Widow of the waterfront

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YunkaiHarpie.pngWidow of the waterfrontVolantis.svg
Marc Fishman WOTW.jpg
The Widow of the Waterfront, by Marc Fishman©

  • The widow of the waterfront
  • Vogarro's whore
Culture Volantene
Spouse Vogarro
Book A Dance with Dragons (appears)

The widow of the waterfront is a very old businesswoman and former bedslave, who runs several docks, piers, and shipping lanes in a section of western Volantis. Her late husband was the triarch Vogarro. The Old Blood of eastern Volantis refer to her as Vogarro's whore, though not to her face.[1]

Appearance and Character

The elderly widow has wrinkled skin, a bent spine, and a hump on her back. She has white hair, so thin that the pink of her scalp shows through. Her eyes are bright and black. There are faint and faded scars on her cheek under her right eye, from where her slave tattoos of tears were cut away after she was freed. She has a soft and sinister voice, and speaks the Common Tongue with only a trace of accent.[1]

The widow's customary table at the Merchant's House is a sign of her intelligence, as it has solid stone behind her, a leafy alcove to one side for easy entrances and exits, a perfect view of the inn's front door, but is within enough shadow that she is nearly invisible.[1]


The widow of the waterfront was once a pleasure slave taught the way of the seven sighs in Yunkai. She was purchased by Vogarro, a Triarch of Volantis. Vogarro fell in love with her, causing a great scandal, and an even greater scandal when he freed her and married her.[1]

Vogarro owned piers, storehouses, brokered cargoes, changed money, and insured shipowners against the hazards of the sea. When he died in 268 AC, his widow took over his business. She had to sell his manse, because no freedman may live within the Black Wall in eastern Volantis, regardless of wealth. She took up residence at the Merchant's House west of the Rhoyne, and set up her business in its common room.[1]

Her bodyguards are known as the widow's sons. Every petitioner must bring her a gift.[1]

Gifts for the widow of the waterfront, by Preston Stone © Fantasy Flight Games

Recent Events

A Dance with Dragons

The widow meets in the Merchant's House with Ser Jorah Mormont, who seeks passage in a ship to take him and Tyrion Lannister to Meereen to meet Daenerys Targaryen. Jorah presents the widow with a pair of leather gloves he bought on the Long Bridge, which look cheap and tawdry next to the other gifts the widow had received that morning: a silver goblet, an ornate fan of thin translucent jade leaves, and an ancient bronze dagger marked with runes. The widow is initially reluctant due to Jorah's attitude and because she does not trust his motivations in seeking Daenerys, but begins to relent after Tyrion speaks honestly about his intentions. After Tyrion is attacked by Penny over the death of her brother Oppo, the widow has the inn's landlord give the dwarf girl a room and some new clothes for her to wear. The widow decides that Volantis is not safe for dwarfs, and tells them to take the Selaesori Qhoran, which is leaving for Qarth in two days. She reveals that Benerro, High Priest of the Red Temple of Volantis, has had a fire vision that the ship will not make it to its ultimate destination.[1]

The widow touches the scar on her cheek, and asks them to give Daenerys a message on behalf of all the slaves in Volantis:

Tell her we are waiting. Tell her to come soon.[1]


Seek the widow of the waterfront, someone told you, but they should have also warned you, beware the widow's sons.[1]

—the widow, to Jorah Mormont

Widow: Why would you seek Daenerys Targaryen, whom half the world wants dead?

Jorah: To serve her. Defend her. Die for her, if need be.

Widow: You want to rescue her, is that the way of it? From more enemies than I can name, with swords beyond count… this is what you'd have the poor widow believe? That you are a true and chivalrous Westerosi knight crossing half the world to come to the aid of this… well, she is no maiden, though she may still be fair.[1]

—the widow and Jorah Mormont

I know who the dwarf is, and what he is. Kinslayer, kingslayer, murderer, turncloak. Lannister.[1]

—the widow, to Jorah Mormont and Tyrion Lannister

I have known a dozen Westerosi knights and a thousand adventurers of the same ilk, but none so pure as you would paint yourself. Men are beasts, selfish and brutal. However gentle the words, there are always darker motives underneath. I do not trust you, ser. If you want to get to Meereen, swim. I have no help to give you.[1]

—the widow, to Jorah Mormont

Knights defend the weak and protect the innocent, they say. And I am the fairest maid in all Volantis.[1]

—the widow, to Jorah Mormont

Monsters should be larger, it seems to me. You are worth a lordship back in Westeros, little man. Here, I fear, your worth is somewhat less. But I think I had best help you after all. Volantis is no safe place for dwarfs, it seems.[1]

—the widow, to Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion: If I were Volantene, and free, and had the blood, you'd have my vote for triarch, my lady.
Widow: I am no lady, just Vogarro's whore.[1]

—the widow, to Tyrion Lannister
