Huge Apple |
Pomme Géante |
Riesenapfel |
Gigantomela |
Manzanota |
특대사과 Teukdae Sagwa
Golden Apple |
Pomme d'Or |
Goldapfel |
Mela Dorata |
Manzana Oro |
황금사과 Hwanggeum Sagwa
Perfect Apple |
Pomme Parfaite |
Perfekter Apfel |
Mela Perfetta |
Manzana Perfecta |
거대사과 Geodae Sagwa
Banana |
Banane |
Banane |
Banana |
Plátano |
바나나 Banana
Golden Banana |
Banane d'Or |
Goldbanane |
Banana d'Oro |
Plátano Oro |
Grimy Food |
Morviture |
Sleimkost |
Grimerpappa |
Grimmerola |
질퍽음식 Jilpeok Eumsik
Chestnut |
Châtaigne |
Kastanie |
Castagna |
Castaña |
밤송이 Bamsongi
Donut |
Donut |
Donut |
Ciambelle |
Rosquilla |
Mini Donut |
Mini Donut |
Mini-Donut |
Miniciambella |
Mini rosquilla |
Mega Donut |
Gros Donut |
Maxi-Donut |
Megaciambella |
Rosquilla Grande |
Four-Leaf Cookie |
Cookie Fleur |
Blütenkeks |
Biscotto Fiore |
Galleta Flor |
Sweet Chocolate |
Chocodoux |
Schokolade |
Cioccodolce |
Chocodulce |
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