Young Justice Wiki

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Young Justice Wiki


Metropolis is a city on the American east coast, and the home of Superman. It is affectionately known as the City of Tomorrow.[1] In December 2015, it was run by Mayor Sackett,[2] and had a population of approximately four million.[3]



On June 1, "The Superman" debuted as a hero in the city.[4]

On November 28, Superman defeated what GBS called "Mechanical Monsters".[4]


August 03, 07:00 EDT

Charlie Daggett was driving his regular pre-school bus route, and picked up Penny Randall, the last stop before going to school.[4]

August 3, 07:38 EDT

During the morning rush hour, a bridge collapsed. Superman repaired it when Superboy's attempts to help threatened the bridge's stability. The incident was witnessed by Bruce Wayne from his office. The school bus was caught in the chaos.[5] Klarion appeared and took the bus as an anchor to the mortal plane and teleported it away on a journey through time and space.[4]

August 3, 07:42 EDT

The school bus was returned to the bridge moments later, free of Klarion.[6]

August 3, 21:18 EDT

Bruce Wayne met Clark Kent at Bibbo's Diner to discuss his relationship with Superboy.[5]

August 14, 01:45 EDT

After Shirley Mason and Duk Trang were murdered, the Team regrouped in Bibbo's Diner.[7]

October 1, 08:08 EDT

One of the Injustice League's plant creatures attacked the city. Superman, Hawkman, Hawkwoman and Green Lantern fought it.[8]

October 23, 17:28 EDT

Superboy and the Forever People stopped Intergang from robbing the Metropolis Federal Reserve.[9]

November 1, 18:46 EST

Tired from his search for Roy, Red Arrow went over his latest information and caught up on the news.[10]


November 30, pre-16:22 EST

Draaga attacked Metropolis. Superman and Superboy stopped him, but four blocks were destroyed in the process.[11]


December 1, 09:48 EST

Noor Harjavti held a rally for the Quraci Democratic Party. Beta Squad was in the crowd, providing covert security.[2]

December 1, 10:02 EST

Noor's rally has commenced.[2]

December 1, 10:18 EST

Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent met up with Beta Squad.[2]

December 1, 10:24 EST

Devastation made her way to the podium. Before she could get there, she disappeared in a flash of light. Superman and Superboy also disappeared.[2]

December 1, 10:29 EST

Beta Squad contacted the Cave about the disappearances. In a conference with Alpha Squad, the League and the Cave, Nightwing formed Gamma Squad. Miss Martian and Lagoon Boy were to split off; the rest continued their mission.[12]

December 1, 10:30 EST

Gamma Squad departed as Batgirl took over command of Beta.[12]

December 1, 10:35 EST

The Collector of Worlds's ship appeared above Metropolis and dropped a device. It created a force field.[12]

December 1, 10:38 EST

The force field destroyed one of Metropolis's bridges, and cut off all communication to the outside world.[12]

December 1, 10:45 EST

From his office, Lex Luthor witnessed the force field.[12]

Suicide Slum
December 1, 10:46 EST

The people in Suicide Slum watched the force field too.[12]

December 1, 10:55 EST

Beast Boy, fearing an attack on Noor Harjavti, broke his cover and made contact with her.[12]

December 1, 13:45 EST

Alpha Squad and Blue Beetle arrived as a number of Justice League members attempted–and failed–to breach the force field.[3]

December 1, 14:01 EST

The League and Team members listened to Red Tornado's report of the whereabouts of the other Leaguers. Beast Boy and Bumblebee took Noor Harjavti to Bibbo's Diner for safekeeping. At LexCorp, Otis informed Luthor that the force field had allowed Match to escape.[3]

December 1, 16:22 EST

The Collector of Worlds's ship fired an energy beam at the force field, to no apparent effect. Atom realized the force field was likely being generated from inside. Nightwing informed the heroes inside the field.[3]

December 1, 16:28 EST

Martian Manhunter and Flash moved to confront the alien ship, with Alpha Squad and Zatanna on the Super-Cycle alongside them in an invisibility bubble.[3]

December 1, 16:56 EST

Plastic Man kept watch over Batgirl at the edge of the force field. Beast Boy and Bumblebee continued to guard Noor at Bibbo's. Black Lightning and Jim Harper moved down the tunnel left by the alien probe. Martian Manhunter and Flash waited for a response from the alien ship.[13]

December 1, 17:30 EST

Plastic Man shifted into a message board to ask Batgirl if she was okay. She responded with a holographic smiley face. Both were surprised when Match erupted from the ground near Batgirl.[13]

December 1, 17:45 EST

Manhunter, Flash and Atom infiltrated the alien ship. They were confronted by the Collector of Worlds, who they attempted to attack.[13]

December 1, 17:54 EST

Black Lightning and Jim climbed out from the tunnel, and reported to Bumblebee and Beast Boy. They had been unable to affect the probe and asked the young heroes to come and attack it from the inside out. Karen and Gar reluctantly left Noor at Bibbo's.

Aboard the Collector's ship, the three Leaguers were soundly defeated and dumped out of the ship through a hatch in the floor. However, the concealed Alpha Squad were able to enter the ship through the hatch.[13]

December 1, 18:03 EST

At Bibbo's Diner, Queen Bee and her accomplices captured Bibbo and Noor and replaced them with Krolotean robots.[14]

December 1, 18:16 EST

Beast Boy and Bumblebee headed to the probe at the center of the bubble. At the edge, Batgirl fought Match.[15]

December 1, 18:20 EST

Outside the bubble, Plastic Man noticed a trench appearing. The city was shrinking, and he could do nothing about it. Meanwhile, Batgirl finished off her fight with Match, but was knocked out in the process. A LexCorp van hauled Match away.[15]

December 1, 18:31 EST

Black Lightning and Jim Harper subdued rioters.[15]

December 1, 18:33 EST

Batgirl was helped up by Black Lightning and Jim Harper. Bumblebee and Beast Boy contacted her, saying they found a way to shut down the force field. Batgirl ordered them to proceed.[14]

December 1, 19:03 EST

Following the discovery of the tampering with the force field, the Collector was forced to shut down the shrinking beam. Nightwing and Captain Atom convinced him to restore the city and leave Earth.[14]

December 1, 22:03 EST

The heroes gathered in the park, musing on the coincidence of two alien incursions on the same day.[14]


January 5, 17:09 EST

Blue Beetle, Bumblebee and Bibbo Bibbowski confronted a Krolotean who had taken over Bibbo's Diner. They cornered him in an alley, but the alien got away through the sewers. The Manta-Flyer was waiting in the harbor to pick him up.[16]

March 21, 19:11 EDT

Speedy had traveled to Metropolis to exact his revenge on Lex Luthor. He blew up Luthor's office on the top floor of the LexCorp tower, and fought Mercy in the building's parking garage. In the end, Luthor persuaded the boy not to kill him, by giving him a state of the art robotic arm.[17]

June 13, 20:28 EDT

The Toyman, piloting a gigantic toy robot, broke through the First Bank of Metropolis's roof and took the vault. Before he could abscond with it, Blue Beetle defeated him.[18]

June 20, 08:16 EDT

Forty heroes gathered in Metropolis. Captain Atom and Lex Luthor gave a briefing on the plan to disable the Magnetic Field Disruptors threatening Earth. From his LexCorp office, Luthor advised the heroes on dealing with a belatedly discovered MFD at the North Magnetic Pole.[19]


July 29, 22:16 EDT

Dick Grayson tried to recruit Jefferson Pierce for a mission outside the home of his ex-wife Lynn.[20]

July 30, 00:00 EDT

Tigress, Superboy and Nightwing met at the Centennial Park Zeta-Tube. Jefferson Pierce relutantly joined them for a one time mission.[20]

August 01, 10:38 EDT

As a result of an attempted coup in her home country, scientist Helga Jace was forced into exile. Not knowing where else to take her, Jeff Pierce booked her a room in the Luthor Grande Hotel and started regularly meeting with her.[1]

September 08, 18:21 EDT

Jefferson Pierce and Helga Jace enjoyed a fine restaurant in the city, ending the night in her hotel room.[21]

September 25, 23:18 EDT

Jeff and Helga discussed their future before Jeff was called away by Nightwing.[22]


January 25, 20:21 EST

Lex Luthor monitored the status of Infinity, Inc. on social media as he went about his day, first at his LexCorp office, later in a helicopter flying over the city.[23]

January 25, 21:40 EST

Jeff visited Lynn and their daughters.[24]

February 15, 18:35 EST

From LexCorp, Luthor and Deathstroke coordinated the Light's operation in Markovia during Baron Bedlam's attempted coup. To their surprise, Cyborg and Black Lightning were able to hack their comms and infiltrate LexCorp's computers.[25]

February 16, 04:25 EST

Luthor and Deathstroke discussed the mixed outcome of the operation.[25]

February 28, 15:04 EST
Team Year Nine

Klarion teleported his possessed school bus to Metropolis, where it passed Bibbo's Diner, nearly running over Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl and Chameleon Boy, before Klarion teleported it away.[4]

February 28, 16:16 EST

At Bibbo's Diner, the Team's Year Zero members and their partners and children held a private party, unaware they were being monitored by the Legion of Super-Heroes.[25]


at some point, Lex Luthor ingratiated himself with the young Meta-human Juan Cordero, including bring the young man to LexCorp HQ and showing him Match in his containment pod as part of his lies to paint Superboy as an ungrateful son.[26]

May 14, 05:40 EDT

Clark Kent was approached by Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy at Bibbo's Diner wishing to speak to Superman. They later met up in the sky over the city. After convincing him of their trustworthiness, they asked Superman to fill in for Superboy at a crucial event in ten years' time. Superman agreed before being called away.[27]

September 05, 19:48 EDT

Zatanna and Dick approached Clark at Bibbo's asking about his meeting with two strangers they believed were involved with Kid Flash's disappearance. Clark refused to give much away, except that he had reason to trust them.[28]

September 09, 19:47 EDT

Nightwing, Zatanna, Tigress, Rocket and Kaldur'ahm arrived at a scrapyard to find the school bus. Discovering it compacted, Zatanna summoned Trogowogs to rebuild it, then used it to cast a spell, opening a portal to the Phantom Zone, which the group then went through.[29]

September 14, 00:16 EDT

Tigress, Zatanna and Kaldur'ahm returned from the Phantom Zone, but were shocked Rocket did not make it.

Later, Dru-Zod and his followers boom tubed into Planet Circle, where they announced their intention to rule the world. To prove his superiority, Zod prepared to have Superboy execute Superman.[30]

September 14, 05:46 EDT

Zod finally ordered Superboy to execute Superman, but he refused. Several heroes arrived and a large battle ensued, causing significant damage to the area. Superboy's mind was restored by Miss Martian. Zod and his group were defeated, with most being sent back to the Phantom Zone, while the Emerald Empress and Lor-Zod escaped.[31]

September 15, 14:42 EDT

At their apartment, Clark and Lois told their son about Superboy's return.[31]

November 10, 13:14 EST

Lex Luthor sat at his desk at LexCorp HQ.[32]

November 12, 12:00 EST

Members of the Justice League secretly visited Lex Luthor at his LexCorp office to warn him that Perdita Vladek was off-limits.[33]

Notable locations & public services[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Vogel, Michael (writer) & Heuck, Vinton (director) (January 11, 2019). "Private Security". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 4. DC Universe.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Weisman, Greg (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Atkinson, Zac (col). Sienty, Dezi (let). Gaydos, Sarah (ed). "Players, Chapter One: Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Thimble" Young Justice 20 (September 19, 2012), New York, NY: DC Comics
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Weisman, Greg (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Atkinson, Zac (col). Abbott, Wes (let). Gaydos, Sarah (ed). "Players, Chapter Three: Landing on Boardwalk" Young Justice 22 (November 20, 2012), New York, NY: DC Comics
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Vietti, Brandon (writer) & Sotta, Christina (director) (December 23, 2021). "Og Htrof Dna Reuqnoc!". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 12. HBO Max.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Dubuc, Nicole (writer) & Chang, Michael (director) (February 4, 2011). "Schooled". Young Justice. Season 1. Episode 5. Cartoon Network.
  6. Weisman, Greg (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (December 30, 2021). "Kaerb Ym Traeh!". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 13. HBO Max.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Weisman, Greg, Kevin Hopps (w). Jones, Christopher, Carrie Strachan (p). Davis, Dan (i). Atkinson, Zac (col). Sienty, Dezi (let). Chadwick, Jim (ed). "Hot Case" Young Justice 10 (November 16, 2011), New York, NY: DC Comics
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Hopps, Kevin (writer) & Chang, Michael (director) (October 14, 2011). "Revelation". Young Justice. Season 1. Episode 14. Cartoon Network.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Robinson, Andrew (writer) & Chang, Michael (director) (November 11, 2011). "Disordered". Young Justice. Season 1. Episode 17. Cartoon Network.
  10. Scott, Sharon, Brandon Vietti, Greg Weisman (writers), Young Justice: Legacy (November 19, 2013): Red Arrow journal #3. Santa Ana, CA: Little Orbit
  11. Scott, Sharon, Brandon Vietti, Greg Weisman (writers), Young Justice: Legacy (November 19, 2013): Red Arrow journal #8. Santa Ana, CA: Little Orbit
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 Weisman, Greg (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Atkinson, Zac (col). Sienty, Dezi (let). Gaydos, Sarah (ed). "Players, Chapter Two: Directly to Jail" Young Justice 21 (October 17, 2012), New York, NY: DC Comics
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Weisman, Greg (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Atkinson, Zac (col). Abbott, Wes (let). Gaydos, Sarah (ed). "Players, Chapter Four: Do Not Pass Go" Young Justice 23 (December 19, 2012), New York, NY: DC Comics
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Weisman, Greg (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Atkinson, Zac (col). Abbott, Wes (let). Gaydos, Sarah (ed). "Players, Chapter Six: Rolling Doubles" Young Justice 25 (February 20, 2013), New York, NY: DC Comics
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Weisman, Greg (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Atkinson, Zac (col). Abbott, Wes (let). Gaydos, Sarah (ed). "Players, Chapter Five: Milburn, Edgar and Jake" Young Justice 24 (January 23, 2013), New York, NY: DC Comics
  16. Hopps, Kevin (writer) & Zwyer, Mel (director) (May 12, 2012). "Alienated". Young Justice. Season 2. Episode 3. Cartoon Network.
  17. 17.0 17.1 Weisman, Greg (writer) & Murphy, Doug (director) (September 29, 2012). "Satisfaction". Young Justice. Season 2. Episode 8. Cartoon Network.
  18. 18.0 18.1 David, Peter (writer) & Zwyer, Mel (director) (March 2, 2013). "Intervention". Young Justice. Season 2. Episode 18. Cartoon Network.
  19. Hopps, Kevin (writer) & Murphy, Doug (director) (March 16, 2013). "Endgame". Young Justice. Season 2. Episode 20. Cartoon Network.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Weisman, Greg (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (January 4, 2019). "Princes All". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 1. DC Universe.
  21. Vietti, Brandon (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (January 18, 2019). "Evolution". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 7. DC Universe.
  22. David, Peter (writer) & Zwyer, Mel (director) (January 18, 2019). "Triptych". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 8. DC Universe.
  23. Callan, Jonathan (writer) & Heuck, Vinton (director) (August 27, 2019). "Into the Breach". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 24. DC Universe.
  24. Vietti, Brandon (writer) & Zwyer, Mel (director) (August 20, 2019). "Terminus". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 23. DC Universe.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Krieg, Jim, Adams, Jeremy (writers) & Zwyer, Mel (director) (August 27, 2019). "Nevermore". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 26. DC Universe.
  26. Weisman, Greg (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Wright, Jason (col). Abbott, Wes (let). Meares, Ben, Kubert, Katie (ed). "Metallic Aftertaste" Young Justice: Targets (October 11, 2022), DC Universe Infinite: DC Comics
  27. Weisman, Greg (writer) & Sotta, Christina (director) (March 31, 2022). "Ebb Tide". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 15. HBO Max.
  28. Fullerton, Charlotte (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (May 12, 2022). "Rescue and Search". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 22. HBO Max.
  29. Vogel, Michael (writer) & Heuck, Vinton (director) (May 19, 2022). "Ego and Superego". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 23. HBO Max.
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Weisman, Greg (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (June 2, 2022). "Over and Out". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 25. HBO Max.
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Weisman, Greg (writer) & Heuck, Vinton (director) (June 9, 2022). "Death and Rebirth". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 26. HBO Max.
  32. Weisman, Greg (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Wright, Jason (col). Abbott, Wes (let). Meares, Ben, Kubert, Katie (ed). "Evocative Intel" Young Justice: Targets (August 9, 2022), DC Universe Infinite: DC Comics
  33. 33.0 33.1 Weisman, Greg (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Wright, Jason (col). Abbott, Wes (let). Meares, Ben, Kubert, Katie (ed). "Last Rights" Young Justice: Targets (November 8, 2022), DC Universe Infinite: DC Comics
  34. Paredes, Francisco (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (January 25, 2019). "Exceptional Human Beings". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 10. DC Universe.