Battle Region (TCG)

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Enhanced Expansion Pack: Battle Region
強化拡張パック バトルリージョン

Cards in set 93
Release date February 25, 2022

Battle Region (Japanese: 強化拡張パック バトルリージョン Enhanced Expansion Pack: Battle Region) is the name given to the ninth Japanese subset released during the Sword & Shield Era of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It complements the ninth main expansion, Star Birth, and features Pokémon from the Hisui region that debuted in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.


Enhanced Expansion Pack: Battle Region is a subset containing 93 cards and was first released in Japan on February 25, 2022. Each booster pack contains six cards. The subset features several Pokémon that made their debut in the core series title Pokémon Legends: Arceus, such as Wyrdeer, Kleavor, and Hisuian regional forms, in addition to supporting characters from the game. The subset also includes more Character Rare Full Art cards featuring Pokémon Trainers following their reintroduction in the VMAX Climax subset, Pokémon with zero-cost attacks for the first time since the Cosmic Eclipse expansion, as well as a new gameplay mechanic: Radiant Pokémon. Radiant Pokémon are comparable to Shining Pokémon from the Neo Series and Pokémon ☆ from the EX Series, in that they depict the Shiny form of a Pokémon and have a Rule Box stipulating only one can be included in a deck. Radiant Pokémon have a Pixel Crosshatch Holofoil pattern and have a new 'K' rarity, likely derived from their Japanese name, Kagayaku. Each common and uncommon card from the subset also has a Mirror Holofoil variant, which feature a Poké Ball pattern. Combined with the standard set, this creates a master set of 138 cards.

The subset was later released in Taiwan and Hong Kong on March 11, 2022, in Indonesia on April 22, 2022, in South Korea on April 27, 2022, and in Thailand on April 29, 2022.

Set list

Battle Region
No. Mark Card name Type Rarity
001/067 F Oddish Grass C Promotion
002/067 F Gloom Grass C Promotion
003/067 F Vileplume Grass R Promotion
004/067 F Scyther Grass C Promotion
005/067 F Heracross Grass C Promotion
006/067 F Roselia Grass C Promotion
007/067 F Roserade Grass U Promotion
008/067 F Combee Grass C Promotion
009/067 F Vespiquen Grass U Promotion
010/067 F VirizionV Grass RR Promotion
011/067 F Radiant Heatran Fire K Promotion
012/067 F Litwick Fire C Promotion
013/067 F Lampent Fire C Promotion
014/067 F Chandelure Fire R Promotion
015/067 F Litleo Fire C Promotion
016/067 F Pyroar Fire R Promotion
017/067 F StarmieV Water RR Promotion
018/067 F Swinub Water C Promotion
019/067 F Piloswine Water C Promotion
020/067 F Mamoswine Water U Promotion
021/067 F Barboach Water C Promotion
022/067 F Whiscash Water U Promotion
023/067 F Hisuian Basculin Water C Promotion
024/067 F Hisuian Basculegion Water U Promotion
025/067 F Keldeo Water R Promotion
026/067 F Radiant Greninja Water K Promotion
027/067 F Jynx Psychic C Promotion
028/067 F Hisuian TyphlosionV Psychic RR Promotion
029/067 F Hisuian TyphlosionVSTAR Psychic RRR Promotion
030/067 F Misdreavus Psychic C Promotion
031/067 F Mismagius Psychic U Promotion
032/067 F Ralts Psychic C Promotion
033/067 F Kirlia Psychic C Promotion
034/067 F Gallade Psychic R Promotion
035/067 F Diancie Psychic R Promotion
036/067 F Wyrdeer Psychic R Promotion
037/067 F Rhyhorn Fighting C Promotion
038/067 F Rhydon Fighting C Promotion
039/067 F Rhyperior Fighting U Promotion
040/067 F Relicanth Fighting U Promotion
041/067 F Hippopotas Fighting C Promotion
042/067 F Hippowdon Fighting U Promotion
043/067 F Radiant Hawlucha Fighting K Promotion
044/067 F Hisuian DecidueyeV Fighting RR Promotion
045/067 F Hisuian DecidueyeVSTAR Fighting RRR Promotion
046/067 F Kleavor Fighting R Promotion
047/067 F Hisuian Qwilfish Darkness C Promotion
048/067 F Hisuian Overqwil Darkness U Promotion
049/067 F Poochyena Darkness C Promotion
050/067 F Mightyena Darkness U Promotion
051/067 F Absol Darkness R Promotion
052/067 F Hisuian SamurottV Darkness RR Promotion
053/067 F Hisuian SamurottVSTAR Darkness RRR Promotion
054/067 F GarchompV Dragon RR Promotion
055/067 F Hoothoot Colorless C Promotion
056/067 F Noctowl Colorless U Promotion
057/067 F Stantler Colorless C Promotion
058/067 F Miltank Colorless R Promotion
059/067 F Glameow Colorless C Promotion
060/067 F Purugly Colorless U Promotion
061/067 F Wait and See Turbo I U Promotion
062/067 F Sweet Honey I U Promotion
063/067 F Canceling Cologne I U Promotion
064/067 F Cyllene Su U Promotion
065/067 F Roxanne Su U Promotion
066/067 F Kamado Su U Promotion
067/067 F Jubilife Village St U Promotion
068/067 F Roserade Grass CHR Promotion
069/067 F Chandelure Fire CHR Promotion
070/067 F Wyrdeer Psychic CHR Promotion
071/067 F Kleavor Fighting CHR Promotion
072/067 F Mightyena Darkness CHR Promotion
073/067 F Hoothoot Colorless CHR Promotion
074/067 F VirizionV Grass SR Promotion
075/067 F StarmieV Water SR Promotion
076/067 F Hisuian TyphlosionV Psychic SR Promotion
077/067 F Hisuian DecidueyeV Fighting SR Promotion
078/067 F Hisuian SamurottV Darkness SR Promotion
079/067 F GarchompV Dragon SR Promotion
080/067 F Cyllene Su SR Promotion
081/067 F Roxanne Su SR Promotion
082/067 F Kamado Su SR Promotion
083/067 F StarmieV Water CSR Promotion
084/067 F GarchompV Dragon CSR Promotion
085/067 F Hisuian TyphlosionVSTAR Psychic HR Promotion
086/067 F Hisuian DecidueyeVSTAR Fighting HR Promotion
087/067 F Hisuian SamurottVSTAR Darkness HR Promotion
088/067 F Cyllene Su HR Promotion
089/067 F Roxanne Su HR Promotion
090/067 F Kamado Su HR Promotion
091/067 F Hisuian SamurottVSTAR Darkness UR Promotion
092/067 F Choice Belt I UR Promotion
093/067 F Jubilife Village St UR Promotion

Pack artwork

Japanese pack artwork
Chinese pack artwork
Indonesian pack artwork
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Korean pack artwork
Thai pack artwork
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins
The Sneak-Peek Tins

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 對戰地區 Deuijin Deihkēui
Mandarin 對戰地區 Duìzhàn Dìqū
Indonesian Pertarungan Daerah
Korean 배틀리전 Battle Region
Thai พสุธามหายุทธ Phasutha Mha Yuthot

This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sword & Shield Series
SWSH Black Star Promos
Sword & Shield: Sword & Shield Build & Battle BoxRillaboom Theme DeckCinderace Theme DeckInteleon Theme Deck
Rebel Clash: Rebel Clash Build & Battle BoxZacian Theme DeckZamazenta Theme Deck
Pikachu & Zekrom-GX League Battle DeckReshiram & Charizard-GX League Battle DeckTrainer's Toolkit
Darkness Ablaze: Darkness Ablaze Build & Battle BoxGalarian Darmanitan Theme DeckGalarian Sirfetch'd Theme Deck
Pokémon FutsalChampion's Path
Vivid Voltage: Vivid Voltage Build & Battle BoxCharizard Theme DeckDrednaw Theme Deck
Zacian V League Battle DeckV Battle Deck—Venusaur vs. BlastoiseMcDonald's Collection 2021
Shining Fates
Battle Styles: Battle Styles Build & Battle Box
V Battle Deck—Victini vs. GardevoirInteleon VMAX League Battle Deck
Chilling Reign: Chilling Reign Build & Battle Box
Trainer's Toolkit 2021
Evolving Skies: Evolving Skies Build & Battle Box
CelebrationsV Battle Deck—Rayquaza vs. Noivern
Fusion Strike: Fusion Strike Build & Battle Box
Single Strike Urshifu VMAX League Battle DeckRapid Strike Urshifu VMAX League Battle Deck
Brilliant Stars: Brilliant Stars Build & Battle BoxV Battle Deck—Lycanroc vs. Corviknight
Battle Academy 2022
Astral Radiance: Astral Radiance Build & Battle Box
Pokémon GO: Pokémon GO V Battle Deck—Mewtwo vs. Melmetal
Trainer's Toolkit 2022Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX League Battle DeckShadow Rider Calyrex VMAX League Battle Deck
McDonald's Collection 2022Trick or Trade 2022
Lost Origin: Lost Origin Build & Battle Box
V Battle Deck—Zeraora vs. DeoxysPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series One
Silver Tempest: Silver Tempest Build & Battle BoxMew VMAX League Battle Deck
Crown ZenithPlay! Pokémon Prize Pack Series TwoOrigin Forme Palkia VSTAR League Battle Deck
Sword & Shield Era
S-P Promotional cards
V Starter Sets
SwordShield: Sword & Shield Premium Trainer Box
Zacian + Zamazenta BoxVMAX Rising
Rebellion Crash
Charizard & Grimmsnarl VMAX Starter SetsExplosive Walker
Infinity Zone
Legendary HeartbeatV Starter Decks
Amazing Volt Tackle
VMAX Special SetShiny Star V
Venusaur & Blastoise VMAX Starter Sets
Single Strike MasterRapid Strike Master: Single Strike & Rapid Strike Premium Trainer Boxes
Peerless Fighters
Silver LanceJet-Black Spirit: Silver Lance & Jet-Black Spirit Jumbo Pack Set
Eevee HeroesEevee Heroes VMAX Special SetHigh-Class Decks
Skyscraping PerfectionBlue Sky Stream: Sword & Shield Family Pokémon Card Game
V-UNION Special Card Sets
Fusion Arts
25th Anniversary CollectionPromo Card Pack 25th Anniversary Edition
Zacian & Zamazenta vs Eternatus Special Deck Set
VMAX ClimaxStart Deck 10025th Anniversary Golden Box
Star BirthVSTAR Premium Trainer Box
Battle RegionVSTAR Starter SetsStart Deck 100 CoroCoro Comic Version
Time GazerSpace Juggler
Dark PhantasmaPokémon GO
Lost Abyss: VSTAR & VMAX High-Class Decks
VSTAR Special SetIncandescent Arcana
Paradigm Trigger
Charizard VSTAR vs Rayquaza VMAX Special Deck Set
VSTAR Universe