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Fluffy Fuzzes are items in Tri Force Heroes.[1]

Location and Uses[]

Fluffy Fuzzes are bronze-rarity Materials awarded for completing the following Levels and Drablands Challenges of the Ice Cavern:

  • Frozen Plateau, no challenge: two Fluffy Fuzzes
  • Frozen Plateau, "Don't get hit by snowballs!": two Fluffy Fuzzes
  • Snowball Ravine, no challenge: two Fluffy Fuzzes

They can also be won in the Coliseum and Daily Riches, or purchased from the Street Merchant for 250 Rupees each.

Fluffy Fuzzes are one of the Materials used to make the Cozy Parka and Tingle Tights Outfits.[1]


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
JapanJapaneseふわふわした毛 (Fuwafuwa Shitake)[2]
CanadaFrenchCAPoils tout doux[3]
FranceFrenchEUPoils tout doux[4]
ItalyItalianPelliccia lanosa[6]
SpainSpanishEUBola de algodón[7]
Latin AmericaSpanishLABola de algodón[8]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 123
  2. "ふわふわした毛" — Material List (Tri Force Heroes)
  3. "Poils tout doux" — Material List (Tri Force Heroes)
  4. "Poils tout doux" — Material List (Tri Force Heroes)
  5. "Wuschelfell" — Material List (Tri Force Heroes)
  6. "Pelliccia lanosa" — Material List (Tri Force Heroes)
  7. "Bola de algodón" — Material List (Tri Force Heroes)
  8. "Bola de algodón" — Material List (Tri Force Heroes)