Why was my edit erased? C'mon, it's just a theory. I know that just a skull means nothing, the main point was the cursed swordsman part. In Japanese Death Sword is called Sword of Gobera so I think the guy named Gobera is buried there, and his spirit was cursed, sealed on his sword, so he is a cursed swordsman. You can't throw away theories just because you don't like them. Actually its more plausible that the theory of Demise, because, well, SS development didn't even started.SilverArcher 17:01, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- I'm sorry you feel that way, but I assure you I didn't "throw away your theory because I didn't like it". I'm just trying to uphold Zelda Wiki policy; we don't usually allow personal theories here at Zelda Wiki for various reasons. The policy says that theories should have a reasonable amount of evidence and support within the community to be added. The Hero of Time theory fills these criteria, yours does not. That's all. It's nothing personal. — Hylian King [*] 17:22, 29 April 2012 (EDT)
- Well, I understand that if everyone puts their theories, this would be a mess. My theory comes from the Spanish version. I quote "Aquel que maneja la espada maldita duerme bajo el árbol sagrado", which means "He who uses the cursed sword sleeps under the sacred tree". As you can see, in Spain the curse is on the sword, not in the swordsman himself, and I can only remember one cursed/evil sword in the game, Death Sword, which fits this description, because the sword has a lot of anti-curse paper seals (and the Master Sword is not precisely cursed). It would be nice if we cuold see the Japanese tombstone. But if you erase it, how is the comumunity going to discuss it? I think that at least should be voted on this talk page if this is worth to be on the Theories or not. SilverArcher 09:21, 30 April 2012 (EDT)
- What I meant to say was theories are usually present in the community, on forums and such, before they are brought to the wiki. The wiki itself isn't really the place to discuss personal theories. By community I mean the entire Zelda fan site community. For example, the theory that is on the page now is from Zelda Universe.
- The fact that the text is different in Spanish is interesting and definitely worth noting. Cool find! I went ahead and added it to the article. But, that being said, it could just be a mistranslation. And I don't think we should be basing theories of any kind off another, less canon version of the game. — Hylian King [*] 17:01, 30 April 2012 (EDT)
- OK, next time I will try to discuse the things properly in a forum insted of just put them in the article. Also I think I didn't explained it well at first. SilverArcher 13:56, 1 May 2012 (EDT)