August CoroCoro scans leaked

From Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
Wealth of information includes new Pokémon, characters and features
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  • Tuesday, July 13, 2010
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Jello

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Clear scans from the recently leaked CoroCoro have been found on 2ch boards. They have made available a wealth of information on the upcoming Pokémon Black and White Versions including new characters, Pokémon evolutions and features.

Starting your journey

The first two pages of the scans reveal information on the beginning of the game:

  • Professor Araragi apparently gives the player the Isshu starter Pokémon to begin their Pokémon journey. She asks the player to share them with their childhood friends, Bel and Cheren.
  • Bel is described as a spontaneous person who goes on Pokémon journey against the wishes of her father. She is known to be unreliable at times.
  • Cheren is described as being intelligent and trustworthy, and he wishes to become the Isshu champion. He tends to give advice to the player on their journey

N, new route names

Pages 4 and 5 are about a previously revealed character, N:

  • N, is seen as an antagonist. He regularly challenges the player in order to confirm his ideas of justice. He calls Pokémon "friends", but one of the screen shots shows him saying that he wants to split humans and Pokémon and divide them to create a black and white world. He has the unique idea to set Pokémon free from people, and looks for the power to bring his idea to reality.
  • The routes seem to have been reset. The game begins on Route 1, the first time this has happened in a different region from Kanto.

Triple battling

Pages 6 and 7 are about triple battling:

  • Triple battles are set up so that the middle Pokémon is able to target all 3 Pokémon, while the ones on the sides can only target their opposite sides. Pokémon positions are able to be switched on the bottom screen with a button. It is said that if the middle Pokémon attacks, there will be some kind of attack boost.
  • There is a new ability called Telepathy (テレパシー), which prevents damage to teammates (with the ability) when an attack that would normally hit them is used.
  • There is an unnamed attack similar in function to Telepathy which prevents damage to both teammates.

Version exclusives

Pages 8 and 9 discuss version exclusive features:

  • Rankurusu and Gochiruzeru are said to be version exclusives.
  • Black City is exclusive to Pokémon Black, while White Forest is exclusive to Pokémon White
  • The same cities vary in appearance in each game.

The new Pokémon

Pages 10 and 11 reveal details on new Pokémon:

New Pokémon


Dex No. ???
Japanese キバゴ Kibago
English Zoroark
Forme Origin Forme
Species Tusk Pokémon
Type  Dragon 
Height 0.6 meters
Weight 18.0 kilograms
Ability Rivalry or Mold Breaker
Moves 「ダブルチョップ」 Double Chop
Pre-evolution Zorua
Evolution Zoroark
Other Info. None


Dex No. ???
Japanese コロモリ Koromori
English Zoroark
Forme Origin Forme
Species Bat Pokémon
Type  Psychic  Flying 
Height 0.4 meters
Weight 2.1 kilograms
Ability Unaware or Klutz
Moves 「ハートスタンプ」 Heart Stamp
Pre-evolution Zorua
Evolution Zoroark
Other Info. None


Dex No. ???
Japanese ミネズミ Minezumi
English Zoroark
Forme Origin Forme
Species Lookout Pokémon
Type  Normal 
Height 0.5 meters
Weight 11.6 kilograms
Ability Run Away or Keen Eye
Moves 「おさきにどうぞ」 You're First
Pre-evolution Zorua
Evolution Zoroark
Other Info. None


Dex No. ???
Japanese ウォーグル Wargle
English Zoroark
Forme Origin Forme
Species Valor Pokémon
Type  Normal  Flying 
Height 1.5 meters
Weight 41.0 kilograms
Ability Keen Eye or Encourage
Moves 「フリーフォール」 Free Fall
Pre-evolution Zorua
Evolution Zoroark
Other Info. None


Dex No. ???
Japanese ランクルス Rankurusu
English Zoroark
Forme Origin Forme
Species Amplification Pokémon
Type  Psychic 
Height 1.0 meters
Weight 20.1 kilograms
Ability Dust-Proof (ぼうじん) or Magic Guard
Moves Sharp Claw
Pre-evolution Zorua
Evolution Zoroark
Other Info. None


Dex No. ???
Japanese ゴチルゼル Gochiruzeru
English Zoroark
Forme Origin Forme
Species Celestial Body Pokémon
Type  Psychic 
Height 1.5 meters
Weight 44.0 kilograms
Ability Frisk
Moves Magic Room
Pre-evolution Zorua
Evolution Zoroark
Other Info. None


Dex No. ???
Japanese ムシャーナ Musharna
English Zoroark
Forme Origin Forme
Species Trance Pokémon
Type  Psychic 
Height 1.1 meters
Weight 60.5kg kilograms
Ability Forewarn or Synchronize
Moves Sharp Claw
Pre-evolution Zorua
Evolution Zoroark
Other Info. None

Koromori appears to take its inspiration from the Honduran white bat, a species of tiny, tree-dwelling bats. Musharna and its pre-evolution Munna show many similarities both to certain depictions of Baku and to a type of Japanese incense burner.

Dream Smoke, Game Sync, C Gear, High Link
Multiplayer info, Live Caster

Pages 12, 13, 14 and 15 discuss game features:

  • Musharna is the evolution of Munna. Both Munna and Musharna give off Dream Smoke, which is described to hold the dreams of Pokémon.
  • By obtaining Dream Smoke, the player is able to use Game Sync to upload their Black and White save file to the Internet.
  • Professor Araragi's friend Makomo gives the player the C Gear after the player does something for her.
  • The High Link is a building in Isshu where the player is able to connect with other players. With this, multiple players may play Black and White together.
  • The DS's infrared is now being utilized for quick battles (up to 4 players) and trades from the player's party or PC Box. Along with this, friend codes can be sent this way.
  • A new feature called Passing By (which is a part of the C gear) allows players to seamlessly and instantaneously connect with nearby players.
  • Another feature called Feeling Check checks the compatibility between players. A game is shown where players must keep the same rhythm.
  • Live Caster is a feature where players are able to video chat which includes a pen and stamp to allow editing. This feature is also used by in-game characters from time to time.

Global Link, Dream World

Pages 16, 17 and 18:

  • Pokémon Global Link is the service that allows the uploading of Black and White save files and has 2 different modes. One mode allows the player's Pokémon to play in a dream, while the other allows the player to battle online. Access to the Global Link is gained by obtaining Musharna, the evolution of Munna.
  • There is a 'Dream World' where Pokémon have their own rooms to play in, and are able to play mini-games with other Pokémon. If a Pokémon is befriended in the dream world, it is able to be taken back to the player's game. Hence, this allows Pokémon not native to the Isshu region to be obtained. To send a Pokémon (the Pokémon must be placed in in the PC box) to the world of dreams, the Game Sync feature (part of the C Gear) is used.
  • An event will be held from August 7 to August 31st on the Pokémon Daisuki Club website for an Eeveelution that will be encountered in a dream. It is assumed that this Eeveelution can be sent to Black and White.
