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Dungeon Maps,(OoT | MM | OoS | OoA | TWW | TMC | TP | SS)[1][2] also simply known as Maps,(TLoZ | ALttP | LA)[1] are recurring items in The Legend of Zelda series.

Location and uses[]

The Legend of Zelda[]

In The Legend of Zelda, collecting the Dungeon Map reveals the layout of the current dungeon. However, any hidden rooms that can occasionally appear in later dungeons are not shown.

A Link to the Past[]

A Link to the Past Manual Description
A Link to the Past logo
The dungeon map shows the layout of all the rooms in the dungeon and your current position.
A Link to the Past & Four Swords Manual Description
A Link to the Past & Four Swords logo
Even rooms you have not visited appear on the map.

Since A Link to the Past, Dungeon Maps have appeared in Treasure Chests. They have the property to indicate which rooms Link has already visited, by displaying them in a brighter color than any rooms not yet visited.[1] Additionally, the player can navigate between the various floors of the dungeon while viewing the Dungeon Map.

Link's Awakening[]

Link's Awakening Manual Description
Link's Awakening logo
Map and Compass
The Map will show you all the rooms in the dungeon. The Compass will indicate the location of the dungeon's Nightmare and the position of treasure chests you have not opened yet.

Dungeon Maps in Link's Awakening function the same as in A Link to the Past.

Ocarina of Time[]

Dungeon Maps in Ocarina of Time function relatively the same as in previous installments. Due to the complex nature of the 3D environment, individual rooms can span multiple floors.

The model for the Dungeon Map features a drawn layout of the second dungeon, Dodongo's Cavern. This was changed in Ocarina of Time 3D.

Majora's Mask[]

Dungeon Map in Majora's Mask function as the same as in previous installments. Their model is reused from Ocarina of Time, so the map still shows the layout of Dodongo's Cavern.

Oracle of Seasons / Oracle of Ages[]

Oracle of Seasons Manual Description
Oracle of Seasons logo
Dungeon Map
The Dungeon Map shows the layout of all the rooms in the dungeon. The darkened rooms on the Map Screen are ones you have not entered yet.

The Wind Waker[]

The Minish Cap[]

The Minish Cap Manual Description
The Minish Cap logo
Dungeon Map
When you find this item, you will be able to see all the rooms on every floor of the dungeon. Rooms you’ve visited will be lighter than rooms you haven’t visited yet.

Each of the six dungeons in The Minish Cap have a Dungeon Map, with each one contained in a large blue Treasure Chest. They are displayed on the Map Screen in place of the Map of Hyrule whenever Link is inside the relevant dungeon. Rooms that Link has visited are a lighter shade of blue, while rooms he has not visited are darker blue; the room he is currently in blinks on the Dungeon Map.[3]

Twilight Princess[]

Skyward Sword[]

In Skyward Sword, Dungeon Maps also reveal the locations of Treasure Chests.

Spinoff appearances[]

Zelda (Game & Watch)[]

Zelda (Game & Watch) Manual Description
Zelda (Game & Watch) logo
This shows you how the labyrinth is arranged. This will be helpful for choosing the correct stairwell to go up. (Link's present position will be displayed flickering whether he has a map or not.)

Zelda's Adventure[]

ZA Maps

In Zelda's Adventure, each of the seven shrines have a corresponding Map revealing the full layout of the location. The Maps are obtained using the following methods:

  1. The Map of the Shrine of Earth appears after Zelda defeats every Tektite in the crossroads area of the Shrine.
  2. The Map of the Shrine of Illusion appears after Zelda defeats the Vire in the mirror and red curtains room of the Shrine.
  3. The Map of the Shrine of Air appears after defeating every Tornado in the entrance area of the Shrine.
  4. The Map of the Shrine of Destiny, unlike other Maps, does not appear in its corresponding dungeon. Instead, the Map is in the Barachno Marsh, where it is given to Zelda by Yelena.
  5. The Map of the Shrine of Water appears after defeating the Zols in the second spike wall area of the Shrine.
  6. The Map of the Shrine of Strength appears after pushing the left block to the right in the block puzzle east of the Shrine's entrance area.
  7. The Map of the Shrine of Fire appears after defeating the Crockarocks in the area after the second Blacksmith screen of the Shrine.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
JapanJapaneseチズ (Chizu) (TLoZ)[4]
迷宮のマップ (Meikyū no Mappu) (TLoZ)[5]
マップ (Mappu) (ALttP)[6]
ダンジョンマップ (Danjon Mappu) (OoT)[7]
Labyrinth Map
Same as English.
NetherlandsDutchPlattegrond van het labyrint (TLoZ)[8]Plan of the labyrinth
FranceFrenchEUCarte des labyrinthes (TLoZ)[9]Map of the labyrinths
GermanyGermanKarte (LA)[10]
Labyrinth-Karte (LANS)
Dungeon-Karte (SS)
Labyrinth Map
Same as English.
ItalyItalianMappa del labirinto (LANS)
SpainSpanishEUMapa (LANS)
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.






See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 122(TLoZ | ALttP | LA | OoT | MM | OoS | OoA | TWW | TMC | TP | SS)
  2. "You got the Dungeon Map!" — N/A (Skyward Sword HD)
  3. "You found a dungeon map! Check it on your Map screen. Lighter rooms are ones you've visited. The blinking room is your location. Press Up or Down on Direction Pad to check different floors." — N/A (The Minish Cap)
  4. Encyclopedia, TOKYOPOP, pg. 124 (TLoZ)
  5. The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 22
  6. A Link to the Past manual, pg. 37 Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Vol. 1 (Shogakukan 1) pg. 29
  7. Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Shogakukan) pg. 150
  8. The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 23
  9. The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 23
  10. "Die Karte! Mit START kannst Du einen Blick auf sie werfen!" — N/A (Link's Awakening, German version)