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碳化硼(化學公式為B4C)是一種極硬的陶瓷材料,用於坦克車的裝甲、避彈衣和很多工業應用品中。它的摩氏硬度為9.3,並是繼氮化硼、鑽石、富勒烯化合物和aggregated diamond nanorods後的第五種已知最硬的物質。
它在19世紀作爲碳化金屬化學反應的副產品被發現,直到1930年代才被科學地研究。碳化硼現在produced industrially by the carbo-thermal reduction of B2O3 (boron oxide) in an electric arc furnace.
Its ability to absorb neutrons without forming long lived radionuclides makes the material attractive as an absorbent for neutron radiation arising in nuclear power plants. Nuclear applications of boron carbide include shielding, control rod and shut down pellets. Within control rods, boron carbide is often powdered, to increase its surface area.
- Carbide, Nitride and Boride Materials Synthesis and Processing ISBN 0-412-54060-6