The automorphism group of Payne derived generalized quadrangles. (English) Zbl 1129.51005
If \(Q\) is a generalized quadrangle of order \(s \geq 2\) having a regular point, then by a construction of Payne, a new generalized quadrangle \(P(Q,x)\) of order \((s-1,s+1)\) can be obtained. In the paper under review the authors prove that if \(Q\) is a generalized quadrangle \(Q\) of order \(s \geq 5\), \(s\) odd, with a center of symmetry \(x\), then every automorphism of \(P(Q,x)\) is induced by an automorphism of \(Q\) fixing \(x\).
Reviewer: Bart De Bruyn (Gent)
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