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Atlantis' city states strewn across the globe.

Atlantis is an underwater kingdom comprised of eight city-states, and the home of the Atlanteans. High King Mera is the current ruler of all of Atlantis as well as its capital, Poseidonis.[1]

Approximately 12,000 years ago, Atlantis was originally founded as a small village composed of regular humans and meta-humans. Over the course of a millennium, it gradually grew into a highly advanced civilization with the emergence of the Homo magi amd came to span and control the entire continent of Atlantis in what is now the central Atlantic Ocean. The continent was sunk unexpectedly by Klarion 11,000 years ago. Some meta-humans and Homo magi survived underwater, eventually leading to the formation of the modern Atlantean civilization.[2]


Early history[]

Early Atlantis

Atlantis in its early days as a settlement for Vandal Savage's people.

Around the year 10,386 BCE, Vandal Savage, then going by the name Vandar Adg, founded Atlantis on the titular continent originally as a small village for his meta-capable children and his descendants, as well as other "normal" Homo sapiens.[3] He ruled the settlement in peace as a utopia for some time before eventually deciding on leaving to conquer new lands. Upon his return to celebrate his triumph from his conquest, Vandar discovered the village was destroyed and the majority of his kin massacred at the hands of the Lord of Chaos, Klarion. Klarion tortured Vandar for 300 days until he grew fascinated enough of Vandar's capabilities to stop. They reached an agreement where in exchange for Klarion ceasing his attack and murder of his kin, they would meet in 1,000 years at Atlantis for Vandar to show him why.[4]

Atlantis in its prime

Atlantis in its prime.

Following Klarion's departure, Vandar spent the next century rebuilding and repopulating Atlantis in preparation for Klarion's return, which in time grew from a small, primitive village into a prosperous and fortified city, one of the world's first permanent settlement and civilization. Upon the birth of his latest grandson, Arion, Vandar once again departed to roam the outside world for approximately 200 years, leaving Atlantis in the care of his children. Upon coming of age, Arion ascended to ruling the city-state as Lord of Atlantis.

The Atlantean continent

The scope of the Atlantean continent.

At some point in his reign, Arion was gifted with a crown by the Lords of Order that was imbued with their mystical power, in turn granting him this power as well. In the decades that followed, Arion's children and descendants were gifted with magical potential of their own, creating a new subspecies of Homo meta capable of the mystical arts, the Homo magi. Additionally, Arion's magical capabilities allowed Atlantis, over the course of the following two centuries, to rapidly advance and grow due to techno-sorcery, developing into a highly advance and sprawling city.

After his two-century journey of the outside world, Vandar Adg, now going by Varl'jat, returned to Atlantis and was impressed by its miraculous development. With his martial help, Atlantis became the capital of a kingdom in complete control of the Atlantean continent and the mightiest civilization on Earth.

However, this was not enough for Varl'jat. Having learned in his journey throughout the Earth that he could not claim total supremacy of the planet due to three-fourths of its surface being covered in water, Varl'jat proposed to Arion to sink the capital of Atlantis into the sea in the hope that the disaster would trigger the latent Meta-Gene within Atlantis' Homo magi citizens. Arion vehemently rejected the proposal, much to Varl'jat's displeasure.

The sinking of Atlantis

Klarion sinks Atlantis and subsequently the entire continent.

As they had agreed to a millennium prior, Klarion returned to Atlantis in the year 9,386 BCE. Upon meeting, Varl'jat and Klarion struck a new bargain, where Varl'jat proceeded to allow Klarion to sink the capital city as he intended. However, Varl'jat underestimated Klarion's unquenchable thirst for chaos, and could only watch in horror as Klarion used his magical powers to cause not only the city but the entire continent of Atlantis to collapse into the sea. Arion attempted to halt the cataclysm consuming the city with his own magic, but was crushed under debris and died along with countless others as the entire Atlantean civilization was virtually destroyed as it sank beneath the waves.

Homo mermanus

The sinking of Atlantis brings about the emergence of the water-breathing Atlanteans, the Homo mermanus.

Nevertheless, a small number of Homo magi and Homo meta citizens had survived, their meta-abilities having activated to allow them to survive underwater, as Varl'jat intended. These survivors, now another new subspecies of human known as Homo mermanus, used their surviving technology and sorcery to forge a new Atlantean civilization underwater and adapt to life on the ocean floor.[2]

With the fall of their surface civilization, the aquatic Atlanteans went to work recovering and rebuilding their civilization underwater. Many Atlanteans would disperse throughout the seas, founding new city-states in each of the Earth's oceans.[5] Over the ensuing millennia, the Atlanteans further adapted and evolve to life in the ocean, with several new races emerging in its varied city-states that adopted a number of features from the native aquatic wildlife including fish, cetaceans, and mollusks. The biggest of the city states, Poseidonis became the new capital of the underwater Atlantean kingdom.[6]


August 27, 13:00 UTC-2

At a time when Orin was absent on Justice League business, Black Manta attacked the capital. Several explosions were set off in the capital to act as a distraction while tried to steal Starro. He was stopped by Garth and Aqualad, so instead opted to blow it up.[7]

Atlantic Ocean
September 4, 13:26 UTC-2

Racial tensions rose, and the purists attacked "impure" Atlanteans. Topo was one such victim.[6]

September 6, 01:31 UTC-2

Aqualad introduced Superboy and Miss Martian to his parents, Sha'lain'a and Calvin Durham. They were quite pleased to see him again, and welcomed his friends.[6]

September 6, 08:06 UTC-2

After meeting with Queen Mera and Prince Orm, Aqualad visited the Conservatory of Sorcery to see his friends.[6]

September 6, 19:27 UTC-2

While talking with his old friends Garth and Tula, Aqualad learned about the purists. They had to break up an argument between conservatory students about that very subject.[6]

September 6, 23:45 UTC-2

Ocean-Master and the purists kidnapped Mera from her royal quarters. She was brought to the S'atiroman Cave and held hostage.[8]

September 7, 00:41 UTC-2

Orm and Aqualad organized a counterattack to rescue Mera. Orm deliberately sent Kaldur to an ambush at the Old Roman's Trench.[8]

September 7, 07:01 UTC-2

After defeating Ocean-Master, Orin thanked his protégé for the safe return of his queen and unborn son.[8]


June 13, 23:45 UTC-2

Miss Martian traveled to Atlantis' capital to meet up with Lagoon Boy, who had been living in the city to recuperate from wounds sustained three weeks earlier. They left in the Bio-Ship together.[9]


January 02, 11:19 UTC-2

Aquaman brought a water-breathing meta-teen through the Zeta-Tube to start her new life in Atlantis. He cast a translation spell to allow her to communicate. He later introduced her to King Orin before taking her to meet his parents in Shayeris, where she would be staying.[10]

January 02, post-11:19 UTC-2

Aquaman introduced a water-breathing meta-teen to his parents, with whom she would be staying. The girl then took Kaldur aside to reassure him he was a good man after she noticed he had become uncomfortable after lying to King Orin earlier.

Later, as the girl swam happily with Kaldur's parents, Wyynde approached Kaldur and they kissed.[10]

January 21, 23:28 UTC-2

Kaldur and Wyynde discussed how well the girl, now calling herself Delphis, was settling in. Oracle called Kaldur to request his help after Nightwing and Black Lightning went missing. Wyynde offered to join him.[11]


S'atiroman Cave
April 20, 01:11 UTC-2

Danuuth met with Ocean-Master, who thanked him for his loyalty.[5]

April 20, 15:56 UTC-2

The Conference of Delegates commenced in the Chamber of Seven Seas, but was soon adjourned due to the lack of a representative from Xebel.

Afterward, Kaldur'ahm and Wyynde showed Delphis around the city, leading to an altercation with General Lori Lemaris and King Nanaue Sha'ark at an algae bar.[5]

April 21, 09:58 UTC-2

The Conference of Delegates resumed, with Bishop Beluga representing Xebel. After some discussion, the Conference, and the whole city, came under attack from Ocean-Master, who could only be driven off by a mysterious stranger, who disappeared as quickly as he arrived.[5]

S'atiroman Cave
April 21, 21:39 UTC-2

Danuuth tried to calm an enraged Ocean-Master.[5]

May 14, 07:42 UTC-2

Kaldur'ahm and La'gaan reported to King Orin in the ruined conference chamber about their lack of success finding Ocean-Master, and the growing unrest in other city-states.

At the Royal Palace, Mera Nereus warned her husband that many people believed the Prophecy of the One True King may be coming to pass. Orin made finding the stranger a priority.

At Kaldur'ahm and Wyynde's house, Kaldur called his parents, but was interrupted by the commotion caused by the creation of a pillar of fire in the ocean just outside the city.[12]

May 14, 07:50 UTC-2

Mera responded to Child's pillar of fire as Doctor Fate, Zatanna and her students teleported nearby, then left once they saw Child was gone.[13] Mera was joined by Kaldur'ahm and Orin. Later, Ocean-Master appeared to help quell the pillar, but only when the stranger arrived and all three worked together was the pillar extinguished. Ocean-Master attempted to kill Kaldur and Mera but was defeated and taken into custody. The stranger reluctantly revealed himself to be Arion, former Lord of Atlantis. The events caused the people of Poseidonis to begin talking about the prophecy.[12]

June 01, 17:28 UTC-2

At the Science Center, Arion was tested to confirm his identity, with inconclusive results.

Later, crowds had gathered outside Arion's residence, representative of growing support for him to become High King.

Elsewhere, Orin ordered Kaldur to take a squad on a covert mission to the Undersea, a pocket ocean beneath Xebel that the Watchtower had detected. Orin hoped he would find Arion's crown, allowing them to settle both the prophecy and "Arion"'s identity.[14]

June 02, 08:37 UTC-2

At their respective homes, Kaldur and La'gaan prepared to leave for the mission, though their significant others were unhappy with their decisions to go.

Orin visisted Ocean-Master in his prison cell. Orm's responses made Orin dubious that he really was Orm. Orin later assigned Blubber to test Ocean-Master's mask for DNA to confirm his identity, then left to conduct his own investigation.[14]

June 02, 15:07 UTC-2

King Ryus Nereus addressed a crowd of protestors, then sent his guards after them, while Kaldur's team snuck past them to the Grave of Legends. The team began digging into the Undersea, and were only saved from being caught by guards by the intervention of Delphis, who had followed them. The team broke throught he seafloor and went into the Undersea.[14]

June 02, post-15:07 UTC-2

Chian informed Arion of the chaos in Xebel, and urged him to take action, offering to sneak him out.

Orin visited a seedy bar in Ninth Tride to speak to Ocean-Master's former lieutenant, Danuuth. Orin then returned to the palace and explained his doubts about Orm, which were fully confirmed when Blubber arrived and told them he had found Orm was a clone. Mera told Orin that Arion had disappeared.[14]

June 06, 08:01 UTC-2

At the prison, Orin told Orm he was a clone, with Miss Martian there to confirm that Orm did not know he was a clone. Orm refused to believe it.[1]

July 03, 18:58 UTC-2

As pro-Arion protests continued, delegates gathered at the Xebelian palace to discuss the crisis, with some delegates attending remotely. The delegates wanted to vote for a new High King, as Arion arrived at the palace.[1]

July 3, 19:05 UTC-2

Orm called for Miss Martian to help him find the truth. She recovered his first true memories, confirming that not only was Orm a clone created by the Light, so was Arion. Arion also had Orm's memories and was to be his true successor, with the clone Orm as an expendable patsy.

By the time Miss Martian was able to inform Orin, the Conference of Delegates had already elected Arion as High King, and Orin did not think anyone would believe the truth.[1]

July 3, 19:36 UTC-2

Arion's first speech as High King was broadcast throughout Atlantis, including in Shayeris.

Mid-speech, Kaldur and his team arrived at the Xebelian palace with Arion's crown. "Arion" donned the crown and was immediately struck down by the Lords of Order. Orin declared that the prophecy was fulfilled not by the false Arion, but by Mera, and the delegates elected her High King. She delivered her own speech to the kingdom.

Later, Orin discussed his future with Kaldur and La'gaan, including his desire to become Aquaman once more, though he asured Kaldur they could both hold the title, and share it with La'gaan as well. Kaldur then announced his intention to take a leave of absence.

At the prison, Miss Martian finished cleansing Orm of the Light's programming and Orin released him.[1]

September 06, 01:36 UTC-2

Kaldur greeted Rocket and Nightwing at the Zeta-Tube. He had finished his leave to deal with Conner's death, but his friends told him they had reason to believe he was still alive, and recruited him for their investigation.[15]


In the modern day, the underwater kingdom has grown to encompass all major oceans of the Earth. The kingdom is comprised of eight city-states:

Each city-states' controlled territory encompasses the respective ocean or portion of the ocean they are located in.[5] In total, the eight city-states claim territory that encompasses the entire world ocean,[16] which would make it the world's largest nation. The total acreage of the city-states is much smaller, however.[17] Xebel has the notable distinction of being situated over the buried ruins of the original ancient city of Atlantis.[14]

Atlantis' total population numbers in the millions.[18]

Politics and Government[]

Atlantis is a constitutional monarchy,[19] with its ruler, going by the title of Annax, serving as High King of all of Atlantis. Poseidonis is the capital city of the kingdom, which is also ruled by the High King. The government of Atlantis has attributes of both a confederation and federation. Each of the eight city-states retain a significant degree of autonomy, possessing their own rulers, military forces, policies, and even have armed conflicts with one another. Nevertheless, the city-states and their respective rulers are subordinate to the authority of the High King in Poseidonis.[5]

Poseidonis, despite its position as capital and seat of the central Atlantean government, has at least some form of local governance itself, with its own General Fund separate from the Atlantean Treasury.[12]

The High King is advised by a cabinet. High King Orin's cabinet included:

Representatives of the seven other city-states meet with the High King and his cabinet at an annual conference, the Conference of Delegates, to discuss and find solutions to issues impacting the respective city-states and the kingdom as a whole. Some relevant issues include the significant wealth disparity between Poseidonis and the other city states, which is the cause of much resentment from Atlanteans living outside the capital. There are also widespread concerns about climate change and pollution caused by the surface world, particularly on its impact on the Atlantean food supply.[5] Diminishing food sources has itself spurred armed conflicts between the city-states themselves, particularly between Nanauve and the other city-states on its borders. Xebel is also particularly contemptuous of Poseidonis' rule, and Xebel's King Ryus Nereus actively alienated its populace from the capital and High King Orin as part of an effort to overthrow him,[14] but supported his daughter when she became High King.[1]

Rulership of Atlantis and its city-states is determined by a combination of hereditary monarchy, democracy, and the influence of prophecies.[5][1]

In addition to tension between city-states, there is some demographic unrest in Atlantis. Some Atlanteans hold prejudice against those deemed "impure", i.e. those Atlanteans who do not look entirely like a surface human. The Atlantean purists were a movement built on anti-impure sentiment that hoped to cleanse the city-states of non-humanoid Atlanteans.[6]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Payton, Khary (writer) & Heuck, Vinton (director) (April 7, 2022). "Leviathan Wakes". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 17. HBO Max.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Grevioux, Kevin (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (December 9, 2021). "Nomed Esir!". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 10. HBO Max.
  3. Weisman, Greg (2021-12-28). Atlantis. Young Justice Wiki. Retrieved 2021-12-28.
  4. Baumgart, Jake (writer) & Sotta, Christina (director) (December 2, 2021). "Odnu!". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 09. HBO Max.
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 Catt, Mae (writer) & Heuck, Vinton (director) (March 31, 2022). "Nautical Twilight". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 14. HBO Max.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Weisman, Greg, Kevin Hopps (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Atkinson, Zac (col). Sienty, Dezi (let). Chadwick, Jim (ed). "Under the Surface..." Young Justice 14 (March 21, 2012), New York, NY: DC Comics
  7. Hopps, Kevin (writer) & Oliva, Jay (director) (March 4, 2011). "Downtime". Young Justice. Season 1. Episode 8. Cartoon Network.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Weisman, Greg, Kevin Hopps (w). Jones, Christopher (a). Atkinson, Zac (col). Sienty, Dezi (let). Chadwick, Jim (ed). "...Here There be Monsters" Young Justice 15 (April 18, 2012), New York, NY: DC Comics
  9. David, Peter (writer) & Zwyer, Mel (director) (March 2, 2013). "Intervention". Young Justice. Season 2. Episode 18. Cartoon Network.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Weisman, Greg (writer) & Zwyer, Mel (director) (July 30, 2019). "Quiet Conversations". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 20. DC Universe.
  11. Vietti, Brandon (writer) & Heuck, Vinton (director) (August 6, 2019). "Unknown Factors". Young Justice. Season 3. Episode 21. DC Universe.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Weisman, Greg (writer) & Sotta, Christina (director) (March 31, 2022). "Ebb Tide". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 15. HBO Max.
  13. Vietti, Brandon (writer) & Sotta, Christina (director) (December 23, 2021). "Og Htrof Dna Reuqnoc!". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 12. HBO Max.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Vietti, Brandon (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (March 31, 2022). "Emergency Dive". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 16. HBO Max.
  15. Fullerton, Charlotte (writer) & Berkeley, Christopher (director) (May 12, 2022). "Rescue and Search". Young Justice. Season 4. Episode 22. HBO Max.
  16. Weisman, Greg (2022-07-26). Question #26149. Ask Greg. Retrieved 2022-08-11.
  17. Weisman, Greg (2022-07-27). Question #26151. Ask Greg. Retrieved 2022-08-11.
  18. Weisman, Greg (2021-07-26). Question #24490. Ask Greg. Retrieved 2023-12-05.
  19. Weisman, Greg (2012-03-23). Question #14540. Ask Greg. Retrieved 2012-03-24.