X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki
Welcome to the X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki
X-Wing Miniatures is a tactical table-top game where players fly Star Wars ships against each other, including X-Wings, TIE Fighters, the Millennium Falcon, TIE Defenders, and many others. Combat is very focused on planning and positioning, as well as building a great squadron in advance.

This is the wiki for the Second Edition of this game. For the First Edition, visit their wiki here.

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Other Languages: French

About the X-Wing Miniatures Game

X-Wing Scene
Ship Firespray
Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates exciting Star Wars space battles from small engagements of only a couple of crafts, to large conflicts where multiple squadrons clash. Select and equip your ships, pick your crew, plan your attack, and complete your mission!
TIE Fighter Scene
Fast and visceral, X-Wing puts you in the middle of fierce Star Wars firefights. Use each craft’s unique maneuver dial to secretly plot its movement action for each turn. After each player has locked in his movement decisions, the dials are revealed and ships are moved. Pepper the enemy with blaster fire as you rush into the dogfight, or move into combat range slowly, attaining deadly target locks before you launch a devastating attack. No matter your plan of attack, you’ll be in total control throughout the tense action!

Also check out the Armada Wiki for our sister game. Many X-Wing players also play Armada for a slower, larger-scale space battle with a greater focus on capital ships.


Player Resources Game Concepts


Galactic Empire Rebel Alliance Scum & Villainy

Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Alpha-class Star Wing Alpha-class Star Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Gauntlet Fighter Gauntlet Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: Gozanti-class Cruiser Gozanti-class Cruiser
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: Raider-class Corvette Raider-class Corvette
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE Advanced v1 TIE Advanced v1
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE Advanced x1 TIE Advanced x1
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/ag Aggressor TIE/ag Aggressor
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/ca Punisher TIE/ca Punisher
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/D Defender TIE/D Defender
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE Interceptor TIE Interceptor
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/ln Fighter TIE/ln Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/ph Phantom TIE/ph Phantom
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/rb Heavy TIE/rb Heavy
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE Reaper TIE Reaper
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/sa Bomber TIE/sa Bomber
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/sk Striker TIE/sk Striker
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: VT-49 Decimator VT-49 Decimator

Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: ARC-170 Starfighter ARC-170 Starfighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: A/SF-01 B-Wing A/SF-01 B-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Attack Shuttle Attack Shuttle
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Auzituck Gunship Auzituck Gunship
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: BTL-A4 Y-Wing BTL-A4 Y-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: BTL-S8 K-Wing BTL-S8 K-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: CR90 Corellian Corvette CR90 Corellian Corvette
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: E-Wing E-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Fang Fighter Fang Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Gauntlet Fighter Gauntlet Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: GR-75 Medium Transport GR-75 Medium Transport
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: HWK-290 Light Freighter HWK-290 Light Freighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Modified YT-1300 Light Freighter Modified YT-1300 Light Freighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: RZ-1 A-Wing RZ-1 A-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Sheathipede-class Shuttle Sheathipede-class Shuttle
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: T-65 X-Wing T-65 X-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/ln Fighter TIE/ln Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: UT-60D U-Wing UT-60D U-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: VCX-100 Light Freighter VCX-100 Light Freighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: YT-2400 Light Freighter YT-2400 Light Freighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Z-95-AF4 Headhunter Z-95-AF4 Headhunter

Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Aggressor Assault Fighter Aggressor Assault Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: BTL-A4 Y-Wing BTL-A4 Y-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: C-ROC Cruiser C-ROC Cruiser
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Customized YT-1300 Light Freighter Customized YT-1300 Light Freighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Escape Craft Escape Craft
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Fang Fighter Fang Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Firespray-class Patrol Craft Firespray-class Patrol Craft
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: G-1A Starfighter G-1A Starfighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Gauntlet Fighter Gauntlet Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: HWK-290 Light Freighter HWK-290 Light Freighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: JumpMaster 5000 JumpMaster 5000
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Kihraxz Fighter Kihraxz Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Lancer-class Pursuit Craft Lancer-class Pursuit Craft
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: M3-A Interceptor M3-A Interceptor
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: M12-L Kimogila Fighter M12-L Kimogila Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Modified TIE/ln Fighter Modified TIE/ln Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Quadrijet Transfer Spacetug Quadrijet Transfer Spacetug
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Rogue-class Starfighter Rogue-class Starfighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Scurrg H-6 Bomber Scurrg H-6 Bomber
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: ST-70 Assault Ship ST-70 Assault Ship
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: StarViper-class Attack Platform StarViper-class Attack Platform
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: Trident-class Assault Ship Trident-class Assault Ship
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: YV-666 Light Freighter YV-666 Light Freighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Z-95-AF4 Headhunter Z-95-AF4 Headhunter

First Order Resistance Galactic Republic Separatist Alliance

Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: Gozanti-class Cruiser Gozanti-class Cruiser
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: Raider-class Corvette Raider-class Corvette
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/ba Interceptor TIE/ba Interceptor
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/fo Fighter TIE/fo Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/se Bomber TIE/se Bomber
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/sf Fighter TIE/sf Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/vn Silencer TIE/vn Silencer
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/wi Whisper Modified Interceptor TIE/wi Whisper Modified Interceptor
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Upsilon-class Command Shuttle Upsilon-class Command Shuttle
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Xi-class Light Shuttle Xi-class Light Shuttle

Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: BTA-NR2 Y-Wing BTA-NR2 Y-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Fireball Fireball
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: GR-75 Medium Transport GR-75 Medium Transport
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: MG-100 StarFortress MG-100 StarFortress
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Resistance Transport Resistance Transport
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Resistance Transport Pod Resistance Transport Pod
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: RZ-2 A-Wing RZ-2 A-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Scavenged YT-1300 Scavenged YT-1300
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: T-70 X-Wing T-70 X-Wing

Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: ARC-170 Starfighter ARC-170 Starfighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: BTL-B Y-Wing BTL-B Y-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Clone Z-95 Headhunter Clone Z-95 Headhunter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: CR90 Corellian Corvette CR90 Corellian Corvette
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Delta-7 Aethersprite Delta-7 Aethersprite
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Delta-7B Aethersprite Delta-7B Aethersprite
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Eta-2 Actis Eta-2 Actis
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Gauntlet Fighter Gauntlet Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: LAAT/i Gunship LAAT/i Gunship
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Naboo Royal N-1 Starfighter Naboo Royal N-1 Starfighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Nimbus-class V-Wing Nimbus-class V-Wing
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: V-19 Torrent Starfighter V-19 Torrent Starfighter

Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Belbullab-22 Starfighter Belbullab-22 Starfighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: C-ROC Cruiser C-ROC Cruiser
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Droid Tri-Fighter Droid Tri-Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Firespray-class Patrol Craft Firespray-class Patrol Craft
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Gauntlet Fighter Gauntlet Fighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: HMP Droid Gunship HMP Droid Gunship
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Hyena-class Droid Bomber Hyena-class Droid Bomber
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Nantex-class Starfighter Nantex-class Starfighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Rogue-class Starfighter Rogue-class Starfighter
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Sith Infiltrator Sith Infiltrator
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: Trident-class Assault Ship Trident-class Assault Ship
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Vulture-class Droid Fighter Vulture-class Droid Fighter

Multi-Faction Ships

A few ships can be shared across factions: they are the exact same ship in each case and the dial remains the same, but they have different pilot cards (and often different upgrade slots) for the different factions. Compare to ships like the BTL-B Y-Wing, Modified TIE/ln Fighter, various forms of the YT-1300, etc which are not the same across factions, even if they sometimes use a similar plastic model.

Example: Rebel "TIE/ln Fighter" & Empire "TIE/ln Fighter". Same ship.

Example: Empire "TIE/ln Fighter" & Scum "Modified TIE/ln Fighter". Not the same ship!

Standard Huge
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: ARC-170 Starfighter ARC-170 Starfighter Rebel, Republic Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: C-ROC Cruiser C-ROC Cruiser Scum, Separatist
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: BTL-A4 Y-Wing BTL-A4 Y-Wing Rebel, Scum Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: CR90 Corellian Corvette CR90 Corellian Corvette Rebel, Republic
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Fang Fighter Fang Fighter Rebel, Scum Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: Gozanti-class Cruiser Gozanti-class Cruiser Empire, First Order
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Firespray-class Patrol Craft Firespray-class Patrol Craft Scum, Separatist Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: GR-75 Medium Transport GR-75 Medium Transport Rebel, Resistance
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Gauntlet Fighter Gauntlet Fighter Empire, Rebel, Republic, Scum, Separatist Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: Raider-class Corvette Raider-class Corvette First Order, Empire
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: HWK-290 Light Freighter HWK-290 Light Freighter Rebel, Scum Valid in Play Formats: Standard: No, Extended: No, Epic: YesShip: Trident-class Assault Ship Trident-class Assault Ship Scum, Separatist
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Rogue-class Starfighter Rogue-class Starfighter Scum, Separatist
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: TIE/ln Fighter TIE/ln Fighter Empire, Rebel
Valid in Play Formats: Standard: Yes, Extended: Yes, Epic: YesShip: Z-95-AF4 Headhunter Z-95-AF4 Headhunter Rebel, Scum


Rebel Alliance Squadron Starter Pack

(Announced ??? / Released May 26, 2023)

Galactic Empire Squadron Starter Pack

(Announced ??? / Released May 26, 2023)

Official News and Articles

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23 February 2025

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