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The Recruit's Sword is a sword in Spirit Tracks.[1]

Location and Uses[]

The Recruit's Sword resembles the Hero's Sword and Oshus's Sword from the game's predecessors, The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass respectively. This dangerous yet unremarkable weapon is obtained in the training room of Hyrule Castle, as Link requires a Sword in order to make his way from the Castle's back door toward the Tower of Spirits, through a pathway full of enemies.[2] Russell, the captain of the Hyrule Castle Guards, gives it to Link after he successfully completes a basic sword training exercise.[3] It is eventually replaced by the Lokomo Sword.

While using the Recruit's Sword, Link must collect three Tears of Light in the Tower of Spirits to be able to strike a Phantom in the back.[4] This will stun the creature and will allow Princess Zelda's spirit to control it while in that state. After Link obtains the Lokomo Sword, he no longer needs to collect Tears of Light, as the Sword itself is infused with enough energy to attack the Phantoms.[5]


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
CanadaFrenchCAÉpée d'apprenti[6]Apprentice's sword
FranceFrenchEUÉpée d'apprenti '"`UNIQ--ref-00000055-QINU`"'[7]Apprentice's sword
GermanyGermanRekruten-Schwert[8]Recruit Sword
ItalyItalianSpada da recluta[9]Recruit's sword
SpainSpanishEUEspada de aprendiz[10]Apprentice's sword
Latin AmericaSpanishLAEspada de aprendiz[11]Apprentice's sword
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.



  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 135
  2. "There are all sorts of strange beasts on the other side of this door. It's not the kind of place you want to go without a sword!" — Soldier (Spirit Tracks)
  3. "Some swordsman you are, running around with no sword! There's something fishy about this... Are you really a new recruit? Heh heh heh! Your eyes tell the whole story! All right! Take this one!" — Russell (Spirit Tracks)
  4. "Hitting the Phantom in the back with your sword should stop it for a while... But first, you need to gather all three of the Tears of Light." — Anjean (Spirit Tracks)
  5. "Your new sword is filled with energy. That means you don't need to grab Tears of Light to attack the Phantoms." — Princess Zelda (Spirit Tracks)
  6. "Vous avez obtenu l'épée d'apprenti!" — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  7. "Vous obtenez l'épée d'apprenti! Touchez un ennemi pour l'attaquer." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  8. "Du hast das Rekruten-Schwert erhalten!" — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  9. "Hai ottenuto la Spada da recluta! Tocca i nemici o traccia fendenti per usarla." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  10. "¡Has conseguido una espada de aprendiz!" — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  11. "¡Has conseguido una espada de aprendiz!" — N/A (Spirit Tracks)