Octarch of the Old Empire

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Octarch of the Old Empire is a title claimed by Hizdahr zo Loraq.[1] It is unknown if octarch was a position within the historical Old Empire of Ghis or an invention of the modern Ghiscari.

Recent Events

A Dance with Dragons

Following the disappearance of Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Meereen, from Daznak's Pit,[2] her new husband, Hizdahr zo Loraq, claims the throne and includes "Octarch of the Old Empire" among his many titles.[1]


All kneel for His Magnificence Hizdahr zo Loraq, Fourteenth of That Ancient Name, King of Meereen, Scion of Ghis, Octarch of the Old Empire, Master of the Skahazadhan, Consort to Dragons and Blood of the Harpy.[1]

—herald at the court of Meereen


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 59, The Discarded Knight.
  2. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 52, Daenerys IX.