I Feel Skitty!
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First broadcast
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I Feel Skitty! (Japanese: エネコとアロマテラピー! Eneco and Aromatherapy!) is the 47th episode of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, and the 321st episode of the Pokémon animated series. It was first broadcast in Japan on October 16, 2003, and in the United States on October 23, 2004.
May is practicing for her next Pokémon Contest, when Torchic finds a Skitty in the bushes. May wants to catch it, but it's too sick to battle. Brock leads the group to the Greenhouse, where Skitty can be healed using Aromatherapy.
Eliza the therapist shows the kids her fragrance collection and uses a special mixture to make Skitty better while it sleeps. Meanwhile, Team Rocket flies overhead in a balloon and decides to steal some fragrance for their Pokémon.
Skitty wakes up feeling much better, and May battles it using Torchic. Her attempt to catch Skitty is interrupted by Team Rocket bursting in. Jessie's Seviper uses Haze, causing a lot of confusion. Meowth completely falls for Skitty.
Team Rocket flees, but Ash's Taillow wrecks their balloon. They manage to get away with one bag, finding Skitty inside. Jessie claims it as her own, much to Meowth's dismay. He helps Skitty run away.
May and friends locate Team Rocket, and Jessie and May get into a fight over who gets to catch Skitty. May's Beautifly knocks out Jessie's Dustox. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to send Team Rocket blasting away.
May takes out her Poké Ball to catch Skitty, but Skitty knocks it out of her hand and jumps into it. As they're walking away, Skitty jumps out of the Poké Ball.
May is training Beautifly for the next Pokémon Contest, while the boys and Torchic look on. May tosses a frisbee and Beautifly uses Gust and successfully sends it back to May, who catches it. May, repeats the trick and succeeds again. The third time, however, May overthrows the frisbee, which careens off into the forest. May asks if her Torchic would please fetch it for her. Torchic agrees and begins to run after it, which leads it down a steep hill and headfirst into a large boulder. Remarkably, it is unfazed and goes to pick up the nearby frisbee when it hears something whining in the grass. It jumps after the unknown creature just as May and the others reach the bottom of the hill and call Torchic's name. Ash hears Torchic's chirping in the tall grass, so everyone walks through and they discover Torchic and ill-looking Skitty beside it.

Ash looks Skitty up on his Pokédex, and May comments that it is so cute that she must catch it. She sends out Torchic to battle, but when Skitty doesn't react, she realizes there is something wrong with it. Brock attempts to feed it some of his handmade Pokémon food, but Skitty does not accept it. Brock declares he knows exactly what to do, and promptly leads everyone to an aromatherapy laboratory known as The Greenhouse. Ash is clueless as to what aromatherapy exactly means, so Brock explains that it is a method of healing using fragrances. A woman in a lab coat notices the group standing at the front entrance and asks if she can help them. Brock is immediately overcome with love and recognizes the woman as Eliza, the therapist featured in an infomercial for the facility. Max pulls Brock away by the ear as May explains something is amiss with Skitty.
Inside, Eliza gives the group a tour, where she explains that she mixes the Sweet Scents of Pokémon with aromatic herbs and flowers to create healing remedies. May shows Eliza the Skitty, and she reports that is merely experiencing fatigue, not sickness. The aromatherapist concocts a brew right before their eyes, and places it in an aerosol device to spread it into the air. May decides to watch over Skitty as it recovers, and in the meantime Eliza takes the boys through the gardens. Meanwhile, Team Rocket hovers over The Greenhouse in their balloon. Meowth proposes an ambitious vision, declaring they give all of the fragrances to the boss to get a promotion. James adds that the perfumes are only for Pokémon, so Jessie suggests they’ll use the stolen goods on their own Pokémon.
The boys return sometime later to find Skitty awakening, and much more energetic than before. Eliza walks in, and Brock leaps at her, but Max pulls him back for the fifth time so far. Skitty adorably chases after its own tail before turning its attention to Pikachu's tail, though May intervenes. Eliza gives Skitty some food to keep up its strength, though May decides it the perfect time to try and catch Skitty. She calls out Torchic. Skitty, however makes the first move and bowls Torchic over with a Tackle. Torchic recovers and strikes Skitty with a Quick Attack. As May prepares to throw her Poké Ball, Team Rocket smashes a nearby window to get into the lab. After performing their motto, Jessie calls on Seviper to create a Haze. The Rocket trio get to work filling their loot bags with perfumes. During the heist, Skitty runs up to Meowth, who appears enraptured by Skitty's cat-like charm. James bags some perfume, but Brock bravely tackles him, knocking some perfume onto the floor. The spilled liquids mix together to create a repulsive scent for humans, though the Pokémon are slaphappy. Team Rocket leaps out the window and tries to escape in their balloon. Before they can lift off, Brock tackles James and takes the bag of perfume he was holding. Jessie orders Seviper to retaliate, but Ash's Corphish sends it backwards with a Bubble Beam. James sends out Cacnea and it uses Pin Missile, but Corphish's Harden nulls the attack. James is distracted by some Weepinbell, though Jessie refuses to change the plans as she and Meowth begin to fly off without him. Corphish uses Crabhammer, knocking James and Cacnea into the swiftly ascending balloon. Ash sends out Taillow, who uses Wing Attack, causing Team Rocket to blast off.
Afterwards, Brock reveals to Eliza that he could only recover one bag, though she is pessimistic. May than announces she can't find Skitty. Meanwhile, Team Rocket soon discovers Skitty in their loot bag of perfume. Jessie announces that she wants it, and Meowth is distressed. Meowth takes Skitty aside and tells it to run away. His attempts to warn it fail, so he throws a stone, and Skitty chases after it. Jessie soon approaches Meowth, and after learning that Skitty has escaped she kicks him into submission. Meowth, however, is simply glad that Skitty will escape the fate of never ending Team Rocket blast offs and defeat.
Taillow leads Ash and the others to Team Rocket's crashed balloon. With Skitty nowhere to be seen, Eliza has her Oddish use Sweet Scent to lure Skitty directly to them. Meowth and Wobbuffet are also attracted to the aroma, leading Jessie and James to the twerps. Skitty soon emerges from the shrubbery, causing May and Jessie to battle over it. Jessie uses Dustox, and May selects Beautifly. May has Beautifly whip up a Gust, but Dustox flies through the winds and tries a Tackle attack. Beautifly evades Dustox’s follow up Psybeams before retaliating with a direct Tackle. As Dustox hurtles towards the ground, Beautifly sends another Gust at it, blowing all of Team Rocket into their crashed balloon. Ash takes over and has Pikachu use a Thunderbolt, which sends Team Rocket blasting off.
May picks up Skitty and declares that she is going to catch it. Surprisingly, Skitty begins pawing at the Poké Ball in May's hand and soon enters into it, essentially catching itself by accident. May is overjoyed and happily declares that she has a new friend. Later, Eliza directs the group to the most direct road towards Fallarbor Town and bids them farewell. Brock lunges towards her once again, though Max is quick to pull him away. Surprising everyone, Skitty suddenly pops out of its Poké Ball on its own, running in circles for a moment before May picks it up.
Major events

- May's Torchic is revealed to know Quick Attack.
- May catches a Skitty.
- For a list of all major events in Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, please see the timeline page.
Pokémon debuts
TV episode debuts

Pokémon Trainer's Choice: Weezing
- Pikachu (Ash's)
- Meowth (Team Rocket)
- Wobbuffet (Jessie's)
- Taillow (Ash's)
- Treecko (Ash's; fantasy)
- Corphish (Ash's)
- Torchic (May's)
- Beautifly (May's)
- Skitty (May's; new)
- Seviper (Jessie's)
- Dustox (Jessie's)
- Cacnea (James's)
- Oddish (Eliza's)
- Oddish (×3)
- Weepinbell (×2)
- James fawning over the Weepinbell at the greenhouse is a reference to his Victreebel.
- This episode's English title is a pun of the song "I Feel Pretty" from the Broadway musical, West Side Story.
- Team Rocket's outfits as they give their motto are in reference to the manga series The Rose of Versailles. They also wear the same outfits in Pokémon Fashion Flash and In the Pink.
- The Finnish title of the episode is a reference to Much Ado About Nothing (Paljon melua tyhjästä), a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare.
- This is the first episode where Max pulls Brock by the ear when he falls in love with a girl. Max had earlier seen Misty doing the same thing in The Princess and the Togepi and A Togepi Mirage!.
- This episode is featured on Volume 17: Skitty from VIZ Media's Pokémon All-Stars series.
- When James sends out Cacnea, it doesn't hug him.
- While the Pokémon Trainer's Choice is correct at the time of this episode's airing, as of Generation VI, Marill would also be an effective choice as it resists Bug.
- When Skitty recovers from its injury and runs towards the window, in the first scene, it's open, but when Ash goes to play with Skitty, the window is closed.
- When Team Rocket discovers Skitty inside the stolen bag instead of the perfumes, James identifies it as the twerps' Skitty, even though it wasn't captured by May at that time.
- In the English dub, Brock says "They're in there" upon hearing Torchic in the grass. However, at this point, none of the group knows that there is another Pokémon with Torchic.
Dub edits

- In the English dub, Brock says that they use fragrances to heal Pokémon and that he saw it in an infomercial on TV. He also tells Eliza that she is more beautiful than she is on TV. In the original Japanese version, he says he read about the place in a magazine article.
Pokémon Trainer's Choice
- Question: Trainers, which Pokémon would be the best choice to battle against Silcoon?
- Choices: Sableye, Marill, Weezing
- Answer: OK, Trainers! If you chose Weezing, you were right!
In other languages
Language | Title | |
Mandarin Chinese | 向尾喵與芳香療法! | |
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Alle elsker Skitty! | |
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Hier is Skitty! | |
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Paljon melua Skittystä | |
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L'aromathérapie | |
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Wenn Düfte durch die Lüfte ziehen... | |
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כולם אוהבים את סקיטי' kulam ohavim et Skitty | |
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May का नया पोकेमोन, Skitty! May ka naya Pokemon, Skitty! * | |
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Aromaterapia | |
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스키티랑 포켓몬 아로마테라피 | |
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Aromaterapi | |
Portuguese | ![]() |
O Skitty! |
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O Irrequieto Skitty! | |
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Хочу Скитти! | |
Spanish | ![]() |
¡Salvando a Skitty! |
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El dulce Skitty | |
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En doft av Pokémon! | |
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This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation. |