African History and Culture
Africa is the birthplace of humankind and knowing its history is essential for understanding the global society that's grown around it. Here, you'll discover resources on the continent's prominent historical figures, complex racial politics, and turbulent military past.
What Was Apartheid in South Africa?
Countries in Africa Considered Never Colonized
The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
South Africa's Black Consciousness Movement in the 1970s
The Assassination of Shaka Zulu (September 24, 1828)
A Short History of the African Slave Trade
Early Christianity in North Africa
A Brief History of Poaching in Africa
Events Leading to the Scramble for Africa
Colors of Ancient Egypt
Get the Definition of Ubuntu, a Nguni Word with Several Meanings
Why Was Africa Called the Dark Continent?
Biography of Sonni Ali, Songhai Monarch
A Brief History of Mali
"Wind of Change" Speech
Mau Mau Rebellion Timeline: 1951-1963
A Brief History of Cameroon
The End of South African Apartheid
Alphabetical List of All African Countries
School Enrollment in Apartheid Era South Africa
The Challenges African States Faced at Independence
A Brief History of Ghana Since Independence
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
A Very Short History of Côte D'Ivoire
A Brief History of Morocco
A Brief History of Zambia
Ancient Egypt: Birthplace of the Modern Calendar
Julius Kambarage Nyerere Quotes
The Freedom Charter in South Africa
History of Eswatini
Timeline: The Suez Crisis
A Brief History of Botswana
What Was Gukurahundi in Zimbabwe?
Biography of Ahmed Sékou Touré
Biography of Donald Woods, South African Journalist
Five Things You Don't Know About Africa
The Origins of Apartheid in South Africa
Quotes From PW Botha, Prime Minister of South Africa
What Was Ujamaa and How Did It Affect Tanzania?
African Traders of Enslaved People
Images of Enslavement and the Slave Trade
The Role of Islam in Slavery in Africa
Understanding South Africa's Apartheid Era
Trance Dance of the San
Racial Classification Under Apartheid
The Origin and Meaning of Adinkra Symbols
The Symbolism Behind the Double Crown of Egypt
South Africa's Apartheid Era Population Registration Act
South Africa's National Holidays
The Afrikaans Medium Decree
What is the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)?
Grand Apartheid in South Africa
Apartheid Era Signs - Racial Segregation in South Africa
Types of Enslavement in Africa and the World Today
The History of the Formation of South Africa
The History and Origins of the Kingdom of Kush
Biography of Nontsikelelo Albertina Sisulu, South African Activist
Seretse Khama Quotes
The Story of Menes, the First Pharaoh of Egypt
A Brief History of the African Country of Liberia
The Definition and Purpose of Political Institutions