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Poppi's Remodel? is a Heart-to-Heart in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It is located in Tora's House in the Gormott Province.


Brighid Brighid
"So... This is the abode of the mighty Tora?"
Tora Tora
"Hey! Careful with hands! Lots of breakable and valuable things!"
Brighid Brighid
"Huh? What's this?"
Tora Tora
"Ah! That more than enough fiddling! Don't handle Tora's stuff!"
Pyra Pyra
"What's this? It's all fluffy... Is this a... Bunnit costume? Doesn't look very scientific..."
Poppi α Poppi α
"That armor for Poppi!"
Brighid Brighid
"Armor? It's got ears and everything."
Pyra Pyra
"This won't provide protection. It's more like something from a beauty pageant."
Poppi α Poppi α
"This Cutie Bun-Bun Armor!"
Pyra Pyra
"Cutie Bun-Bun Armor?"
Poppi α Poppi α
"Correct! This state-of-the-art armor. Everyone wish they had such good defense! Additional function is to cheer up Masterpon with extreme cuteness."
Brighid Brighid
"It looks like that's its primary function..."
Poppi α Poppi α
"Cheer-up effect can be boosted by initiating tail-wiggle dance protocol."
Brighid Brighid
"Tora. I think you have a little explaining to do here."
Tora Tora
"Mehmeh..." (How to defuse Brighid's anger...)
Try to explain
Be defiant

Option 1 (Pyra Trust +100, Poppi α Trust +100, Brighid Trust +200)[]

Tora Tora
"Erm...if you listen to Tora's explanation, it make perfect sense!"
Brighid Brighid
"I'm all ears, Tora."
Tora Tora
"This not thing that Tora make... Nothing to do with Tora really... This creation of Dadapon and Grampypon. Tora never used!"
Brighid Brighid
"Is this true, Poppi?"
Poppi α Poppi α
"Correct. This armor was designed by Masterpon's Grampypon. Masterpon's Dadapon improve design further and perfect its defensive capabilities."
Pyra Pyra
"Huh? Is that right?"
Tora Tora
"That entirely right! Tora not fib-teller!"
Poppi α Poppi α
"Masterpon put finishing touches in form of tail-wiggle dance protocol."
Tora Tora
Poppi α Poppi α
"Masterpon work feverishly on this feature. Tail-wiggle protocol consume Masterpon's waking hours until he perfect wiggle angle and ear flap rate."
Brighid Brighid
"Oh, is that so? That's...very interesting...Tora!"
Tora Tora
"Poppi...Poppi... Don't reveal Masterpon's secrets!"
Poppi α Poppi α
"Why not? This excellent opportunity to share Masterpon's research with group."
Brighid Brighid
"Poppi's right! Really, this is fascinating. Do continue, Tora! I'd especially like to hear about your views on women."
Tora Tora

Option 2 (Pyra Trust +100, Brighid Trust +100, Poppi α Trust +200)[]

Tora Tora
"Ahem! This armor that Tora build based on Dadapon and Grampypon's design! This fruit of three generations of research!"
Brighid Brighid
"Tora, this is indefensible!"
Poppi α Poppi α
"Also, tail-wiggle dance protocol created entirely by Masterpon."
Tora Tora
"Indeed. Tora's scientific passion!"
Brighid Brighid
"I don't think this has much to do with scientific endeavor, Tora! You can't dress Poppi up like this!"
Pyra Pyra
"Tora, that's not cool."
Poppi α Poppi α
"Masterpon... Poppi not understand."
Tora Tora
"D-don't listen, Poppi! Poppi should be proud of very special, one-of-kind armor!"
Brighid Brighid
"Tora, you should get rid of this horrible thing. Pyra, maybe you could just reduce it to ashes for us?"
Pyra Pyra
"OK! I'd be happy to!"
Tora Tora
"No! Do not destroy Tora's wonderful creation!"
Brighid Brighid
"Come here, Tora! Come here and explain yourself properly!"
Tora Tora
"No, no! Stop! Hot! Hot! Meh! It burns!"